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Celebrities remain silent after Israel’s horrific terror attack.

The Hollywood ‍Set’s Silence ⁣on ⁣Israel’s Terrorist Attacks

While celebrities were quick⁢ to show solidarity with Black Lives Matter and Ukraine, they have been noticeably silent following the terrorist attacks in ⁢Israel. Only a handful of famous people‍ have spoken out against the ⁤atrocities committed by ⁣Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic terrorist organization. However, they faced backlash from some followers and even ‍backtracked on their⁣ condemnation.

The ‌attacks‍ in Israel have resulted⁣ in over 900⁣ deaths and more than 2,600 injuries. ⁣Many Israelis, including ‍women​ and children, have been kidnapped and ⁢held hostage⁤ by the‍ terrorists in the ⁢Gaza Strip. Shocking videos shared by the ‌terrorists ‍showed them ‌celebrating as ⁣they desecrated‍ the bodies of Israeli soldiers ⁤and civilians.

Despite ​the clear distinction between good and evil in this⁣ situation,⁤ the Hollywood set⁣ has remained eerily silent. This silence is‍ particularly striking considering‌ that the ​attacks have been described as ⁣”the worst day for Jews since ⁣the Holocaust.”

Celebrities ‌Who Have Spoken Out

While⁣ most celebrities have chosen to‌ stay ‍silent, a few have publicly expressed ‌their support for Israel. Actress⁤ and comedian ​Amy Schumer ‌shared a heartbreaking photo of a family of five who‍ were killed⁣ by Hamas ⁣terrorists. She boldly called out Hamas as a terrorist‍ organization and urged‍ others to stop‌ being ⁢diplomatic about their actions.

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Mark Hamill, known for his​ role in “Star Wars,” ⁤showed his support⁢ by sharing a photo ‌of Israel’s flag alongside the American flag. Madonna also⁣ expressed her devastation ⁢over the attacks, emphasizing the heartbreaking impact on families ‌and children. Natalie Portman and ​Gal Gadot, ​both Israeli ⁣actresses, shared their love and prayers for the affected families.

Other celebrities ⁣who ‌have condemned the attacks include⁤ Andy Cohen, Jamie Lee Curtis,​ Debra Messing, Sarah Silverman, Kris ​Jenner, Khloé Kardashian, and Kourtney Kardashian.⁢ However, not all celebrities have ⁣shown⁢ support for Israel.⁢ Adult entertainer Mia Khalifa openly‌ praised the terrorists, while​ some celebrities faced backlash for their initial support and later deleted their posts.

Actor Josh Gad, who⁤ was raised⁢ Jewish, ⁣expressed‍ his shock ‍and⁤ disappointment⁢ at the ‌backlash he received for condemning‍ the terror attacks.‍ He highlighted the need⁤ for compassion and humanity‌ in​ the face of such violence.

While most ​celebrities remain silent, a few have chosen to stand with Israel.⁢ However, it is disheartening ​to see the⁢ lack of support from the Hollywood set ​during this tragic time.


How does the fear of backlash and career damage influence celebrities’ reluctance to speak out ​against Hamas

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Comedian and television⁢ host⁣ Bill Maher also took to‍ social ‍media⁢ to criticize ⁣Hamas and show support‌ for Israel. He ‍highlighted the ⁢double standard‍ ⁢in the⁣ media’s ​coverage‍ of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and called out the glorification of⁣ ⁣Hamas’s violence.

Other ‍notable celebrities who have spoken out include‍ Hollywood actor ⁢Jon Voight‍, actress ⁣Mayim Bialik‍, and singer ⁢Rihanna. However, their ⁣voices have been drowned out by the silence‍ of their peers.

Backlash and Retractions⁣

The few celebrities who did​ speak out against ⁣Hamas faced swift backlash from their followers and the media. Some were accused⁤ of being Islamophobic or ‌supporting Israeli “apartheid.” In response, many ‍backtracked on their ⁣condemnation and deleted their posts. This‍ highlights the ‌fear‍ among celebrities of being ‘canceled’ ​or‍ having their careers ‌damaged by ⁤taking a ⁣stance ‌that goes against the popular narrative.

This ‍silence from the Hollywood set is not only disappointing‍, but it ‌also perpetuates‍ the false narrative that Israel is the aggressor in the conflict. It ignores the ⁢brutality‍ of ‌⁣Hamas and ⁣the ‌terrorist ⁣attacks‍ it has ‍committed against‍ Israeli civilians. It sends ​a dangerous message that terrorism can be‌ justified or ignored when it is politically⁤ convenient.

The Importance of Speaking Out

It is essential for influencers‌ and ⁢celebrities to use their platforms ⁤to amplify diverse ⁢perspectives and advocate for justice. While nobody expects celebrities to be‌ experts in international ‌politics, they have the power ‌to raise awareness and prompt conversations ‍that can lead to positive ​change.

By remaining silent on the ⁣Israeli-Palestinian

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