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Key points before House Republicans’ private meeting to select the next speaker.

House Republicans Set to Select​ Nominee for House Speaker

House Republicans are gearing up for a closed-door ⁣meeting ​on Wednesday to choose ⁢a nominee for House speaker, following the removal of Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)‍ in a historic vote. The⁣ two main ‌contenders for the position ‌are ‍House⁢ Majority ‍Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA)⁣ and Rep. Jim⁤ Jordan (R-OH). As the ⁢GOP members deliberate​ on their decision, ⁢here are three key things to know ⁢about this consequential meeting.

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Who ‍is backing Scalise‍ and Jordan?

While Jordan currently holds more public endorsements, including one from former President Donald Trump,‌ neither candidate has secured a majority of the ⁣House Republican ‍Conference. Most​ Republicans have refrained​ from endorsing a specific ​candidate, and no clear winner⁤ emerged after the conference’s candidate‍ forum on Tuesday.

Scalise enjoys the support of ⁣prominent Republicans in the ⁤House, such as House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN) and House Republican Conference Secretary‌ Lisa McClain (R-MI),​ as well as several moderate⁤ representatives in the ‌House GOP conference.

Jordan, on the other hand, has garnered support‍ from the conservative‌ wing of the GOP conference, including Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) and others.

Potential House Rules Changes

One of the most debated‌ House rules that could be altered ⁤with the new speaker election is ⁤the ⁢motion to vacate.⁤ In⁢ January, the threshold ‌to bring⁢ a motion to vacate ​was reduced to one representative, and last week, Rep.‌ Matt Gaetz (R-FL) exercised⁢ this⁣ option, resulting in‍ the​ removal of the speaker for the first time in history.

Many Republicans were ⁤outraged by​ how easily McCarthy was ousted through the motion to vacate. ⁣In response,‌ 45 House Republicans signed a letter calling for “fundamental change” to the GOP conference structure.

Changing the threshold for a motion to vacate is​ expected to be a contentious issue among Republicans as they decide on⁣ their ​nominee for House speaker. Another proposed change‍ is to require a⁢ nominee‌ to‍ secure 217 votes rather than a⁤ simple majority, aiming to avoid a lengthy speaker election on the House floor.

Impact on the House of Representatives

The outcome of this meeting will have a⁣ significant impact on the functioning of the House of Representatives,⁢ as the lower chamber cannot ⁢operate without a speaker.

If Republicans remain divided between the two candidates and fail to proceed to a House floor vote, the ​lower chamber will​ be ⁤unable to pass any ‌legislation, even with a potential ⁢government shutdown looming⁢ in just over ⁢a month.

The House GOP may opt ‍for a⁢ simple majority‌ to select the nominee for ⁣speaker,‍ but ⁣this could​ result in a lengthy voting process on⁤ the House floor, reminiscent of the 15-round ⁢marathon in January when McCarthy was elected as speaker.

To be elected as speaker, an individual must secure a⁤ majority on ​the House floor,‌ meaning a‍ Republican candidate⁢ can only afford to lose four votes and still win the speakership.


How could the selection of​ the next House speaker affect the Biden administration’s ability‌ to advance its ‍legislative agenda and priorities

‍R-IN) and⁣ Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ). He is also ‍backed by various conservative⁢ advocacy groups, such as the House Freedom⁣ Caucus and the ‍Club for Growth. The ⁣divided support for Scalise and Jordan underscores the ongoing tensions within the Republican Party, ⁣as both candidates represent different​ factions ‍and ideologies within the conservative movement.

‍Implications for GOP Unity ​and Policy Agenda

The choice of the next House speaker will have significant implications for the Republican Party’s unity and policy agenda moving forward. Scalise, who currently ‌holds the ​position of House Majority ​Leader, represents a more​ establishment-oriented and ‍pragmatic approach. He has been praised⁢ for‌ his ability to unite different factions within the⁢ Republican Party and build consensus⁣ on key issues.

Jordan, on ⁢the other‍ hand, is a staunch conservative ​and founding member of⁣ the House Freedom Caucus. He has been an ⁢outspoken critic‌ of‌ establishment Republicans and⁤ has advocated for a more aggressive ‍and confrontational approach to advancing the conservative agenda. If elected as House speaker, Jordan would likely push for a more conservative policy agenda and prioritize ⁣issues such⁤ as immigration, fiscal restraint, and social conservatism.

The choice between‍ Scalise and Jordan reflects the ​broader battle within‌ the Republican Party ‍between the establishment wing and ⁣the conservative wing. A victory for Scalise could signal a continuation of‍ the party’s more pragmatic and inclusive approach, while a win for Jordan would signify a shift towards⁤ a​ more⁣ confrontational and ideologically-driven agenda. The decision made by House Republicans in this nomination process will set the​ tone for the party’s strategy and priorities in the upcoming legislative session.

Impact on the Biden Administration and Democratic Majority

The⁣ selection of the next House speaker will also have significant implications for the Biden administration ⁣and the Democratic majority ‌in the House. A strong and unified Republican Party under⁣ a new speaker could pose challenges to the ‌Biden administration’s legislative agenda and⁣ policy priorities. With the midterm elections approaching, Republicans will be ⁢eager to ⁤present a united front‌ and appeal to their base.

Scalise, ⁤with his ability to build broad coalitions and find⁤ common ground, could be seen as a more formidable opponent for the Democrats. He‌ has demonstrated his ‍political acumen and negotiation ⁤skills in previous‌ legislative battles. Scalise’s‌ election as House⁢ speaker could potentially lead to a more ‍balanced and competitive political landscape, forcing the Biden administration to ⁣adopt ⁤a more ⁣moderate and conciliatory approach to ⁣achieve its policy goals.

On the other hand, Jordan’s ​election as speaker could ⁣embolden the conservative base and lead to increased resistance against the Biden administration’s agenda. His confrontational style⁢ and unwavering commitment⁤ to ‍conservative principles could⁤ energize the Republican​ base and rally opposition against Democratic ⁢policies. This could create a more‍ polarized and combative⁢ political environment, making ⁤it challenging for⁤ the Biden administration to advance its legislative priorities.

In conclusion, the‍ selection of the ⁢next House speaker is a consequential decision for House Republicans. It will ⁤determine the direction of⁣ the party, shape its policy agenda, and impact its relationship with ⁤the Biden administration ⁣and⁢ Democratic majority. The internal divisions and competing ideologies ‍within‍ the Republican Party will be ‌on full display as members deliberate and ultimately ⁣choose their⁤ nominee. The⁤ outcome of this nomination ⁣process ‌will have‌ far-reaching implications for the political landscape and the future of governance in the United States.

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