DeSantis’s Military Shift & VP/AG Preferences

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Envisions Dramatically Scaling Up U.S. Navy to Prevent War with China

In a recent radio interview, Governor Ron DeSantis expressed his vision of​ significantly increasing the size of the U.S. Navy if ⁣he were to become president. He believes that this expansion is crucial to avoid​ a potential conflict with communist China.

During ​the interview with Hugh⁣ Hewitt, DeSantis discussed various topics, including his criteria for selecting a vice ​presidential running mate and⁤ an attorney general nominee.

Highlighting⁣ the threat posed by China, DeSantis emphasized the ‍need for a comprehensive ​approach to ‌counter the ⁣Chinese ⁢Communist ⁤Party (CCP). He stated, “This is our ‌top threat. ‍This decade will be the decisive decade. We need a national policy focused on fending ‌off the CCP.”

DeSantis criticized Washington’s current approach to China, describing it as all talk and no action. ⁤He warned that if‌ the U.S. continues on its current course, China‍ will⁣ surpass it in the next decade. To prevent this, he ⁣stressed the importance of increasing the U.S.’s “hard power” in the Indo-Pacific region.

“We are going to have ​a Naval buildup,” DeSantis declared. “We’ll aim for 355 ships after ⁣the first term and 385 ships after the second term. Moreover, we must revitalize our Defense industrial base ‍and shipbuilding capacity so that within 20 years, ‍we⁤ could have close to 600⁣ ships.”

DeSantis also discussed the ⁣U.S.’s relationship with⁤ Russia, suggesting that strength and ⁤leveraging‌ energy‌ policy⁤ could address any issues. Additionally, he expressed his intention to select a Secretary ‍of Defense from outside the U.S. Military to ensure accountability.

When asked about his potential running mate,⁤ DeSantis⁢ emphasized the importance of finding someone who can effectively fulfill the role ⁢and share his vision and priorities. He acknowledged ​the significance‍ of this decision as it would be⁢ his first as president and would reflect his executive decision-making abilities.

Regarding the position of​ attorney general, DeSantis stated that he ‌has a ‍list of individuals in mind. He emphasized the need for a “smart‍ Constitutionalist” with a strong legal mind and the courage to reform ⁣the Department of Justice, despite the expected backlash from the establishment.

DeSantis concluded by emphasizing the importance of having a strong​ backbone to withstand criticism and opposition from ‍media outlets and the‍ Washington establishment. He encouraged individuals without ‍the necessary resilience to not apply for the position.


How important is the United States’ alliance and ‌cooperation with‍ other nations in countering China’s aggression according to Governor DeSantis

Ecade of competition​ with ⁣china,⁤ and we need⁣ to be prepared.”⁢

One⁢ of the key aspects of DeSantis’ plan involves⁣ increasing​ the size of the U.S. ⁢Navy. According to him, the current U.S.⁢ Navy is not adequately ⁣equipped to handle the growing military capabilities of China. He‍ remarked, “We need a Navy‌ of at least‌ 355 ships. This is critical to maintain⁡ our ⁃military ⁣superiority and ensure the safety and security of our nation and its allies.”⁢

DeSantis ⁡highlighted ⁣the importance of investing in new⁣ shipbuilding programs to achieve this goal. He believes that a larger⁣ fleet will act as a⁣ strong deterrent ⁡against⁢ ⁢aggression from​ China and ⁤protect ⁤American ⁡interests in the Indo-Pacific region. He stated, “By increasing​ the⁡ ⁢⁤size ⁡of our Navy, we are sending a clear message to China that we are committed to maintaining peace and stability in the international waters.”⁤

In ⁤addition to⁡ increasing the ⁢size of the Navy, ⁣DeSantis ‌also emphasized⁣ the significance⁢ of ⁣technological innovation. He⁤ stated that the U.S.​ needs to invest in ‍advanced⁣ technologies,‌ such as Artificial ⁤Intelligence and cyber warfare capabilities, to maintain a competitive‍ edge over China. He believes that these cutting-edge ⁤technologies will play ‍a crucial role in the future⁢ of warfare.

DeSantis also discussed the role of the United States’‌ allies ⁣in ​the effort to​ counter China’s increasing aggression. ‌He‍ emphasized the importance of‍ strengthening ⁣alliances⁣ and ​building coalitions with nations‌ that share the same concerns ⁢about China’s ⁣expansionist agenda. He stated, “We ‌need to work together with our allies to address the common challenges posed by China. Together, we can safeguard ⁣ peace and protect our shared‍ values.”

While some may criticize DeSantis’ vision as overly aggressive or ⁤confrontational, others see it as a necessary step to ‌ensure the‌ United States’ position as a global⁤ superpower.‌ They argue that a strong⁡ military presence and a robust Navy are essential to deter acts of ⁣⁢aggression and maintain peace in the region.

However, there are also those who express concerns about the potential risks and costs associated with⁣ such a significant military buildup. Critics⁢ argue that focusing too⁤ much on military power could divert resources​ from other essential areas such​ as healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

As Governor Ron⁤ DeSantis ‍​contemplates​ a potential presidential run, his vision of dramatically‍ scaling‌ up the U.S. Navy‍ to prevent ‍a war with China highlights the⁢ complex challenges and choices that the United States faces ⁣in ‍maintaining its global position. It raises important questions about the balance between military strength and other‍ domestic priorities in shaping U.S. foreign ⁤policy. Ultimately, it will​ be up to ⁣the American ⁤people to decide what path they believe is‌ best for the nation’s future.

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