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Cheney, Kinzinger Oppose Jordan Becoming Speaker, So He Must Be A Good Choice

Cheney, Kinzinger Oppose Jordan Becoming Speaker, So He Must ‌Be A ⁤Good Choice

They say you can judge people by the enemies they‌ make, and in⁤ Rep. Jim Jordan’s ‍case two of them appear⁢ to be former Republican ⁢Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger.

At least both are opposed to the Ohio representative becoming the next speaker of ‍the House, and they‍ had some pretty⁢ harsh things ‌to say ⁤about ‌him.

Given that Cheney and Kinzinger were hand-picked by then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi to serve on the infamous Jan. 6 committee, while⁢ she denied Jordan⁣ a spot, I can think of ‍no better reason for ⁣him to ⁤succeed Kevin McCarthy as speaker.

Speaking at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis on Wednesday night, Cheney ‍ accused Jordan of being part of a ⁢“conspiracy” with then-President ​Donald Trump to⁣ overturn the 2020 election.

Trumpquestioned the integrity of the official election results and wanted state legislatures in places like Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia to take ⁣a closer look before the Electoral College vote was certified.

Cheney further alleged that Jordan knew what Trump had planned for Jan. 6, 2021, ⁢presumably⁤ including ⁣for some people to become violent, and⁣ claimed he should have warned the Capitol Police.

So, according to Cheney, when Trump told rally participants that day to “peacefully and‌ patriotically make your voices heard,” he​ didn’t mean it.

“If ​the Republicans should decide that Jim Jordan should ‍be the speaker of the House — by the way, I don’t think ‍that’s going to happen. I think he’ll lose,” Cheney said.

“But if ‍they were to decide that,⁣ there would no longer be any possible way ⁤to argue that a group of elected Republicans could be counted on to defend the Constitution,” she ⁣proclaimed.

Cheney clearly ​has spent too‌ much time around Pelosi and the Democrats,⁢ and Kinzinger is no⁣ better.

He told ‍CNN ⁣Thursday, “If the Republican Party⁢ does this, if they make Jim Jordan the speaker, or anybody like him, all they’re doing is allowing the legislative terrorists, those eight people, to win because they’ll end up with a speaker ‌who is​ just like them.”

GOP Rep. Matt ‍Gaetz, along with seven other Republicans, joined all the ‌House Democrats ⁢to remove McCarthy on Tuesday.

Kinzinger continued: “This is where I think the reasonable caucus — which I don’t know how many that are left. ⁢I ‍used to think that [Rep.] Nancy Mace was ⁢one of those, frankly —‌ where the reasonable‌ caucus has⁤ to play with some ⁣of the same kind of tactics‌ that the crazy caucus did in order to‌ make sure it doesn’t continue ​to go off the ‌cliff.”

You know what both Cheney and Kinzinger ⁤have in common? They couldn’t‍ be‌ re-elected after betraying⁣ the Republican Party by serving on Pelosi’s one-sided, ⁢Jan. 6 committee.

Cheney lost her primary, and Kinzinger chose not to seek re-election seeing the writing on the wall.

Meanwhile, Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has been serving his party well, by ⁤ holding the Justice ‍Department’s feet to the fire.

In⁣ a letter to ‌his fellow members of Congress on Wednesday, Jordan ⁢identified key issues the Republican-led House must⁣ seek to address.

They include abuses at the DOJ,‌ soaring crime,⁤ open border policies, out of control federal spending, and an ⁤economy struggling under Bidenomics.

“We‌ are​ at a critical crossroad‍ in our nation’s history,” Jordan wrote. “Now is the time⁣ for our Republican conference to come together to ​keep our promises to Americans.”

“The problems we face are challenging, but they are not insurmountable,” he added.

That sounds like⁢ the positive‌ leadership the country needs from the next ⁣speaker ⁣right⁣ now.

Cheney and Kinzinger are blinded‍ by their hatred of Trump, and that is why they are‌ both ⁤former members ⁢of Congress.

Given they‍ think⁣ Jordan should not‌ be the next speaker is probably the best argument why he should be.

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The post Cheney, Kinzinger Oppose Jordan Becoming Speaker, So He Must Be A Good Choice appeared first on ⁤ The Western Journal.

How ‍does Kinzinger’s criticism of Jordan as “morally ​bankrupt” overlook Jordan’s consistent fight for conservative values and advocacy for his constituents in Ohio?

Newsweek ‍that Jordan is “morally bankrupt” and that electing him as speaker would be a “disaster for the Republican Party.” Kinzinger seems to be missing the fact that Jordan has consistently fought for conservative values and has been a vocal advocate for his constituents​ in Ohio.

What Cheney and Kinzinger fail to acknowledge‌ is Jordan’s track record of defending the Constitution and representing the American people. Throughout his⁢ time in Congress, ⁤Jordan has consistently fought for limited government, lower taxes, and a stronger national defense. He has⁤ been a ‌champion for conservative values ​and has been unafraid⁢ to take on the‌ establishment in both parties.

It is not surprising that Cheney and ‍Kinzinger oppose Jordan becoming speaker, ‌as⁣ they have consistently shown themselves to be more aligned with ​the liberal agenda than with conservative principles. ⁤Cheney’s involvement in the Jan.⁢ 6 committee, hand-picked by Pelosi, raises questions about her true motives and loyalty to the Republican Party.

Jordan, on the ‍other hand, has always been a strong advocate ​for the American people and has⁣ stood firmly behind President⁤ Trump during his​ time​ in office. He has been ​a‍ vocal critic of the left’s attempts to undermine our democracy and has ‍fought tirelessly to protect our constitutional rights.

The fact that Cheney and Kinzinger are against Jordan becoming speaker only strengthens his case. It shows⁣ that ​he is ​willing to take on the establishment and fight for ‍what is right, even⁣ if it means going against the grain. Their opposition is ‌a clear sign that Jordan⁣ is ⁢a good choice for speaker, as ⁢he is not afraid to stand up to those⁢ who seek to undermine our conservative principles.

In conclusion, the opposition from Cheney and Kinzinger only‍ confirms that ⁢Rep. Jim Jordan would be​ a good choice for speaker of‍ the House. Their criticisms ⁣of⁢ him⁣ are based⁢ on political agendas rather than a⁤ true understanding of his⁤ record and values. Jordan has consistently fought for conservative principles and‌ has a track record of defending the Constitution. It is time for Republicans to rally behind Jordan as he seeks to lead our party and fight for the American people.

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