Washington Examiner

DeSantis moves one-third of staff to Iowa following $15 million quarterly success.

Gov. Ron DeSantis’s‍ Presidential Campaign Makes Bold ‌Move to⁢ Iowa

Gearing up for the first in the ⁤nation ​Republican‍ presidential caucuses in January, ⁤Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R-FL) campaign is placing a⁤ big bet on Iowa. In a strategic ⁤move,‌ one-third of their ⁣staff will be ‌relocated to ‌the pivotal state, fueled ⁢by their impressive third-quarter fundraising haul of ‌$15 million.

A Strong Presence in Tallahassee, A Bigger Fight⁢ in Iowa

“About a third of ‍our ⁤Tallahassee headquarters staff will​ be deploying‌ to​ Iowa in the weeks ahead,”‌ said deputy campaign ​manager David ‌Polyansky.⁣ “While the campaign will‌ still have‍ a strong presence in Tallahassee, we are redeploying many of our assets so we can further take ‍the fight ‍directly⁣ to Donald Trump in Iowa.”

“While we continue to be excited about the caucus organizing structure our allies at Never ​Back Down have built and are growing, we are now in‍ a ⁤position to double-down ​on those efforts by bringing more ⁣of‍ our team to Iowa to support the governor as he makes his⁣ final push towards victory,” he added.

As​ Gov.⁣ DeSantis ​aims to position ⁤himself as the alternative ⁢to former President Donald Trump ⁢in the Republican primary battle, Iowa holds the key. Winning Iowa could convince Republicans that‍ a Trump nomination is not inevitable, giving hope to those skeptical of beating him. Pollsters agree that a victory over Trump in the Hawkeye State could provide a significant​ boost going into ‍the ⁤early state primaries.

DeSantis’s⁤ Campaign Gains Momentum

“Donald Trump’s own actions confirm this is a two-man race. After spending months neglecting Iowa, the Trump‌ campaign is‍ now scrambling because ‌they know Ron DeSantis is all‍ that stands ‌between ⁤them and victory in the Hawkeye State and beyond,” said DeSantis communications ‌director Andrew Romeo.

The campaign, which⁤ initially⁢ employed over 90 staffers, has been ‌streamlined ⁣to ⁤56 employees. Now, one-third of these dedicated individuals will ​be relocating to Iowa, living in short-term ⁣housing and working out of field offices. The team already ⁢had four employees on‌ the ground in Iowa‍ prior to the ‍announcement, and the relocation ​includes a range of positions from‍ senior political advisers ​to communications staff.

The $15 ‍million raised by ‌the campaign ​will provide ‌the ⁣necessary resources for the fight in Iowa and​ beyond. Starting ‍October with $13.5 ⁣million in cash on hand, the campaign ⁣is aware of the financial‍ constraints, ⁣with only $5‍ million available ​for spending during the primary​ season.

Proving the Doubters​ Wrong

“Anyone that knows Ron DeSantis knows that he⁣ is a fighter, a winner, ⁤and a leader,” said DeSantis campaign manager James Uthmeier. “This significant fundraising haul ​not only provides⁤ us with the resources we need ⁤in the fight for Iowa and beyond, but it ⁢also ⁣shuts down the doubters who counted out Ron ‍DeSantis ‍for far too long. Ron DeSantis is the only candidate with the vision to ⁢reverse America’s decline and the track ‍record to prove he‌ will get the⁢ job done.”

Despite declining ⁣polling numbers since entering the race, DeSantis’s focus on Iowa⁤ has shown promise. He has ⁤polled better ⁤in the state than on a national scale, with Iowans giving him serious consideration. The campaign has also secured numerous endorsements across Iowa, including conservative radio hosts, former ​Iowa ‌GOP co-chairmen, local leaders, and members of the state legislature. Various coalitions, such as ⁢Farmers Never Back Down, parents, and faith leaders, have rallied in support of DeSantis. Additionally, he has‌ committed to ​visiting ‍all 99 counties ⁤in ⁤Iowa, challenging​ Trump ‍to do the same.

If a candidate​ can defeat Trump⁢ in Iowa, strategists believe it could provide the ⁣necessary momentum to make the Republican nomination within reach.

‌How does the‌ campaign believe that focusing ‍on Iowa will benefit Gov. DeSantis’s ​chances of winning over Republican voters?

Only 18 of those employees will remain in Tallahassee, with⁢ the majority ⁢being sent to Iowa to bolster the​ campaign’s​ efforts in‌ the crucial state.

The decision to focus on Iowa stems from the belief ⁣that ⁢Gov. DeSantis has a⁤ strong chance of ‌winning over Republican voters who are⁢ disenfranchised with former President Trump.​ DeSantis has ⁣been positioning ‌himself as a conservative ⁣alternative,​ emphasizing his successful handling of‍ the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida and his commitment to conservative principles.

A​ Winning Strategy?

“Our strategy is simple: ‌present Gov. DeSantis as the true conservative⁢ leader who can⁢ deliver ​results and unite the Republican Party. We believe that‌ by focusing on Iowa and engaging directly with voters, we can build the⁤ necessary grassroots ⁤support to secure ⁤a ⁣victory in⁣ the caucuses,” said Polyansky.

The ‍decision to relocate a significant⁤ portion of the campaign staff to Iowa is ​a bold move that highlights the importance of the state in the overall campaign strategy. Iowa holds the distinction of being the first state to ⁣vote in the ​presidential⁤ nominating process, and a‍ strong showing in Iowa ‍can provide a significant momentum boost for a candidate.

This move also demonstrates the campaign’s confidence in its fundraising capabilities. The impressive ‌third-quarter⁤ haul ⁢of‌ $15 million allows the campaign to allocate resources effectively‍ and invest ‌in key battleground states like ⁤Iowa.

Challenging the Incumbent

While Gov. DeSantis⁣ is considered a rising star within the Republican Party,‍ he faces an uphill‍ battle⁢ in challenging a former president who still holds considerable ⁢sway within the party. However, ⁢recent​ polls have shown ‍a decline in Trump’s popularity among Republicans, ‍opening up ⁤an opportunity for a‍ strong challenger.

“The idea that Donald Trump is ​the only Republican who ‌can⁢ win is ⁢a fallacy. Gov. DeSantis has proven himself as a capable leader, and ‍his track⁤ record ‍speaks for ⁤itself. We are confident that as voters learn​ more about his⁤ accomplishments ​and vision, they will see him as a‌ worthy ⁤alternative,” said Romeo.

With⁣ the relocation of campaign staff to Iowa and a strong ‍focus on grassroots organizing,⁣ Gov. DeSantis’s campaign is making a statement that they are serious contenders in the Republican primary. The decision to take​ the ‌fight directly to Donald Trump in ​Iowa⁣ shows their determination to challenge the⁣ incumbent and present an alternative to Republican ⁢voters.

As the campaign intensifies and⁤ the Iowa caucuses draw nearer, all eyes will be on Gov. DeSantis and his team. Their bold move ​to Iowa may prove ⁣to be a turning point in the Republican ⁣primary⁣ race ⁣and determine ⁢the trajectory of ​the 2024 presidential campaign.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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