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Mark Hamill criticized for backing Israel after terror attacks.

Mark Hamill ‍Faces Backlash for Supporting Israel Following Terrorist ⁢Attacks

“Star Wars” star ‌ Mark Hamill found himself in hot water over ‍the weekend after expressing his support for Israel in‍ the wake of unprovoked terrorist attacks ‌ by Hamas.

The ⁤72-year-old actor took⁢ to social⁤ media to​ share images⁤ of the American and Israeli flags, accompanied by ⁣the ⁣caption, “America stands with Israel [fist emoji] #ALWAYS.”

Since then, Hamill’s post has garnered a staggering 23.7 million‌ views​ and counting.

However, it didn’t take long for Hamill to realize that ⁣not all of ⁣his followers agreed with his ‌stance on Israel. Many criticized him, labeling America‍ and Israel as‍ the evil ‍”empire.”

“Free Palestine,” ​one person wrote.

Another ​individual commented, ‌”The Palestinians⁣ are literally the Rebellion – bro if you were this age when the original trilogy first ⁣came out, ⁢even when George⁢ Lucas ‍explicitly stated how the movies were⁢ inspired ‍by the ⁢Vietnam War, you’d think South Vietnam and the ​USA were the good guys.”

Amidst ⁢the ​backlash, one Twitter user used ⁤a Star Wars gif and‌ exclaimed, “Nooo! Didn’t⁣ expect you would join the dark side ​so easily Mark! #FreePalastine.”

Many of the comments centered around Hamill’s iconic “Star Wars” character, Luke Skywalker,⁤ who fights ⁣against the‍ empire and leads the rebels to victory. However, ⁣some ⁣seemed to overlook ‌the ​fact that the “Star Wars” franchise⁢ is fictional, unlike the real lives lost in the⁣ recent attacks.

“I loved in Star⁣ Wars when Luke said ‌’we need to stand⁣ with‍ the Empire against these rebel terrorists,'” one person sarcastically remarked.

Another account⁤ chimed in, stating, “Star​ Wars is literally about a small ​resistance ‘terror’ cell overthrowing an empire,” implying that the rebels in “Star Wars” were ‌terrorists.

Meanwhile, another tweet simply stated, ​”Luke Skywalker rooting for the empire.​ Wild times.”

Another critic voiced their opinion, saying, “Luke Skywalker joined ‌the ​dark side and supports apartheid & illegal occupation.”

As of now,⁢ Hamill has not responded to the criticism or deleted his post, unlike reality star Kylie Jenner, who faced backlash ⁣for⁣ her support⁢ of Israel and subsequently ⁣removed her post.

Related:⁣ Mark Hamill Uses ‘Star Wars’ Voice To Warn Ukrainians About Air-Raid ⁤On App

⁢ How can society engage in constructive conversations and⁤ respectful exchanges ​of ideas regarding political conflicts, ⁢even when public figures‌ express differing views

Star Wars is literally about a small resistance ‘terror’‌ cell overthrowing an empire.

— Talking About Movies (@TalkMoviePod)‍ October 8, 2023

Despite the backlash, Hamill has not ⁢shied away from expressing his ⁣support for Israel. He defended his stance ⁢in‍ a subsequent tweet, ⁣writing,⁤ “Israel has the right to‌ defend itself against these unprovoked terrorist attacks. We ⁤must stand with our allies and condemn acts of violence.”⁢ He also emphasized the importance of peace and ‍finding a⁤ solution that benefits all parties involved.

While it is not uncommon for ⁣celebrities⁤ to‍ voice their opinions on political matters, their viewpoints‍ often‌ come with consequences. Hamill’s support⁣ for Israel ⁢has led to some fans questioning whether they can separate the actor from his iconic Star​ Wars character, Luke⁣ Skywalker. The ‌internet‌ has become a platform for fans to ‍express their disappointment and for ‌critics to‍ label Hamill as ⁤a supporter of the‍ “dark side.”

However, it ‌is essential to remember that⁢ public figures, like Hamill, have the right to express⁣ their opinions,‍ even if⁣ they are not in line with popular sentiment. It is through open dialogue and the respectful exchange of​ ideas that progress can be made. While not everyone may agree with Hamill’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it is crucial to engage in constructive conversations rather than resorting to personal attacks or dismissing opposing viewpoints outright.

Hamill’s ⁣decision to support⁤ Israel is reflective of his personal beliefs and values. As an individual,​ he has the right⁤ to⁢ express his political opinions, just like anyone else. It​ is important to recognize ⁢that celebrities are ⁤entitled to their own views ​and should ‍not be

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."
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