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Prayer is gratitude in action, not a mere wish to avoid resentment.

The Impact of “Duck Dynasty” and the Power ‌of Family Meals

The following is⁤ a​ transcript excerpt from Dr. Jordan Peterson’s‌ conversation ‍with Willie and Korie Robertson. In this segment, ‍they ⁢discuss⁤ dinner-time‍ meals with family, what resonated with “Duck Dynasty” viewers, and the reality of ‍their television show. You can listen to or watch the full podcast episode on DailyWire+.

Start time: 1:35

Jordan: Why do you think ⁢that what you did struck a chord with people ​so deeply and ⁢one that was able to‍ be maintained?

Willie: ⁣Well, ⁤I​ think there’s probably a couple ⁤reasons for that. ⁤I think people ⁢saw​ parts of their​ family in our family, ​and so I ‌think it resonated especially across⁣ generations. [We] ⁤just had a lot‍ of people say, ⁣“Wow, my‌ dad’s similar to your dad,” or “My mom’s just like your mom,” or “We’ve got a crazy uncle.” And so I think that was one of ⁢them. I think it was funny, and⁢ I⁢ think people like to laugh and have ‌fun. ⁢And I also think the faith‌ aspect was a big part of it with⁣ the prayer at the end. It wasn’t overtly⁣ religious, but‌ it was wholesome I guess.


Jordan: So what role do you think the faith ⁢played?

Korie: I ⁢actually​ think it⁣ played‍ a ⁢really big role. I think that, you know, we ended every episode ⁢around the ‌dinner table‍ and we said​ a⁤ prayer. And we really didn’t have any ⁤grand ‍scheme for​ that. We just did it because‌ it’s kind of what our ⁢family does. And so we said a prayer and that just had such an impact⁣ on people. ⁣I feel like that’s‌ the most common thing people commented on as we’ve traveled ‍the world. It‍ was just sitting around the table⁣ and ‍being grateful for what’s​ before ⁤you. ⁢You know, it was just this idea that we would submit ⁣to God and give gratefulness, give ⁢thankfulness, to⁣ him before we have⁤ a meal.

And Willie mentioned that nostalgia. I think​ there was this [going] back to something ⁢that we’ve lost ‍as a country, as a people. Whenever we did the show, I think that the ‍network and the executives ‍thought that we⁢ were​ going to‌ look like this ​Louisiana ‌family that’s ‌so different and unique, and that we hunt for a living and we eat⁢ squirrels and all this, and‌ that ‍people would maybe look at us and be like, ‍“Oh, they’re so different and outside of the norm,” or whatever. But instead, people actually looked at us and‍ were like, “Oh, that’s like ‍my family,” or “That’s ​like ‌my family used to be,” or “That is something that ⁢I long for in ⁣our family is​ to ⁣be able to come ⁢together at the end of the‍ day around the‍ dinner table.”


Willie: I think in the⁤ aspect ⁣when you ‍say, “That’s what we used to be,” if you’re sitting ​around a table where we ended‌ every episode — I think ⁣people [saw] that, going, “Wow, we never sit together and eat. You know, we’re always​ running ‌and gunning and grabbing fast food.”‍ And so I think they saw ⁢that‌ and were like,⁢ “Wow, maybe ‍we ⁤did that at ⁤a ⁢holiday or growing up.”

And so that was one of​ the parts where,⁣ maybe they ​didn’t ⁢say ‍a prayer or maybe they used to, and maybe ​they⁣ heard about it. So I​ think ‌they ⁣kind of really enjoyed that, even if they don’t ⁤do it. Some of them did and‍ said, “Hey, now we’ve changed our whole⁤ structure ⁣and‍ now we sit down and we⁤ eat ⁣together.” But ⁢they could kind of see that, and so I do think it was kind of a throwback.

WATCH: The Jordan ⁢B.​ Peterson Podcast

Korie: It was really interesting to me because I think it was a funny show. It was like a ⁤sitcom. It was a funny show about our family, but it impacted people in‍ really ⁣powerful ways. People⁣ would come‍ up in tears ‌saying, “Now ⁢my family eats dinner together because ‍of your show.” Or, “My husband goes to church now because he ‌saw real ‍men that​ just ⁤love God and can be normal people,” or things⁢ like, “I watched ⁤it with my​ dad ⁣who had cancer, and ⁢it brought us joy and laughter and ⁢positivity and hope in a ⁣time that was ⁣the darkest time of our lives.”


Jordan: I remember ‍I read ​a‌ couple of years ago, ​I think, 30% of households in the U.K. now have no dining room table. So people ⁢don’t eat⁤ together. As a psychologist, it is⁢ very⁢ interesting to me to consider the role ⁢of the table in the⁢ union of families and in the socialization of children.

I mean, first⁢ of all, ⁤people, human beings, do something very strange at a table, and⁢ it’s so normal‍ in some‌ ways that no⁢ one notices it. But ⁤human beings are really the⁣ only‌ animals that formally share food. It is⁤ a very ⁣strange thing ​to do. I mean, even if ⁣you have ‍a dog that loves you, he is ‍generally not that happy if you try to take⁣ his bone away in his‍ dinner dish; ‍the carnivore comes back out. The fact ‍that people can actually share ‍food and that they can ⁣do that even when‍ they are hungry is really quite the miracle.

It is also the case that at⁢ the dinner ‍table is ⁣when you get to share your day; you ​each get to talk and ⁣to listen. That is a ​very good place to ‍inculcate manners into‍ your children. It is a good place for everybody to keep track⁣ of everyone ⁤else and what is going on in their day and their week and so forth. And it is a ‍good time for everyone to come together and discuss the separate elements of their life.

In​ the Old ‌Testament, there is an immense emphasis on hospitality‌ on the grounds of ⁣morality​ itself — hospitality to a stranger. But the same ⁣thing ‍applies within your family. You said that your ‍producers were⁤ convinced ⁢that your‌ family, in some sense, would ‌be ⁢an oddity ​ [and] out of the norm. I guess one of the things they ‍did not consider was that not only in ​some ways⁣ were you guys ⁢not out of the norm, but [you were] ‌the⁣ actual norm. But even more than that, you ⁣represented a kind of nostalgic ideal. And obviously that​ was centered at‌ least in part around the dinner ‌table and around prayer.

Then⁣ you ⁣also said that‍ the⁤ mealtime prayer gave you a chance to ⁣be grateful. That​ really struck me as interesting, too, because⁤ one of the things ⁢that people do not really⁤ understand about prayer — they think about ‌it as a kind of a wish, ⁤let’s say⁣ —⁣ is that it is actually ​a practice.⁢ And you can practice being‌ grateful. The reason you should practice being grateful is, first of all, you notice what you have to be grateful about. And if your foot is not caught in a bear trap while you are dying of cancer, you have plenty to ‌be grateful for. And so practicing that makes‍ you much more ⁤aware of it. But ⁢it is‌ also a‌ really good‍ way of staving off ‌resentment.

It’s striking to me how‌ much impact the fact that you guys sat around the table and ‍all ‌talked together and ​that​ you started that​ off with a prayer of gratitude. It’s ⁢really striking to me how much of an effect​ that had ⁣on your​ audience and the⁢ fact that also⁢ people use that as a ⁤model.‌ What did you conclude‌ from‌ that? It must have been surprising to you, right? To have that impact?

Willie: It really was ⁣because to us, it just seemed like a small part of ⁢life that we’ve done thousands of times.⁤ I guess I thought most‍ people ‍would be like, “Oh, they’re saying ​a prayer, and that’s what we all⁢ do.” And so [what] was striking to me is that a lot of people didn’t do‌ that.

Or like I ‍said, they used to do⁣ that or they didn’t do that [anymore]. And it had this big impact on them.

To ⁣hear the rest of the conversation, ​continue by⁣ listening ⁤ or watching this‌ episode on DailyWire+.

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson ‍is a clinical⁢ psychologist and professor emeritus at ​the University of Toronto. From 1993 to 1998 he served ‍as⁤ assistant and then associate professor of psychology at Harvard. ​He is the international ⁣bestselling author of Maps of⁤ Meaning, 12 Rules For Life, and Beyond⁤ Order. You can now listen to or watch his popular lectures on DailyWire+.


In ⁢what ways did the portrayal of faith‌ in “Duck Dynasty” resonate with viewers ⁢and influence their own beliefs and practices?

Started saying a prayer at the end of our⁢ meals because of‌ your⁣ show.” So I‍ think that was ⁤part ⁣of it where they saw⁤ that, and maybe they wanted that in ⁤their ⁢family and they ⁤just ⁢weren’t ⁢doing it.

Jordan: There’s an element​ here of a kind of ‌resurgent traditionalism ⁢in the show. ⁢Right?⁢ Because it was‍ depicted ⁣as ⁤unconventional, ​‌but what ⁤it actually ⁢seemed to be doing was⁤ signaling back  to⁢ a tradition that had in some sense been ⁣lost, right?

Willie: Definitely. It’s⁤ funny, whenever we did the​ show, ⁢the network looked⁣ at our family and‍ said, “Man, they’re⁢ so unique ⁤and⁣ different.” ⁣But really what ⁢I‍ realized was​ that we were actually doing ‌what everyday​ ‌people ⁤used to ​do. And so people looked at that — kind of⁢ ‌going back ‍to that ​nostalgic thing — and ⁣just enjoyed it.‌ You know, no matter where ⁣we travel,⁤ people ‌would‍ say, “Thank you for letting us feel like it’s⁣ ⁢ok to‌ enjoy our ‌family and have fun and⁢ laugh.”

Korie: Yeah, ⁢it was almost like​ ’50s sitcoms‌ ‌where the family was all ‍sitting ⁣down together.​ I feel like ⁢that is something that people mentioned⁢ a lot, ⁢​that ⁢it was⁡ this ‍‍n​ostalgic thing for them of the way ⁢things ‍were used to ⁡be.                ‍‍‍‏‍‍

The Impact of “Duck Dynasty”​ and the Power of Family Meals

The hit reality TV show “Duck Dynasty” captivated audiences with its portrayal of the Robertson family, a⁤ quirky Louisiana family who ⁢found‍ success ​in the duck call business. The show’s popularity stemmed from various factors,⁤ including its relatability, humor, and subtle portrayal of faith. In a conversation between Dr. ‍Jordan Peterson and Willie ⁢and Korie Robertson, the couple reflected on the reasons ⁤behind the ⁢show’s deep and lasting impact.

One‍ significant aspect of “Duck Dynasty” that resonated ​with viewers was the depiction​ of family dynamics. Many people saw elements of ⁤their own families in the Robertsons, from‍ the quirky uncles to the ​strong parental ‌figures.​ This relatability bridged generational gaps

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