Washington Examiner

Hamas kills 22 in major attack on Israel; Netanyahu declares war.

Unprecedented‍ Attack ‌by Hamas Shakes Israel on Major Holiday

The ruling ​Hamas militant group in the Gaza Strip caught Israel⁣ off guard with a⁣ surprise ‍attack at daybreak on Saturday. In ​a display of strength, Hamas fighters infiltrated the heavily ​fortified border in multiple locations​ by air, land, and sea, firing thousands ⁣of rockets. The⁢ country was left reeling on a major ⁣holiday as gun⁤ battles raged inside ⁣Israeli ⁢communities, resulting in the deadliest attack in years with at least 22 people ‌killed and hundreds wounded.

Israel’s Response and Casualties

The Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba reported‍ treating at least 280 casualties, ​with 60 in serious condition. The ‌Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon treated 182 wounded individuals, ⁣including 12 in critical condition. While casualties in Gaza were not officially confirmed,‍ witnesses saw⁢ funerals and bodies arriving at a local‌ hospital. Social media was flooded with videos⁣ showing Hamas fighters parading stolen Israeli military ⁢vehicles⁢ and ‌capturing at least ⁤three Israelis alive.

Israel Declares War

Israeli Prime Minister ‍Benjamin Netanyahu declared a mass army mobilization, ​emphasizing that the country was ​at ‌war, not ⁣just engaged in an operation. He vowed that Israel⁤ would ⁢respond with unprecedented force, ⁢promising to make​ the⁣ enemy⁣ pay a heavy ⁤price. The invasion on Simchat Torah, a joyous Jewish holiday, evoked painful memories of ​the 1973 ⁤Mideast war, intensifying criticism of Netanyahu’s government for failing to anticipate such a well-planned and coordinated attack.

International Reactions and ⁣Historic Division

Western​ nations condemned the‌ incursion and expressed support for Israel’s right to defend itself. Saudi ⁤Arabia called for restraint from ‍both sides. The attack ⁣occurred amidst historic division within Israel over Netanyahu’s proposal to overhaul the judiciary, leading to mass‌ protests and concerns about the military’s readiness. The infiltration of fighters into southern Israel forced ‌millions of Israelis to seek shelter, while roads near Gaza were closed ‌and blood ⁤donations were urgently requested.

Blockade⁣ and Ongoing Conflict

Israel has maintained a blockade over ‌Gaza since 2007, devastating the territory’s economy. The⁢ bitter enemies, Israel⁢ and Hamas,⁣ have fought​ four wars and⁤ engaged in numerous smaller conflicts. The ⁣recent‍ escalation follows‌ heightened tensions⁣ along Israel’s volatile border with Gaza and⁤ heavy fighting in‍ the Israeli-occupied ⁢West Bank. The attack also garnered praise from ⁢Hezbollah, further complicating the security situation⁢ in the region.

‍ How is the international community, including the United Nations and Egypt, working to​ restore calm and facilitate a ⁣negotiated solution to the conflict

Ali⁢ Medical Center in Ashkelon also reported a significant number of casualties, with ​over 200 people injured ⁣and 20⁤ in ⁣critical condition. Israeli forces swiftly ⁣mobilized to counter ⁣the attack, launching airstrikes on multiple targets in ‍the Gaza Strip.​ At least 140‍ Hamas militants were⁤ reported killed in the retaliatory strikes, according‌ to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the attack as an act of terrorism and vowed to retaliate with ‌”great force.” He declared a⁢ state of emergency in several Israeli cities‌ and called for the ‍mobilization of reserve forces. Israel⁣ has also ⁤activated its Iron Dome ​missile defense⁣ system, which intercepted ‌a large number of incoming rockets, preventing further casualties.

Hamas’ Motive‍ and​ International Response

Hamas, ‌classified⁤ as a terrorist organization⁤ by the United⁢ States and the European Union, claims that the‌ attack was in response to Israeli aggression‍ and violations in ⁢Jerusalem, particularly the recent clashes between Israeli police and Palestinian​ worshippers‌ at⁢ the Al-Aqsa⁤ Mosque compound. The group’s leaders accused Israel of seeking to change the status quo in Jerusalem and vowed to⁣ defend the rights of Palestinians.

International leaders have expressed their concerns about the escalating ​violence and called for‌ an immediate ceasefire. The ⁣United⁢ Nations Security ​Council held an emergency meeting to address the situation,⁤ with ⁤Secretary-General ​Antonio Guterres urging both⁤ sides to exercise maximum restraint and restart negotiations.

The United States, a long-time ally of Israel,‌ expressed its support for Israel’s right to defend ⁣itself while also urging de-escalation. President​ Joe Biden emphasized the need for a ⁤two-state solution to⁤ the Israeli-Palestinian⁣ conflict and announced plans to send an envoy to the region ‍to facilitate diplomatic efforts.

The ⁢Impact on Israeli Society

The ​attack by Hamas has had a profound impact on ​Israeli society, particularly as it occurred during a major holiday. The violence and ‌loss of life have generated widespread fear and grief among the Israeli population, with many‌ expressing⁤ anger and demanding ‍swift action to ensure their security.

The attack has further ​strained‍ ​relations between Jewish and Arab communities within Israel. Reports of inter-communal violence and clashes have surfaced in mixed cities such as Lod and Acre, prompting the authorities‍ to declare a state of emergency. There are ⁤concerns that the recent events may ⁢exacerbate existing tensions and ⁢deepen divisions within Israeli‌ society.

International Efforts to Restore Calm

The United Nations and other regional powers are making efforts to restore calm and facilitate a‌ negotiated solution. Egypt, which​ has played⁣ a key role in mediating previous conflicts between Israel ‍and Hamas, ⁣has opened channels of communication with both sides. The Egyptian government is working tirelessly to broker a ceasefire agreement that would⁤ halt the violence‍ and ‍prevent further escalation.

While the situation remains tense and the‌ possibility of further clashes looms,​ the international community is united in its call for an‍ immediate end to the violence.⁢ The Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues to be a long-standing ⁤issue that requires a comprehensive and sustainable solution that addresses the underlying grievances and​ aspirations of both sides.

In the meantime, innocent civilians on both sides continue to suffer the devastating consequences of‍ this latest escalation. It ⁣is critical that ​all parties⁤ prioritize the protection of civilian lives and work towards a peaceful resolution to prevent ⁤further bloodshed and destruction.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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