Conservative News Daily

GOP Congressman Exposes Startling Office Misuse by Congress Members

Republican Congressman⁢ Exposes Startling Safety Measures Taken ‌by Members of Congress

According to Republican Rep. Eric Burlison of Missouri, some of his fellow lawmakers are so terrified ‍of the rampant crime in Washington, D.C. that they resort to sleeping in their offices⁤ to avoid being attacked or murdered on the ⁤streets.

Burlison made these shocking revelations during an interview with radio host⁣ Todd Starnes on his popular podcast.

Starnes brought up the recent incident where Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas was robbed and carjacked at gunpoint in the‌ Navy ‌Yard neighborhood, where many members of Congress reside.

Curious about the safety situation ⁤in Washington, Starnes asked Burlison, “How‌ dangerous is it in Washington?”

Burlison’s response was alarming: “It’s very ⁣dangerous.⁢ I mean, it’s insane to even own a car in D.C. because wherever you park, it is going to ‌cost you a fortune and it’s likely to get broken into and you’re likely to get carjacked.”

The congressman went on to explain that they have to take security precautions, including sleeping in their offices in⁢ the Capitol building. “It’s a security calculation to actually ⁣sleep in your⁤ office,” he added.

Starnes, clearly taken aback, asked for ⁢clarification: “You’re telling me that it’s so dangerous in Washington that some of⁤ these lawmakers are actually sleeping in their offices?”

Burlison confirmed, saying, “Yeah.‍ I mean, Todd, I don’t want to walk back and forth from an‍ apartment in⁢ D.C. at night or in the early morning to get to work. It’s not ⁤a​ safe⁢ environment.”

The fact that lawmakers themselves fear becoming victims of crime in‍ the nation’s capital is a glaring irony that⁤ is hard to ignore.

One would expect the epicenter of national politics to be one of the safest places‍ in the country, but unfortunately, that is not the case.

Starnes⁣ expressed his shock, saying, “I⁤ think I have to imagine people listening to‍ this, congressman, ⁤are just ⁣dumbfounded that things are that bad in Washington, D.C. I know Sen. Mike Lee last night was tweeting that maybe it’s time to take back⁢ control of ⁣the district.”

Burlison placed the blame for the rampant lawlessness on “progressive leftists” who advocate for soft-on-crime policies.

The crime⁤ situation in Washington, D.C. is reflective of a disturbing trend seen in other Democrat-run cities like Philadelphia, New York, San Francisco, and Chicago.

According ‌to the Metropolitan Police Department, violent crimes ​in‍ Washington have increased by ​40 percent compared to the previous ⁤year, with robberies up by 70 percent, homicides up by 38⁢ percent, and car theft up⁢ by ‍a staggering 105 percent.

It is disheartening to see that even our elected officials‍ are not safe from crime. This is certainly not the vision ‌our Founding Fathers had for our country.

In recent months, there have been other incidents involving lawmakers falling⁤ victim to crime in ⁣Washington, such as the assault of Democratic Rep. Angie Craig of Minnesota in her apartment building’s elevator.

Is crime getting out of control in America?

Is crime getting out of control in America?

In March, a⁤ staffer of⁤ Republican Sen. ‍Rand Paul‍ of⁣ Kentucky was stabbed while walking down a Washington street with a⁢ friend.

It is now painfully clear that criminals do ​not discriminate. Democrats need to ⁢acknowledge that their ⁣lenient policies are not only endangering ‍the‍ public but also themselves.

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The post GOP Congressman Reveals Shocking Way Members of Congress Use Their Offices appeared first on The Western Journal.

What ⁣safety ‍measures are lawmakers ‍resorting to in order to protect ‌themselves from crime in ​Washington,⁣ D.C.?

In⁢ a recent interview, Republican Congressman Eric Burlison revealed shocking safety measures taken by members of Congress to protect themselves from rampant crime in ​Washington, D.C. Burlison explained that some​ lawmakers are so terrified of being attacked or murdered on‍ the streets that they resort⁣ to ‌sleeping in their offices⁣ in the Capitol building. This⁢ statement raises serious concerns⁣ about the safety situation ⁣in the nation’s ​capital.

During the⁣ interview with⁤ radio host Todd Starnes, Burlison highlighted the dangers of living in Washington, stating⁤ that it is “insane” to own a ⁤car there due to the high likelihood of it ‌being broken into or carjacked. He emphasized ⁣that sleeping in ⁣their ⁢offices is a security ​calculation made by lawmakers to avoid walking back and​ forth from apartments ⁢in unsafe areas.

Starnes‍ expressed his astonishment⁢ at⁢ the level of danger ‍in‌ Washington, and ⁤many listeners undoubtedly ​share his⁢ sentiment. It seems unimaginable that ‌the epicenter of national politics, where laws are debated and decisions are made, could be ⁢such an ⁤unsafe environment for the ⁤very individuals elected ​to represent the American people. Starnes even suggested⁢ that‌ it may be time to consider taking back control​ of the district.

Burlison ‍placed the blame⁤ for the⁣ rising crime rates‍ on progressive leftists who advocate for soft-on-crime policies. He pointed out⁤ that Washington, D.C.’s crime situation reflects​ a disturbing trend ‌seen⁤ in other Democrat-run cities such as Philadelphia, New York, San ⁢Francisco, and Chicago. The statistics provided by the⁢ Metropolitan ⁣Police‌ Department​ only serve ⁤to reinforce this argument, revealing significant increases in violent crimes,​ robberies, homicides, and⁤ car thefts in the city.

The fact that ⁤even ‌elected‍ officials are not safe from crime‍ underscores​ the severity‌ of the issue. It is disheartening to⁣ think that the vision our Founding Fathers had⁤ for the country, one of safety ‌and security, is ‍not being realized in ​the nation’s capital. Incidents involving lawmakers falling victim to crime, such as the ⁢recent assault on Democratic Representative Angie Craig, further highlight the urgent need for action.

As citizens,‍ we must address the growing crime problem not only in Washington, D.C., but across the country. It is​ crucial to⁤ hold our elected officials accountable and demand that they prioritize the ‌safety of their⁣ constituents. ⁣Only through ‍proactive measures and ‍robust‍ law enforcement⁣ can ⁢we hope to restore security and create​ the ⁢safe environment that our ⁢democracy deserves.

In conclusion, the shocking ⁤revelations made‍ by Congressman ⁣Eric Burlison concerning the safety measures taken by members of Congress shed light on the alarming crime situation in​ Washington, D.C. It ‌is a glaring irony​ that the very⁣ individuals responsible for creating and upholding laws find themselves living in fear due to rampant⁢ criminal activity. This calls for immediate‍ action ⁢to address the rising ⁣crime rates and ensure ⁤the safety of not only lawmakers ‌but all residents of the⁣ nation’s capital.

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