Washington Examiner

Laphonza Butler’s potential impact on California’s 2024 Senate race.

Will Sen. Laphonza Butler Run for a Full Term ⁢and Impact⁢ the 2024 Election?

Excitement and speculation surround the recent swearing-in ‌of Sen. Laphonza Butler (D-CA) as California’s newest senator. Voters and ‍lawmakers are ⁣eager to know if ‌Butler will⁤ choose to run for a full term and how that‍ decision will shape the upcoming 2024 election.

Butler officially took office on Tuesday, stepping into the shoes of the late Sen. Dianne‍ Feinstein (D-CA), who passed away at the age of 90 on Sept. 29. Keeping his promise from 2021, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) appointed Butler ‍as the first black woman senator in California’s history. With a background as‌ a political operative and strategist, Butler played a ⁢significant role in Vice President Kamala Harris’s 2020 presidential campaign and previously‍ served as the president of EMILY’s List, a national Democratic PAC.

The ​Race for California’s Senate Seat in 2024

Now that Butler has ascended⁢ to the Senate, the question arises: Will ‍she enter the race for ​a full​ term in 2024? The competition is already heating up, as three California Democrats from the House have launched their bids to replace Feinstein. Before her passing, Feinstein announced her ​retirement and decision not to seek reelection.

Reps. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Katie Porter (D-CA), and Adam Schiff (D-CA) are all vying for the California Senate seat in 2024.‍ California’s ​primary ⁢rules dictate that the ​top two candidates, regardless of party affiliation, will advance to the‍ general election.⁢ This means that ‌two​ Democrats could potentially face off in 2024. While ‍the seat is expected to remain in Democratic hands, the outcome will heavily depend on⁣ the two candidates chosen from ‍the primary.

In her first interview ‍since‌ being appointed, Butler told the Los Angeles‍ Times that she has not yet decided whether she will run for a full term. She ​expressed her focus on honoring Senator Feinstein’s legacy, serving the people of California, and carrying ⁣on her work with utmost honor.

The Impact of Butler’s Decision

Butler’s choice to either serve out the remaining 15‌ months as a senator​ or run for a full six-year​ term could significantly affect the campaign strategies of the current Democratic candidates. If she enters the primary, Butler would likely receive the backing ‍of ‌EMILY’s ⁢List, a fundraising powerhouse in the Democratic sphere. Amassing substantial campaign funds is crucial ⁤in any statewide California race.

The deadline⁤ for Butler to decide whether she will enter the primary‌ is March 8, giving her ample time to make an‍ impact in ⁣the Senate and gather allies before making her decision. However, she must file ‌a candidate statement ⁣by Nov. 15 to be included in the information guide sent out by Newsom to registered voters.

Butler revealed that Newsom did not inquire⁤ about her future plans when he appointed her. He made it clear that he expected her to make her⁤ own decision regarding her candidacy.

The Generational and Experience Factors

A recent poll conducted by the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental​ Studies found that Schiff and Porter currently lead the race with ⁤20% and 17% support, respectively. Lee trails behind at 7%. Republican candidates Steve Garvey, James Bradley, and Eric Early garnered 7% and 5% support, respectively.

The poll also revealed that⁣ 51% ‍of voters believe Newsom should appoint someone prepared to run for a full term ‍in 2024, while 25% prefer an⁤ interim⁢ senator. The 2024 election could shape up to be generational and experience-based, with Schiff gaining favor among voters older than 65, ⁤while Porter appeals more to younger age groups. However, Porter may face challenges in mobilizing‌ her supporters to actually show up ⁢and vote.

Enter Butler, who has the potential to attract minority, LGBT, and young voters. If she makes significant legislative strides ‍for ‍minority and women’s rights in the Senate, as she ⁢expressed in her statement announcing the appointment, it is likely that some voters will shift⁣ their support to⁤ Butler.

Strategists believe that⁢ Porter and Schiff will maintain their influence in the 2024⁣ election due to their substantial fundraising capabilities. While Butler could organize quick fundraisers, it ​would be ‍an uphill battle to‌ catch up.

However, Lee‍ should not be underestimated. Campaign focus groups and surveys​ conducted in September revealed that many California voters have limited awareness of the 2024 election. Lee may only need to secure 27% of the vote to advance to the general election, according to the findings.

Butler’s candidacy could‍ also create a competition for the influential bloc of black Democratic voters⁢ in California, potentially impacting Lee’s ​chances. Nevertheless, Lee is likely to receive support from the members of the Congressional Black ⁢Caucus, who initially requested Newsom to appoint ⁣her, as⁤ well as the Democratic Congressional Campaign, which typically backs incumbents or current members.

It remains ⁢uncertain how the Democratic Senatorial ‌Campaign Committee will decide on endorsements, especially if Butler decides to run for a full term.

Despite ⁤the‌ impending race, Butler has not hesitated to praise her fellow California Democrats. She acknowledged the⁣ incredible public service of the three​ top-level Democrats already in the race and mentioned her conversation with Lee after Newsom’s selection.

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If Butler‍ decides to enter the race, how could‌ her candidacy potentially shake up the dynamic among the other Democratic candidates and their ⁤appeal to‌ voters looking for progressive ⁣change

G younger voters and Porter appealing to those looking for progressive change.

Sen. Laphonza Butler’s decision to run for a full term in 2024 could play a crucial role in the outcome of⁤ the election. As the‍ first black woman senator in California’s history, Butler brings a‌ unique perspective and is seen ⁢as a pioneering figure ⁢in the Democratic Party.

If Butler decides to enter the race, her background as a political operative and strategist, as⁢ well as her previous role as president of EMILY’s List, could give her a significant advantage. EMILY’s List is known for its ability to mobilize fundraising efforts and has been instrumental in supporting Democratic women candidates. Having the backing of this prominent organization could provide ‌Butler with the necessary resources to mount a formidable campaign.

Moreover, Butler’s entry into the race could shake ⁢up the dynamic among the other ‌Democratic candidates. Currently, Schiff and Porter are leading the polls, but Butler’s ⁢candidacy ⁤could pose a threat to their frontrunner status. With her‌ experience ‍and connections in the Democratic Party, she could rally support from key party figures and donors, potentially shifting the dynamics⁤ of the race.

However, Butler has not yet made a decision on whether she will run​ for a full term. In her interview with the Los Angeles Times, she expressed ‍her commitment to honoring Senator Feinstein’s legacy ⁢and serving the people of California. Her focus on carrying on Feinstein’s work with utmost ⁣honor suggests that she may choose not to run in 2024.

Ultimately, Butler’s decision ‌will have a significant impact on the 2024 election. As voters and lawmakers eagerly await her announcement, the ‌race for California’s Senate seat continues to ‌intensify. Whether Butler decides to run or not, the competition among Democrats vying ‌to⁤ replace Feinstein underscores the importance of this seat and the‍ potential impact it ‍could have on the ⁢balance of power in the Senate.

As the deadline for Butler’s decision approaches, California ‍voters will be closely watching to see whether ‍she will choose to run for a full term and how her candidacy could shape the outcome of the 2024 election. Regardless of her decision,⁣ Sen. Laphonza Butler’s entry into California politics​ has already made a significant impact and sparked excitement among voters and lawmakers alike.

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