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Progressive ‘Squad’ members face criticism for weak reaction to brutal Hamas invasion.

Progressive ‘Squad’ Members Under Fire After Pathetic Response to Barbaric Hamas Invasion

Several Democrats who make up the progressive, far-left “squad” in American politics are facing criticism for their lackluster reaction to the chaos in Israel.

The situation in Israel turned chaotic when Hamas militants launched ‍a savage and brutal all-out assault from the Gaza ⁢Strip on Saturday. The invasion, ​which began in the southern​ part of ‍Israel, was swift, calculated, and brutal. Videos of the horrific aftermath quickly circulated ​online.

These videos, too gruesome to be linked here, depict horrifying scenes of children and the ‌elderly being slaughtered. ⁢There⁢ are also disturbing videos showing Hamas militants parading around Israeli officials and women.

One ‌particularly disturbing video‌ shows a group of Hamas militants sitting on a lifeless woman in ⁢the back of a truck, with her legs‍ unnaturally splayed⁤ under the armed men.

Given the severity of⁤ the ⁤situation, it is no surprise that the Israeli Prime Minister declared the country to be “at war” shortly after the invasion began. The country’s cabinet also officially declared⁤ its first war in 50 years on Sunday.

However, members of the “squad” have come under fire for their response. While they condemned ⁢the violence ⁣on social‍ media, they stopped ​short of‍ condemning Hamas directly. Their comments seemed to suggest ⁤that ⁢they would prefer Israel not declare war and defend itself from these barbaric attacks.

For example, Rep. Alexandria​ Ocasio-Cortez called for de-escalation in a ‌statement on X, formerly Twitter, without⁣ directly addressing Hamas’ role‌ in the violence.

Similarly, Rep. Ilhan Omar⁣ condemned the acts of violence but did not​ directly condemn Hamas in her X⁤ post.

Other members of the “squad,” including Reps.⁤ Ayanna Pressley, Cori Bush, and Jamaal ⁤Bowman, echoed similar calls⁣ for de-escalation and ceasefire without⁤ directly addressing Hamas’ responsibility.

By failing to condemn Hamas and making ⁤false equivalencies, the ‌”squad” members have faced backlash from commenters who believe they are insinuating that Israel played a role in‍ the attacks or deserved ⁢some blame.

Adding to the controversy, the Democratic Socialists of America, a group closely associated with each “squad”‌ member, planned rallies in support of Hamas militants and their actions.

With the combination ​of the “squad’s” response and their association with the DSA, it seems unlikely that ‍their‍ collective antisemitic reputation will ⁣fade ⁣anytime soon.

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​Why​ is it particularly disappointing that progressive‌ “squad” members have chosen to remain silent or vague when it comes⁣ to condemning ‌an organization responsible for heinous acts, ⁢considering their strong support for other​ causes like social justice and human rights

Ing to condemn Hamas directly, ⁣these progressive “squad” members are essentially turning a blind eye to the barbaric acts commit⁣ted by the terrorist organization.‌ Their lack of⁢ a strong stance against Hamas raises questions about their commitment to the security and ⁢well-being ‍of the Israeli people, as well as their ability to stand up against terrorism.

It⁢ is important to note that Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union, and numerous​ other countries. The group has a ​long history of‌ violence,​ including suicide bombings,⁢ rocket ⁣attacks,⁢ and using civilians as human shields. It is inconceivable‌ that any responsible political leader would‌ hesitate to condemn such actions.

Furthermore,‌ by calling for de-escalation and a ceasefire without‍ holding ⁣Hamas accountable, ​these progressive ⁢”squad” members ⁢are essentially advocating for allowing⁢ the terrorist ‌organization to continue ‌its attacks on innocent⁣ civilians with impunity. This⁣ sends a dangerous message that terrorism can go unpunished and unchallenged.

The ⁢lackluster response from ⁣these progressive politicians is particularly disappointing ‌considering the strong and ⁢unwavering support they have shown for other causes, such as social justice and human rights. It begs⁣ the question of why they have chosen to remain silent or vague when it comes to condemning an organization responsible for‌ such heinous acts.

It is important for politicians to speak ​out against terrorism and⁢ stand firmly with those who are victims of‍ such violence. Condemning the actions of Hamas ⁤and holding‌ them⁣ accountable is ‌a necessary step ⁤in ensuring the safety and security of innocent people, regardless ⁤of political affiliations.

As members‍ of Congress, ‌these progressive “squad”⁣ members have a responsibility to represent and protect the interests​ of all⁣ Americans. This includes unequivocally condemning terrorism⁢ and standing‍ up for the values of ⁢freedom, democracy, ⁣and‌ human⁤ rights.

In conclusion, the lackluster response of progressive “squad” members to⁣ the chaos in Israel, specifically their failure to condemn Hamas⁣ directly, is​ deeply concerning. It raises doubts ‌about ⁣their commitment to fighting terrorism and their ability to effectively represent ‍the interests of all‌ Americans. It is imperative that political‍ leaders take ⁢a strong stance‌ against violence ‌and hold⁤ those responsible accountable, regardless of political considerations. The safety ⁤and‍ security of innocent people should always​ be the top priority.

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