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Fetterman: DC lacks America’s finest minds, says Colbert

Stephen Colbert’s Late-Night Show: A Propaganda ‌Machine ‍for the Democratic Party

Since leaving “The ⁢Colbert Report” in 2014, late-night⁤ entertainer ‌Stephen Colbert has lost his spark. His jokes fall flat, his monologues are predictable, and his ‌guests all lean ⁤towards the left. It’s clear that “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” has become a propaganda machine for the Democratic party.

So surprise me not when Democratic Sen. John Fetterman showed up wearing his ⁢hoodie and signature shorts to trade insults ‍with Colbert about his Republican constituents.

Not only is the ​man an embarrassment ⁢as a politician, he has downgraded the entire House and Senate in⁢ his refusal to represent the American people ​with a modicum of respectability and class.⁢ Additionally, trashing those he works alongside on​ national television just shows how despicable ‌and unintelligent he is. Colbert and his crowd, however, loved Fetterman’s remark.

During his Wednesday appearance, Colbert decided to ⁣discuss Fetterman’s “strong meme​ game.”

“Is it awkward to be in the Capitol and‍ then ⁤run into people that you have put up a devastating meme about because you’ve got excellent meme game, but then you have to see these people in the cafeteria?” Colbert asked, stroking Fetterman’s ‌ego.

(For those ⁤of⁤ us, citizens,⁢ who actually expect our government to be more than clever meme creators, I question​ what value that skill adds to our national security, the rebuilding of⁤ our economy or our impending involvement⁢ in the Hamas-Israel ‌war? To that ‍same⁤ end, has⁤ Fetterman seen‌ the scathing memes created by others‌ about himself. Ones that ‍compare him to⁢ a sanitation worker at⁤ the Capitol, the Senate’s auto⁤ mechanic, and more adequately portray how Fetterman is actually viewed by those⁣ he is supposed to represent? )

Is John Fetterman⁢ fit for office?

“You all need to know that America is not sending⁤ their best and brightest to Washington, D.C.,” the senator​ responded, garnering laughs from the audience.

Like ⁣sometimes, ‍you literally, you just can’t ⁣believe, like you know,‍ these people​ are making the decisions that are,⁤ you know, determining the government here. It’s⁣ actually scary, too,” he continued.

His words criticizing⁤ the⁢ intelligence of Republican senators and representatives only ⁤fuels the divide our entire nation is experiencing.⁢ A house divided shall fall. Isn’t his job to make the United States stronger? You​ can see⁢ his underbelly through his comments.

Conceivably, the ⁣only reason Fetterman captured his Senate seat ⁢is because he had ⁣the power of the great Democratic collective and money machine backing​ him. They needed another empty-headed, controllable body to count on from a key state.

A tree stump could‍ have taken his place​ had one⁣ qualified for candidacy. I don’t say this to ​riff on Fetterman’s very real⁢ auditory and depression issues. Neither of these are funny,⁣ and I’m⁣ not one to sink so low.

Let’s be real, though, Fetterman is no rocket scientist. He’s a tool to be used in whatever way possible to grow and feather the bed of the Democratic party. He also showed what was important to him in this ⁤interview.

A few giggles are ⁢important to Fetterman; his concerns are very self-serving. If ⁤they weren’t, he wouldn’t have ⁤engaged in such ‍shallow ⁤conversation designed to place the Republican party and his direct constituents in such ⁣poor light. It speaks a lot to his character, beyond his intelligence.

Ironically, what Fetterman doesn’t get is, “It is normally the least intelligent person in the room that doesn’t⁢ even realize exactly ​how stupid he‍ is.” Seems like that classic statement holds ⁣true here as well.

That is the reason he now believes he is above those ⁢he ⁢serves alongside. He stands on huge shoulders, but it isn’t because he deserves to be there. It is because‍ he is useful and⁤ obedient​ to the Democratic party,⁣ like ⁤ President Joe Biden.

All I can say is Fetterman was right when he said to Colbert‌ with such hubris that “America is not ⁤sending their ⁣best and brightest to D.C.” The man is the joke ⁢of the Senate, and he hasn’t a clue. It ⁢would be funny, if it wasn’t ⁢so ‍sad.

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The post Fetterman Tells Colbert‍ ‘America Is Not Sending ‌Their Best and Brightest to DC’ Without a Hint of Irony appeared first on The Western Journal.

In what ways does Colbert’s use of humor in conveying political messages compromise the integrity of his show

S://”>Mitch McConnell, who also follows the party line.

Colbert, on the other hand, ⁣continues to provide a platform for​ these types ⁣of guests who engage in divisive rhetoric and contribute to the ​ongoing polarization in our society. ⁣His show is no longer about entertainment or comedy; it is a vehicle​ for promoting the agenda of the Democratic party.

It is clear‌ that Colbert has taken a side in the political spectrum and ​has⁣ chosen to use his show as a platform to push his personal beliefs and preferences onto his viewers. This is a betrayal of the principles of journalism ‌and unbiased reporting that should be upheld by late-night talk show hosts.

Colbert’s blatant ‌bias⁤ is ‍evidenced not ⁢only by the ​choice of ⁤his guests but also by the way he presents‍ the news and current events. ⁤He⁢ cherry-picks information to fit ​his narrative​ and disregards any opposing views or ​perspectives.⁢ This one-sidedness undermines the credibility of​ his show and perpetuates the echo chamber effect that is so detrimental to productive and respectful political discourse.

Moreover,‌ Colbert’s use of humor to convey political⁤ messages further ‍highlights‍ his partisan agenda. ⁤While⁤ comedy ‍can ⁢be a powerful tool for ⁣social commentary, Colbert often ‌crosses the line⁣ into⁤ political activism. ⁣He sacrifices genuine humor and entertainment for⁢ the sake of advancing his political agenda and‍ promoting his preferred candidates and ​policies.

This⁤ kind of propaganda disguised as comedy is dangerous for our ‌society.​ It​ reinforces existing biases and prejudices, ‍fosters division and hostility, and diminishes the importance of critical thinking‌ and independent analysis. ‍It feeds into the tribalism‍ and polarization that⁤ is tearing our country apart.

We deserve better from our late-night​ talk⁤ show hosts. We deserve hosts who can provide​ us with unbiased news⁢ and information, who can challenge our preconceptions and make us think critically, regardless of our political affiliation. We deserve ⁢hosts ‍who can unite‌ us, rather than further dividing us.

Colbert’s late-night show has devolved into​ a platform for promoting the ⁤Democratic party’s agenda‍ and shaping public opinion in favor of their narrative. It is a disservice to his viewers, to‍ journalism, and to‍ the⁤ principles ‍of fairness, balance, and ‍integrity⁤ that should guide our media.

If Colbert truly wants to be a

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