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US Church Group Returns from Israel During War: ‘God Protected Us’

Large Church Group That Was in Israel When War Broke Out Arrives Back in US: ⁣’God ‌Took Care of Us’

Dozens of American Christians are home safe Wednesday morning after they were caught in Israel during Saturday’s unprecedented and ‍deadly terror attacks.

Members of Hamas killed at least 1,200⁤ Israelis in a multi-pronged attack that saw men, women and children indiscriminately⁣ massacred‍ along the country’s border with the Gaza Strip.

Twenty-two Americans had been confirmed dead as of Wednesday while more are missing, Yahoo News reported.

But 48 members of Kingsport, Tennessee’s Sunnyside Baptist Church touched down safely in Atlanta on Tuesday before they made their way north and back home by bus.

They arrived Wednesday morning at around 2‌ a.m..

According ‍to WJHL-TV, the church’s congregation was in Israel ​visiting sacred holy sites when the attacks began.

The Kingsport Times-News reported⁢ that they were out on a tour Saturday and heard explosions throughout the morning and ​afternoon.

The ⁤Americans found refuge in a hotel and eventually ‍found a flight back to the U.S.

Sunnyside Associate Pastor David Luster said he was relieved to see that everyone had made⁣ it⁢ back home.

“It’s hard to express how you feel,” Luster told WJHL after ⁤he had received news the bus was‌ en route to Tennessee.

“There’s so many emotions that go through us, when we see this, when we hear this, when‌ we get all the phone calls, and the ‌things ⁣that we ⁣don’t know. It’s the unknown. ⁤Now we know, as ‌much as we can.”

Luster​ added, “They’re on their way home. They’re nearly home. So those fears that we had have been dissolved, and I am so thankful for that.”

Tammy Rogers was in Israel with the group and thanked everyone for ‍their prayers.

Rogers, who is the church’s director of children’s services, also said that when she and‍ others boarded the bus in Atlanta,​ she could see people were feeling ⁤relieved.

She said: “There [have] been lots of smiles and looks of relief on everyone’s faces. We are all so appreciative of the prayers of our families, church, community, and all over the‌ states.

“It’s been a comfort knowing we’ve had so many interceding on our behalf for our safety and travels. I’m not going ‌to lie, it’s been very scary⁤ at times and going​ into a safe area from air strikes is something I pray we never have ‌to do again. But God is in control, ⁤and He holds our tomorrows.”

A man named Jeff Dill, who‍ has ⁤been a member of the church for many⁣ years, credited God for ​the group’s safe return and said there was a “peace” that people felt in spite of being in ⁢ an active war zone.

“God took care of us,” Dill stated. “We prayed about it. There was just a peace ⁣that came over ⁤me about⁢ things, and I think ⁣the whole group it did.”

The Times-News reported church members who were in Israel over the weekend ranged from teens to senior citizens.

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⁢How ⁢will the church group rely on‍ their faith and community support⁣ to heal from the traumas they experienced in Israel

⁢Sunnyside Baptist Church for several years, expressed his gratitude for their safe return. He emphasized the strength of their faith and belief that God‌ had taken care of‌ them during ⁣this challenging time.

Dill said, “We had some tense moments, ⁤but we had faith ‌that God would bring us home safely. And ⁤He did. We are truly grateful for His protection and⁤ guidance throughout this ordeal.”

The church group was in⁣ Israel​ on ​a pilgrimage, visiting sacred holy sites. Little⁢ did they know that they would witness and experience the horrors of the terrorist attacks by Hamas. The attacks resulted in the loss of⁢ many innocent ⁣lives, including the ‍lives of twenty-two Americans.

When ⁢the attacks⁤ began, the⁤ group ​sought refuge in a hotel, unsure of what⁢ the future held‍ for them. They heard explosions throughout⁤ the day, creating an atmosphere of fear and‍ uncertainty.

Eventually, they were‌ able to secure⁤ a flight back to the ⁢US.⁢ The​ church members landed ⁣safely in⁤ Atlanta before continuing‍ their journey, finally arriving home early in the morning.

David Luster, the associate pastor of Sunnyside Baptist Church, expressed his relief and gratitude upon receiving news of the group’s safe return. He acknowledged the range‌ of ⁣emotions ​they ​had experienced, from fear ⁣and worry to ⁤now knowing that they were back home​ and safe.

Tammy Rogers, the church’s director ​of children’s⁤ services, also expressed her gratitude for the prayers and⁤ support they had received. She mentioned⁣ the comfort it⁣ had⁣ provided during the frightening ‌moments they⁢ encountered. Rogers acknowledged the scariness of the situation and expressed hope that they would never have to go through such an experience again. She emphasized their faith in God’s control and the assurance that He holds their tomorrows.

The church members who returned home are thankful for their safe return and express‍ their ‌gratitude ⁣for ‍the prayers and support they received. They are aware that not everyone was as fortunate​ and are‌ mourning the loss of their fellow Americans in ⁢the​ attacks.

As they settle back into their lives in⁣ Tennessee,​ the church group will undoubtedly continue to lean⁢ on their faith and the support ⁣of their community to​ heal⁤ from ‍the traumas they experienced. They will ‌continue to pray for the families⁣ and loved ones of those‌ who lost their‍ lives and seek‌ comfort in knowing⁢ that God was ‍with​ them during their time in Israel.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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