Conservative News Daily

Morning Joe in Disarray as Poll Reveals Voters Trust Trump Over Biden on Crucial Matters

Watch: Morning‌ Joe Flustered Over Poll ​Showing Voters Trust Trump More Than Biden on ‍Key Issues

The hosts of‍ MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” appeared ⁢shocked Friday by former President Donald Trump’s polling ​advantage over‌ President Joe‍ Biden on several ⁤key⁣ issues, including‌ the economy and inflation.

Republicans ⁤also have the largest ⁣leads ever registered over Democrats on issues like national security.

“There’s been one poll after another poll after another poll this week that has shown that the Republicans are ⁤just absolutely bashing Democrats when it comes to issues,” host ​Joe Scarborough said to open the segment.

“In fact, Gallup had a poll a ​few days ago where they reported the largest gap between Republicans and Democrats since they started taking these polls. And⁢ despite the fact Republicans have a massive‌ lead, we always go late. How can people ⁢still go along and Republicans to go along with Donald Trump?” he asked.

A‌ Gallup poll published on Tuesday showed Republicans with a 14 percentage point lead (53 to 39 percent) over ‍Democrats on the issue of which party is​ better⁤ at keeping the country prosperous.

That represents the widest gap since Gallup‍ began asking the question in 1991. The margin was 10 percent in the GOP’s favor going into last‌ year’s midterm elections.

Further, poll‌ respondents trusted Republicans to keep ⁤the country safe ​from international terrorism and military threats over Democrats 57 percent to 35‌ percent. Again this was ⁣the largest gap since Gallup began asking⁢ the ‍question in 2002.

The poll was ⁢conducted from Sept. 1-23 by phone with 1,016 American‍ adults.⁣ The margin of error was +/- 4 percent.

“It’s ⁢amazing ⁣the ⁢advantage Republicans have going into this election ⁤on the issues, and yet Donald Trump ⁤keeps dragging them down,” Scarborough argued.

Running contrary to‌ Scarborough’s point⁢ on Trump being a drag on Republicans, the Real Clear Politics ⁣average of polls shows him leading Biden by 1.1 percent, while⁢ Florida Gov. ⁢Ron DeSantis actually trails the incumbent president in a hypothetical matchup by 1.5​ percent.

“Morning Joe” panelist Jonathan Lemire also‌ discussed the results of the ‌ Marquette Law School Poll published Wednesday, ⁤which showed Trump ahead of ​Biden among registered⁤ voters by 51 to 48 percent.

Biden does hold a ​51 to 49 percent lead among​ likely voters. ‌In its coverage MSNBC showed Biden leading Trump among likely ⁣voters surveyed, but failed to mention Trump being ahead⁢ of Biden among registered voters, though Marquette had it in the ‍first sentence about the ⁤poll results.

Lemire highlighted the ⁢massive lead ⁣Trump‌ has over Biden on several issues, including the economy (24 percent lead), border⁣ security (24 percent), inflation⁢ (23 percent), and creating jobs (19 percent). Trump also leads Biden in handling foreign ⁢relations by 5 percentage points.

Biden ⁢holds a small 2 percentage point advantage in Medicare and Social Security policy, a larger 9 percent edge in abortion ‌policy, and a⁣ 20 percent lead in climate‌ change policy.

MSNBC showed a graphic of the Marquette poll results with ⁢ Trump leading Biden on many​ issues, but Lemire referred to it⁤ as a Republican‍ advantage rather than Trump one.

“It’s a close race.‌ We know that,”⁢ Lemire observed, regarding Trump versus Biden ⁢in​ 2024. ‍“But look at this. Republicans⁤ or Democrats on⁢ issues like inflation, ‌the economy,⁣ immigration —these are 25, nearly 30‌ point margins creating jobs.”

“It’s unbelievable,” a seemingly⁤ stunned Scarborough responded.

“Huge, huge numbers,” Lemire⁢ said. “Now, the other way, Democrats, as ‌you​ might expect, more trusted more on climate change, abortion policy, health⁤ care, Medicare and the like. But elections​ so ​often…are decided on the economy. And these are⁢ big warning signs here,” he‌ added.

“And certainly, there have been some other surveys ‌and swing state⁣ voters, particularly among suburban⁢ voters who dislike Trump immensely but still really disapprove of how this White House has handled the economy,” Lemire said.

He mentioned that the White House sees ‌the economy improving and thinks the narrative will begin to change going‌ into next year.

“I don’t think that ‌narrative‍ is going to ⁣change,”‌ Scarborough responded. “The economists are saying we may still be heading‍ for a hard​ landing.”

“The ⁢White House is ‍starting to realize they made a⁢ really bad mistake with this Bidenomics rollout,”⁤ he added.⁢ “It’s not working. You‍ can’t convince people the economy’s going great when they ⁣don’t feel like the economy’s going great.”

The Marquette survey was conducted from Sept. 18-25 with 1,007 adults nationwide. The margin of error ⁢was ‍+/- 4.1 ‌percent.

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What percentage of voters trust Trump more ‌than Biden on⁣ key issues?

(22 ‌percent lead), and crime⁡ ‍(14 percent lead). He also noted Trump’s advantage among‍‌ independent ⁤voters, with 43 percent saying they trust Trump more on key issues compared to 39 percent for Biden.

“These⁢ poll​ numbers indicate that despite all the negative media coverage ⁣and controversies surrounding ⁤Trump, voters still trust him ​more than ‌Biden on ⁢these critical issues,” ⁢Lemire said.

The Morning Joe panelists ⁤went on‌ to⁤ discuss possible reasons for Trump’s continued⁢ popularity and trust in these areas. They mentioned Trump’s strong track record on the economy and his tough stance on immigration and national security as contributing ⁣factors.

“It’s not surprising that‌ voters trust Trump ⁣more on the economy and national security, given his emphasis on these issues during his presidency and his ‌success in delivering results,” ‍Scarborough added.

The panelists also acknowledged that Trump’s ‍personality and style of communication‍ may play a⁢ role in his appeal⁢ to certain voters, ​despite the controversies surrounding his presidency.

“There’s a⁤ segment of the population that ⁢appreciates Trump’s straightforwardness and his willingness to speak his mind, even if it sometimes leads to controversy,” one ⁢panelist​ noted.

Overall, the Morning Joe segment highlighted the surprising advantage ⁤Trump maintains over Biden on key issues, as revealed by recent polls. The discussion provided insights into the possible reasons behind ‍this disparity and acknowledged the impact of Trump’s policies and communication style on ​voter trust.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, these ​poll results could have significant implications for the political landscape and the strategies of both parties. It remains to be seen how these numbers will evolve and whether they will ultimately impact the success of Trump’s potential bid for a second ‍term‍ or influence the policies and messaging of the Democratic Party.

Only​ time will tell, but for now, the Morning Joe hosts end the segment with a sense of uncertainty and curiosity about the dynamics shaping voter perceptions and preferences in the current political climate.

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