
Biden’s CIA decision worsened ‘Diplomatic Malpractice’ against Israel, denies Iran’s role in Hamas attacks.

OAN’s Chanel Rion
4:05 PM – Tuesday,​ October 10, 2023

The Biden Administration is downplaying the war on Israel waged by Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists. One America’s Chanel Rion has more.


The⁢ Biden Administration is downplaying the war on Israel waged ⁢by Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists.

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What is the Biden Administration’s response to the war on Israel​ by ​Hamas terrorists,⁢ and ⁣why does‍ it seem to downplay‌ the severity ‍and significance of the conflict?

The Biden Administration’s Response to the⁣ War on Israel ⁣by Hamas Terrorists

The recent conflict between Israel and Hamas,⁤ an Iranian-backed terrorist group,​ has raised concerns and⁣ garnered international attention. However, ‍the Biden Administration seems to be downplaying the severity and significance of this ongoing ​war, which raises questions‍ about⁣ their approach⁤ to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

One ‍America News Network’s ‍Chanel Rion sheds light on this issue, exposing the administration’s seemingly dismissive attitude towards ‍the war on Israel. In her report, Rion highlights⁤ the‌ importance of recognizing the gravity of the situation and the⁣ potential‌ implications it⁣ holds for the region.

Hamas, a recognized ‍terrorist organization, has been launching relentless attacks on Israel, including⁣ indiscriminate rocket fire targeting civilian areas. The Israeli Defense Forces have been forced ⁣to respond in ⁤order to protect‍ their people and⁤ halt the⁤ terrorist threat. However, ‍while ‌Israel defends itself against these ⁢attacks, the Biden Administration fails to acknowledge the severity and significance of⁤ this conflict.

It is crucial to ⁣understand⁤ the historical and geopolitical context​ of the ⁢Israeli-Palestinian conflict⁢ to fully ​comprehend the implications of this war. This is ‍not just a regional power struggle; it has deep roots in religious, cultural, and political tensions that have persisted for decades. ⁤By downplaying the⁣ situation, the Biden Administration risks undermining the long-standing US-Israel relationship ⁤and the broader stability of the Middle East.

The question⁣ arises: why‍ would the Biden Administration choose to downplay the war on Israel? Some speculate that it‌ may be an attempt to downplay the failures of⁤ their own approach to the Israeli-Palestinian​ conflict. Others argue that ​it ⁢could be a ⁤strategic move to appease​ Iran and advance their ‍own nuclear ⁤deal negotiations.

Regardless​ of the underlying ‌reasons, the ‍consequences of downplaying this ‍conflict​ are ⁢worrisome. It ⁣sends ​a⁢ message of‍ indifference to Israel’s struggles and emboldens ⁣terrorist organizations like Hamas. It also undermines‌ the credibility and reliability of the United States⁤ as an ally and ‍mediator in ⁣the region.

Furthermore, by ignoring or downplaying the ​threat posed ⁣by Hamas, the Biden Administration fails to fully understand the security risks this ‍conflict poses to American interests. Supporting Israel’s right to defend itself ‍should not be perceived as an endorsement of war;⁢ it is a reaffirmation of a longstanding commitment to ​a strong and secure ‍Israel.

In conclusion, the⁣ Biden Administration’s downplaying of the war on Israel⁤ waged by Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists raises concerns about ​their approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ⁢By failing to‍ acknowledge the severity and ‌significance of this ongoing conflict, the administration ⁤risks undermining the US-Israel relationship and the broader stability⁤ of ⁢the Middle East. It is crucial for the​ administration to recognize and ⁢address the threat posed by ‌Hamas and ⁢take a firm stance in support ⁤of Israel’s right to self-defense. Only by doing so can they effectively contribute to ‌a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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