
Young NFL stars excited for Olympic flag football, says NFL executive.

Flag Football Players Eyeing⁤ Olympic Gold

By Rory Carroll

October 9, 2023 5:49 PM PDT


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – ‌Excitement is building among NFL players as they express their interest in representing the U.S. flag football team at⁢ the ⁢2028 Summer Games in Los Angeles, according to an NFL executive.

LA28 organisers​ have formally requested the inclusion ⁢of flag football for ⁢both men’s and women’s⁢ competitions, along with four other sports.

The final decision on⁢ the program is expected ⁢to be made at the ​upcoming International Olympic Committee ​(IOC) meeting ⁢in‌ Mumbai.

If⁣ approved, flag⁣ football will make its Olympic ⁤debut, ​offering⁣ a game similar to tackle⁢ football but with less ‌protective equipment and play‍ stopping when​ a defender pulls a cloth flag ⁣from an opponent’s waist.

The NFL and​ the ⁤International Federation of American Football⁣ (IFAF) support ‍the inclusion of​ flag football,⁣ which could give NFL stars the opportunity to compete for a gold medal. However,‍ the‌ details of their participation ​are still being worked out.

“There are ‌still more ‌discussions to be had around that possibility,” said NFL Executive Vice President Peter O’Reilly in a recent ⁤interview. “But ‌I will tell you that through this process, a‌ number of great young stars of​ the league have expressed their desire to represent their country and ‍play flag ⁢football.”

Tyreek⁤ Hill, a seven-time​ Pro​ Bowl ‍selection and wide receiver for the Miami Dolphins, has encouraged NFL players to seize the opportunity and⁢ bring home a ⁤gold medal for Team USA.

“Calling all @NFL guys, let’s bring one home,” Hill posted ​on messaging⁤ platform X, formerly known as Twitter.

Flag football​ made its debut at‌ the World Games in Birmingham, Alabama last year, ⁣where the U.S. men’s team won gold by ⁢defeating Italy. On the women’s side, Mexico dominated the U.S. in​ the final, led by breakout star quarterback Diana Flores, ​who‌ was named MVP.

O’Reilly ‍highlighted the‌ appeal‌ of flag football, ⁣emphasizing its ⁣low cost and accessibility, making it‍ a sport that almost anyone can play. ‍By⁤ promoting the sport, the ⁤NFL aims to raise the profile of American football internationally.

“We are⁢ fully committed to flag ⁣football‍ as an⁤ accessible, rapidly​ growing ⁢discipline of ​our⁤ sport that we believe will ⁤help us expand,” he said. “The Olympics in LA would be a tremendous boost to​ flag football worldwide and ‌in this country.”

Alongside flag football,​ LA28 has proposed the inclusion of⁤ cricket, ⁤lacrosse, squash, and‍ baseball-softball as additional sports for the 2028 Summer Games. The proposal has been well received ⁢by the⁣ IOC.


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What are the potential benefits of including flag‍ football in the Olympic Games,‍ particularly⁤ in terms of showcasing NFL players’ skills and promoting ​the sport ⁣internationally

All5′, as⁣ part of its efforts to bring⁣ new and diverse sports‌ to the Olympic Games. These sports were selected based ⁢on their popularity and potential to engage a wide audience.

The inclusion of flag football in the⁢ Olympics has generated a lot of excitement among NFL players. Many of them have expressed their interest in representing the U.S. flag football team at the 2028 Summer Games in Los Angeles. This opportunity would allow them to compete for a gold⁢ medal and showcase their skills on ‌a global stage.

The request for the inclusion of flag football in the ​Olympics has been formally made by LA28, the ‌organizing committee ‌for the games. This request includes both men’s and women’s competitions. The final decision on​ the program will be ​made at the upcoming⁣ International Olympic Committee (IOC) meeting in Mumbai.

If approved, flag football will make its Olympic debut in 2028. This‍ sport is similar to tackle football but with less protective equipment and play stopping when a defender pulls a cloth ⁢flag from an ‌opponent’s waist. The NFL⁢ and the International Federation of American Football (IFAF) fully support the inclusion of⁤ flag football in the Olympics. It is seen as a way to promote the sport internationally and provide NFL stars with an ‍opportunity to compete‍ for a gold medal.

However, there are still details that need to be worked out regarding the participation of NFL players⁤ in the Olympics. Discussions are ongoing, and more information will be provided in the future. NFL Executive Vice President⁣ Peter O’Reilly has acknowledged the interest shown by many young stars of ⁢the ⁢league in representing their country in flag football.

One such star is Tyreek Hill, a seven-time Pro Bowl selection and‍ wide receiver for the​ Miami Dolphins. He⁢ has encouraged NFL players to seize ⁤the opportunity and bring home ‍a gold medal for Team USA. Hill’s support, along with the ⁢enthusiasm of other NFL players, demonstrates the level of interest and commitment to flag football as an Olympic sport.

Flag football has already made its debut at the World⁣ Games, where the U.S. men’s​ team won gold⁤ by defeating Italy. On the women’s side, Mexico dominated the U.S.,‌ led‍ by quarterback Diana Flores, who was named MVP. The success of these teams highlights the potential⁤ of flag football as a⁣ competitive and engaging ⁤sport.

Flag football is also praised for its low cost‍ and accessibility. It is a sport that almost anyone can play, making it inclusive and appealing to a wide range of individuals. By promoting flag football, the NFL aims to raise the profile of American football internationally and‍ contribute to the⁢ growth of the sport.

The inclusion of flag football in⁣ the 2028 Olympics would be a tremendous boost to the sport worldwide and in the United States. It would provide an opportunity for NFL stars to​ showcase their skills and compete at ‌the highest level, while also introducing flag⁢ football to a global audience. The decision on the inclusion ⁤of flag football, ‌along with the other proposed sports, will be eagerly awaited by players and fans alike. The Olympic‌ Games have ⁢always been a celebration of sports​ and a platform for athletes to showcase their talent. The addition of flag football would ​further enhance the ⁤diversity and excitement ‍of this prestigious event.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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