Conservative News Daily

Megyn Kelly’s Friend Passes Away Suddenly: Cherish Your Loved Ones

Megyn Kelly Takes Day Off After Unexpected Death of ⁣Friend

Megyn Kelly, the former Fox News host, recently took a‌ day off from her radio show to mourn the​ loss‍ of a dear friend. She​ made the⁣ announcement on ⁢her SiriusXM show and ⁢shared a clip of it on her Instagram page.

While Kelly didn’t⁤ provide many details about her friend’s‍ passing, she urged her followers to live their lives to the fullest and without regrets.

In her own words, Kelly said, “I’m not going to be here ⁢tomorrow. I’m ‍taking the ‍day off⁣ because my friend died over the weekend. Totally unexpected – 46-year-old mother of two young boys, beautiful wife.”

“We don’t know what happened yet; she died at home. It just​ is a reminder, as with any loss, (to) hold your loved ones near, make sure you look around⁢ that‍ you are living the life you‍ want to be living. You know that, God ​forbid, if God called your number tomorrow morning, you are OK with the way you were in this world, your relationships – your core relationships.”

Kelly also asked for prayers for her friend’s ⁣husband and children, expressing her⁢ gratitude for any support. She later identified her friend as Jocelyn⁣ Steelman, a 46-year-old woman she had known for a decade through their children’s school.

On her website, Kelly wrote, “[Jocelyn was] a loving wife to Elliot and adoring mother of two​ boys — 13-year-old Jacob and 10-year-old‌ Felix.”

Reflecting on⁢ her friend’s passing, Kelly questioned the purpose behind such a⁢ tragedy ⁢and expressed her grief. She attended Steelman’s funeral, describing it as a deeply moving experience.

Through this heartbreaking event, ‌Kelly reminds⁣ us all to ⁤cherish our loved ones and live our lives with intention.

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The post Megyn Kelly Says Her Friend Died ⁤Unexpectedly: ‘Hold Your Loved Ones Near’ ‍ appeared first on‌ The Western Journal.

Why is⁤ the unexpected death of a friend‌ considered a profound and heartbreaking experience?

⁢Described Steelman as a vibrant‍ and beloved⁤ member⁤ of their ⁢community. She expressed her shock and sorrow⁣ over the sudden loss and ‌described Steelman as a wonderful mother and ‍wife who will be greatly missed by⁢ her family‌ and friends.

Kelly’s decision to take a day off⁢ to mourn⁣ the loss of⁢ her friend ‍is a reminder ‍of the importance of prioritizing our relationships ⁢and cherishing ‌the‌ time ⁢we have with our loved ones. It serves as a wake-up call ⁤for all ⁣of us ⁣to live ⁤our lives to the fullest⁤ and not take anything for granted.

The unexpected death of a friend can be a profound and heartbreaking experience. It​ reminds us of the fragility of life and the unpredictability‍ of death. It is ⁣a stark ⁢reminder that anyone’s time could be up at ‍any moment and emphasizes the need to make the‌ most of every day.

Kelly’s message to her followers is​ to take stock of their lives and ensure they are⁣ living in a way that brings them fulfillment ‍and ⁢happiness. It is a call‌ to reflect on our choices and actions and to prioritize the relationships and experiences that truly matter.

The loss of a loved⁤ one can⁢ be an​ incredibly difficult and ⁤challenging time. It⁣ is important to lean on friends, family, and community support to help navigate through the grief‌ and mourning process. ⁢Kelly’s request for prayers for ⁢her friend’s husband and children is ‍a ‍testament to⁣ the support and love they will‍ need during this‌ trying time.

In conclusion, Megyn Kelly’s decision to take a day off to mourn the unexpected death of her friend ‍highlights the importance of living our lives to the fullest and cherishing the ‍relationships we have. It serves as a reminder to appreciate the time we have and ⁤to ⁣prioritize what truly matters. Our thoughts ‍and prayers go out to Jocelyn Steelman’s family and friends during this difficult time.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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