Washington Examiner

Biden’s dog Commander removed after 12th bite: Ingraham criticizes unequal justice.

President⁢ Biden’s German Shepherd Commander Removed⁢ from White House After Aggressive Biting Incident

President Joe Biden’s beloved German⁢ shepherd, Commander, has been causing quite a stir ⁢lately. Photos of the dog aggressively ⁢biting ⁢a White House staffer have emerged, marking the 12th known bite incident. This has sparked a heated debate about the double standard in the treatment of the president’s ⁢dog.

Fox News Host Laura Ingraham Questions Handling of the Situation

“Don’t we sense the two tiers of justice even‌ applied‍ to the canine perpetrators?⁤ Any dog in D.C. that bites one time has to be quarantined for 10 days. You have to get all of the shots.‍ But if that dog bites twice—,” Ingraham said, highlighting the apparent‌ leniency shown towards Commander’s repeated aggressive behavior.

Newly captured photographs reveal the shocking moment when Commander attacked Dale Haney, the superintendent of the White House grounds. The German ‍shepherd jumped up on ⁤Haney in the White House gardens, sinking his teeth ‌into his arm and wrist. Haney,‌ a dedicated groundskeeper with 50 years of service, became the 12th known victim of Commander’s biting spree.

Previous incidents involving Commander have been uncovered through emails obtained by Judicial Watch. These emails revealed that the dog had charged at Secret Service staff and‍ other officers, causing hospitalizations and injuries.

Washington Examiner ⁢Calls ‍for Action

The Washington Examiner’s Byron​ York emphasized the ⁣urgency for⁢ President Biden to address this White House scandal. “A⁣ president who puts his dog over the⁤ men and women who put their own lives on the line to save the president of ⁤the United States. As Joe Biden might say — not a joke. So when will the ⁢president do something about‍ it?” York wrote ⁤in his daily memo.

According to Washington, ⁣D.C., ​government regulations, a dog that bites must be placed under quarantine ⁤on the ⁤owner’s property for 10 days. Owners‍ are also ⁣held responsible for any damage caused by their dog. The district mayor has the authority to​ investigate and determine whether a dog is potentially dangerous, with impounding costs falling on⁤ the owner if the ⁣dog is deemed a threat to public safety.

Following the uproar caused by York’s column, Ingraham’s comments, and the newly reported photographs, ⁤the White House spokesperson announced that Commander has been removed from the premises. The safety of White House staff⁤ and those who protect them is ‍of utmost importance to President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden.

“They remain grateful for ⁣the patience and support of ​the U.S. Secret Service and⁣ all involved, as they continue to work through solutions. ⁤Commander is ​not presently ⁢on the White House campus while next steps are evaluated,” stated Elizabeth Alexander, communications director for First Lady Jill Biden.

It remains to be seen what actions will be taken regarding Commander’s ​future.

Click here to read more from The Washington Examiner.

What steps should the White House take⁢ to prioritize the ‍safety⁣ and well-being of the staff and prevent future incidents involving Commander’s aggressive behavior

E latest victim of Commander’s aggressive behavior.

Commander’s biting incidents have become a cause for concern within the White House staff, as this is not the first time the dog has exhibited such‍ behavior.‍ In fact, this incident marks the 12th known ⁢biting incident involving Commander since President Biden took office. The repeated nature of these incidents raises questions about the dog’s temperament and the ⁢actions being taken to address the issue.

Laura ​Ingraham, a Fox News host, has been vocal about her concerns regarding the handling of this situation. In a recent segment, she ⁣highlighted the apparent ‍double standard in​ the treatment of Commander compared to other ⁤dogs in Washington D.C. who​ have bitten ⁢once. ⁢Ingraham pointed out that any dog in the area that bites‌ once is required to be quarantined for 10 days and receive necessary shots. However, despite Commander’s repeated biting incidents, no such measures have been taken.

The latest photographs capturing the aggressive attack on Dale Haney, a dedicated groundskeeper‍ with 50 years of service to the White House, only add‌ to ⁣the growing concern surrounding Commander’s behavior. The German shepherd jumped on⁣ Haney​ in ‍the White House gardens and bit‌ into his arm and ⁤wrist, causing significant harm. This incident serves⁢ as a stark ‌reminder of ⁢the potential danger that ‌Commander poses to those around him.

It is ⁣crucial for the White​ House to recognize the severity of Commander’s aggressive ‍behavior and​ take appropriate action to address the issue. While it is understandable that ⁢President Biden has an attachment to his beloved dog, the safety and‍ well-being of the White House staff should not be compromised. It is important for the administration to prioritize the safety of its employees and implement measures to prevent any future incidents.

Training and socialization can play a significant role in addressing aggressive behavior in dogs. Working with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist can‍ help ​identify⁣ the⁢ underlying causes of the aggression and develop a plan to modify ​the dog’s​ behavior. Additionally, providing a structured environment and‍ ensuring ⁢proper exercise and mental⁤ stimulation‍ can also help alleviate aggressive tendencies.

In conclusion, the repeated biting incidents involving President Biden’s German shepherd, Commander, have sparked a heated debate about the​ treatment of the president’s dog and the potential double standard being applied. The recent⁤ attack on Dale Haney, a long-time White House‌ groundskeeper, highlights the seriousness of the issue and the need‌ for immediate action. The safety and well-being of​ the White House staff should be the administration’s top priority, and steps should be taken to address and modify Commander’s aggressive behavior. Training and professional guidance can contribute to creating ⁣a safer environment for ​all individuals involved.

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