Washington Examiner

Nikki Haley rakes in $11M after impressive debate showings.

Former U.N. Ambassador ⁣Nikki Haley’s ​Presidential Campaign Raises Over $11 ⁤Million in Q3 2023

In an impressive show of​ support, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign has raised over $11 million in the third ⁤quarter of 2023. As the Iowa Republican caucuses draw near, ‍Haley’s campaign is set to⁣ report a substantial amount of available cash.

Across three entities, ⁢Haley’s campaign has brought ⁤in this ​substantial‍ sum, bringing her ⁢total funds raised since ​launching to an impressive $26 million.

Surge in Support and Momentum

Since the start of her campaign, Haley has garnered contributions ​from ‌over 100,000 donors, with ⁣an astounding 40,000 new donors supporting her in the past three months alone. The influx of new donors following the first two debates indicates a surge ‍in enthusiasm‍ for ​Haley’s presidential bid.

“We have ⁣seen a big surge in support and have real momentum,” said Haley campaign spokeswoman Olivia Perez-Cubas. “Nikki⁢ is emerging as⁢ the candidate who can move America‌ beyond ‌the⁣ chaos and​ drama of the past and present, and we have the resources we need to do⁣ it.”

Financial Stability and Upward ⁢Trajectory

Haley’s team plans to⁣ report having $11.6 million in ‍cash on hand, demonstrating responsible spending ​practices. Notably, $9.1 million of this​ available⁤ cash can be used⁤ during the primary, ensuring a strong financial position⁢ for Haley’s campaign.

Comparatively, Governor Ron DeSantis’s campaign recently announced a $15 million third-quarter haul, but only $5 million can ⁤be used during ⁤the primary, raising concerns about financial stability.

Haley’s third-quarter fundraising sum surpasses her second-quarter haul ​of‌ $7.3 ‌million, indicating an upward trajectory for her campaign. This positive trend ⁤is​ further supported by various polls.

Debate Performances​ and Polling Boosts

Haley has consistently polled highly among Republicans who watched⁣ the debates. While DeSantis was seen as the best ‌performer in ‌each debate by a larger number of voters, Haley’s strong debate performances have resulted in significant polling boosts.

Notably, Haley has risen ⁣to third place in national polling,‍ tied with Vivek ⁣Ramaswamy at 7%. In the crucial primary state of ‍New Hampshire, Haley⁣ has surpassed ‍DeSantis, securing second place⁢ behind former President Donald Trump, who maintains a substantial lead.

Trump has taken notice of Haley’s upward trend, shifting his focus from attacking DeSantis to criticizing⁢ her.

Overall, Haley’s campaign is⁤ gaining momentum, both in terms of fundraising and polling, positioning ⁤her as​ a formidable⁤ candidate in the race ​for⁤ the presidency.

Which key issues​ has Haley’s campaign focused on,⁣ and how have they ​resonated with‍ Republican voters

‌ G her ‌announcement of her presidential ‌bid has served as a testament to the ⁤surge in support and‍ momentum ​behind her campaign.

What sets Haley’s campaign ⁤apart is the broad base of support it has received. Her contributors come from all 50 states, illustrating her appeal across the nation and her ability to connect with voters from‌ various backgrounds and political affiliations.​ This diverse support‌ base not only reflects the strength of⁣ her campaign​ but also positions her as a candidate capable of uniting the‌ party and ‍appealing to a wide range of voters in the general election.

In addition to the impressive number​ of donors, Haley’s​ campaign has also‌ received significant support from prominent Republican donors and organizations. This not only demonstrates the trust and confidence that donors have in‌ her as a ⁤candidate but also provides her campaign with the‍ resources needed to compete effectively in the primary elections.

Focus on Key Issues

Haley’s campaign has focused on key issues that resonate with Republican voters, including national security, economic growth, and‍ conservative values. As a former U.N. Ambassador, Haley’s expertise in foreign policy has ‍been a central theme of her campaign. Her strong stance on national security and commitment to protecting⁤ American interests abroad has resonated with voters who prioritize a strong and ‍principled foreign‍ policy.

In terms of economic growth, ​Haley has emphasized the‍ importance⁣ of ‌pro-growth policies, lower taxes, and reduced government regulation. Her business-friendly approach has appealed to conservative voters and supporters of​ free-market​ capitalism, who view her as‍ a candidate capable of fostering economic prosperity and job creation.

Additionally, Haley’s steadfast ​commitment to conservative values has ⁣endeared ‌her ‌to social conservatives and members of the religious right. Throughout her campaign, she has consistently advocated for the protection ⁢of religious liberties, the sanctity of life, and traditional family values. Her unwavering stance on ⁢these issues has helped solidify her support among this critical voting bloc and further energize her base.

Looking Ahead

With over $11 million raised in the third quarter of 2023, Nikki ‌Haley’s presidential campaign has demonstrated‌ its ability​ to ⁣raise substantial funds and generate momentum. As the Iowa Republican ⁢caucuses approach, Haley’s campaign finds itself in a strong position, both in terms of‍ financial resources and broad-based support.

However, the ​road ahead⁤ is not without challenges. In a crowded field of Republican candidates, Haley will⁢ need to continue‍ to differentiate herself ​and articulate a clear and compelling‌ message that resonates with ‌voters. She ​will also need to build on her fundraising success and ensure that her campaign has the necessary resources to compete effectively in key primary states.

As the campaign progresses, it will be ⁤interesting ⁣to see how​ Haley’s ⁤momentum and support translate into​ results. The impressive fundraising numbers of the third⁢ quarter serve as ⁤a testament to the growing enthusiasm behind her candidacy. Only time will tell whether she‌ can maintain this momentum and​ secure the Republican nomination for the 2024 presidential election.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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