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Report: Border Patrol arrests thousands of Middle Eastern ‘special interest aliens’ under Biden.

Thousands of⁢ Illegal Immigrants from Middle East and⁣ Central Asia ‍Apprehended at US Southern‍ Border

According to data obtained by Fox News from⁢ Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the Biden administration has seen a significant number ⁣of illegal immigrants from the Middle East and Central Asia attempting to cross the US southern border.

The data reveals that from October 2021 to October 2023, there were encounters with “special interest aliens” from countries such as Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Syria, Uzbekistan, Turkey,⁣ Pakistan, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Mauritania.

While these special‌ interest aliens may not necessarily be‍ terrorists, the Department of Homeland Security has warned that they could pose a national security risk to the United States or its interests.

DHS explained that these individuals or groups often follow travel patterns associated with terrorism, and their origins and travel segments are evaluated based on current threat assessments.

It’s important to note that these numbers do not include‍ illegal ‍immigrants who entered through ‍ports of entry or the estimated 1.5 million “gotaways” who have made it ⁢into the US ⁣under President Joe Biden.

Earlier this year, it was reported that a smuggler connected to ISIS⁢ helped over‌ a dozen people from Uzbekistan enter the ⁤US. These individuals were ‌released into the⁤ country by the Biden administration after⁤ seeking asylum at the southern border.


The individuals were initially screened, but it was only after their release ⁢that the FBI discovered a⁢ smuggling ring operating out of Uzbekistan in collaboration ⁢with a Turkish smuggler associated with ISIS.

DHS reported that the number of individuals arrested at‍ the⁢ border who ⁣were on ⁣the terrorist watchlist had increased in fiscal year 2023 compared to fiscal year 2022. By July 2023, 160 individuals had been apprehended, whereas in fiscal year 2022,‌ the number was ⁣only 100. DHS attributed this increase⁤ to the surge in border crossings, which have reached‍ record levels ​under the‌ Biden administration.

A DHS official ⁤stated‍ in September, “Naturally, as we see more people arrive at the border from different ​countries, we are more likely going to​ see an increase in individuals who might ⁢be on the watchlist or ​directly related to terror activity.”

⁣What role does international cooperation play in tackling‌ the ⁣issue of irregular migration and ⁤potential security threats, and how can intelligence sharing and ⁣coordination efforts be strengthened to address underlying factors that drive⁤ people to undertake dangerous journeys to⁣ the United States

Ere is⁤ a potential risk of individuals with ties to terrorist organizations⁤ entering the‍ country ‌through irregular migration routes.

The situation at the US southern border has been a concern for years, with thousands of undocumented immigrants attempting to enter the country illegally. However, the ​recent increase in the ‍number of individuals from the Middle East and Central Asia ⁣raises additional security concerns.

It is⁢ important to note that not all⁤ individuals apprehended at the border are considered terrorists or pose​ a⁣ threat to national security. Many‍ are fleeing violence, political instability, or ​economic hardships in their home countries and are seeking a better ‍life in ​the United States.

Nevertheless, the presence of individuals ‍from countries of⁣ concern highlights the need for enhanced ⁤border security ⁤and ⁤screening protocols. While the ⁣CBP takes every encounter seriously, it is crucial to ensure that individuals⁣ with potential ties to terrorism⁤ or criminal activities ‍are properly‍ identified and prevented from entering the ⁣country.

The Biden administration has faced criticism for its handling of the situation at the southern border. Critics ⁢argue ‍that the administration’s immigration policies ⁢and rhetoric have encouraged individuals from ‌around⁤ the world⁢ to attempt unauthorized entry into the United States.

The increase ‍in encounters‌ with special interest aliens from‌ the⁣ Middle East and Central Asia underscores the need for comprehensive immigration reform. A clear and well-defined immigration policy can help address the root causes of irregular migration and provide a more efficient‌ and secure⁤ process ‌for individuals ⁤seeking legal entry into ‌the country.

In addition to immigration reform, cooperation with international⁤ partners is crucial in tackling the issue of irregular migration and potential security threats. Sharing intelligence, coordinating efforts,​ and​ supporting countries affected by violent extremism ‍and instability can help address the underlying factors that ⁤drive people to undertake dangerous journeys to the United States.

Furthermore, investments⁣ in technology and infrastructure at the southern border can enhance the ability of⁣ law​ enforcement agencies to detect and apprehend individuals who may pose a risk to ​national ⁢security. Modernizing border security systems, increasing the number of personnel, and⁤ improving surveillance capabilities can contribute to a more effective and efficient border control process.

As the Biden administration continues to grapple with the challenges‍ at the southern border, it ‌is essential to strike​ a⁤ balance between humanitarian considerations ​and national security. Addressing the ⁣root causes of irregular migration, improving screening protocols, and strengthening border security​ measures⁣ are essential steps‌ towards achieving this balance.

The⁤ situation at⁣ the‍ US ⁢southern border​ is complex and multifaceted, and there are no easy ⁣solutions. However, by implementing comprehensive immigration reform, strengthening international cooperation, and investing in border security, the United ​States ⁢can ⁢work towards a more secure and orderly immigration system while upholding its values of ‌compassion and⁣ respect for human rights.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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