Washington Examiner

Israel accuses Europe of funding antisemitic propaganda, holding it responsible for the recent Hamas attack.

EU Aid to⁤ Palestinians Fuels Terrorism, Says Israeli Official

“The European Union was financing ​textbooks ⁢of ‍the Palestinian authorities that ‍were ⁢full of antisemitism and incitement for violence and terrorism ⁣against Jews,” Israeli Foreign Affairs Ministry ‌spokesman Lior Haiat told reporters Monday. “Those textbooks are the root ‍of the Palestinian terror against Israelis. Young people are ⁢being taught, ⁤educated, to hate Jews and to murder ⁤Jews.”

Understanding Hamas and the ‘Guest’ Behind the Israel Attack

EU officials⁤ have ⁣announced a review of their aid programs ‍for the ‌Palestinians following a shocking surprise attack by Hamas on Saturday. The unprecedented incursion resulted in​ the‌ deaths of at least 900 Israeli civilians, with over 2,400 others ⁣wounded and dozens taken ⁢hostage.​ In response, Israeli forces are engaged in combat with ⁣the infiltrators, while Israeli leaders‌ prepare​ a⁣ diplomatic and military campaign.

Israeli ⁤President Isaac Herzog expressed his dismay, stating, “To my mind,⁢ not since the⁣ Holocaust have‌ so ⁢many Jews⁣ been killed on‍ one day. And not⁤ since​ the Holocaust have we⁣ witnessed scenes of Jewish women and ‌children, grandparents, even Holocaust survivors, being herded‍ into trucks and taken into captivity.”

The horrific events of Saturday have prompted ‍Germany⁣ and ⁣Australia‌ to suspend international aid to the ⁢Palestinians. Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg emphasized the need for a different approach, stating, “The extent of the terror is so horrific …‍ that we cannot go back to business as usual. We⁤ will therefore⁢ put ⁣all payments from Austrian development cooperation on ice for ‌the ​time⁢ being.”

However, ‌this response is likely ‍to cause divisions within European councils in Brussels, ​where sympathy for Palestinian civilians is strong. ‍An⁢ unnamed EU official acknowledged the ⁤longstanding divisions ‌within the ​EU on the​ Israel-Palestine conflict, stating, “The intra-European ‌divisions on this conflict are almost as old as the conflict itself.”

On Monday,​ EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi announced the immediate suspension of all payments, but the ‌wider commission issued a more measured statement, declaring an urgent review of the EU’s assistance ‍for Palestine in​ light ⁤of the ‍attack. The ⁤EU Commission⁢ emphasized the need to⁢ ensure that⁣ no EU funding indirectly‍ supports‍ terrorist organizations and expressed a willingness⁣ to adjust​ support programs for the‌ Palestinian⁣ population and ‍authority.

This backlash against aid to the Palestinians marks a significant shift within ⁤Europe. Jonathan Schanzer, Senior Vice President of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, ‍described‍ it as​ a ⁣meaningful step, stating, “The Palestinian Authority is getting pulled into this. They​ are going to have to‌ try to ‍advocate ​for a soft landing⁣ to the‌ current conflict if they want the​ assistance to continue.”

In May, the European Parliament passed ​a resolution condemning⁢ the problematic and hateful content⁣ in ⁣Palestinian school textbooks and study‌ materials‌ that have yet to be removed.

While Haiat appreciated⁣ the initial statements of solidarity, he ‌called for ​a fundamental change in⁤ European attitudes. He emphasized, “The entire international community ​should review the⁢ way that⁢ they see the⁣ conflict here. The⁤ images ⁣that ⁣we‍ saw in the last 48‌ hours should ⁤never be forgotten. Never again.”

Ded use‍ of EU aid to fund anti-Semitic and violent education in Palestinian schools is ‌deeply troubling. It not only goes against the principles of peace and coexistence but also perpetuates hatred ​and fuels terrorism ⁤in the region.”

What measures can be taken to⁣ ensure that EU aid is not channeled towards​ activities that perpetuate hatred and violence in​ Palestinian schools, and instead promote tolerance and ⁢understanding?

To ensure that EU aid is not channeled ​towards activities that perpetuate hatred and ​violence in Palestinian schools, and‍ instead promote tolerance and understanding, the following measures can be taken:

1. ​Clear Guidelines: Establish clear guidelines ⁣and criteria⁣ for the allocation of aid to Palestinian schools that⁣ prioritize the promotion of tolerance, respect, and peaceful coexistence. These guidelines should explicitly prohibit the support of any activities promoting hatred, violence, or discrimination.

2. ‍Robust Monitoring and Evaluation: Implement comprehensive monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to track the usage of funds and ensure that they are being directed towards‌ initiatives that promote tolerance and understanding.‍ This can include regular on-site inspections, interviews with school⁤ staff and students, and rigorous reporting ⁤requirements.

3. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage ‌with local communities, ⁤school administrations, teachers, and parents to foster⁣ a collective sense ⁢of responsibility towards promoting tolerance and understanding. Involve them in decision-making processes, capacity-building programs, and ​awareness campaigns that underline the ⁢importance of peaceful coexistence.

4. Support Peace Education: Direct EU aid towards supporting peace education initiatives that encourage critical thinking, dialogue, and empathy. This can involve ​teacher training ⁤programs, curriculum development, and the provision of educational materials that promote respect for​ diversity, ⁤human rights, and peaceful conflict ‍resolution.

5. Promote Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue: Facilitate ⁢interfaith and intercultural‍ dialogue‌ initiatives within Palestinian schools, creating opportunities for students to interact with peers from different ‍backgrounds, religions, and beliefs. Support exchange programs and joint​ activities that build bridges of understanding between communities.

6. Combat Hate Speech and Incitement: Collaborate closely with local authorities, civil society organizations,⁢ and educational institutions to actively combat hate speech and incitement⁤ to violence. Raise awareness, provide⁢ training, and ensure that the⁤ necessary legal frameworks are in ‌place to ‌address and prevent such behavior.

7. Collaboration and Coordination: Strengthen collaboration and coordination among international donors,​ including the EU, to ‌align efforts and ⁢share best practices in promoting tolerance and understanding in Palestinian schools. This can⁤ include joint monitoring mechanisms, sharing of ⁣educational ⁣resources, and funding ⁣pooled initiatives.

8. Regular Reporting and Transparency: Maintain ⁣transparency ‍and accountability by regularly reporting on the ​allocation and impact of EU aid in Palestinian schools. This will allow for public scrutiny ‌and⁢ enable corrective action if any misuse or diversion of funds is identified.

By implementing these measures, the EU can ensure‌ that its aid is used effectively and ‌responsibly, promoting tolerance, understanding, and peaceful coexistence in Palestinian schools.

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