Washington Examiner

Poll: Hunter Biden investigations erode trust in Joe Biden’s ethical conduct.

Investigations into Hunter Biden Spark Concerns about President Joe Biden

Recent investigations into Hunter⁢ Biden have​ raised questions about the ethical conduct and potential criminal activities of ​President Joe Biden himself. The president’s son is currently under scrutiny from​ both the Justice Department and‌ Republican members of Congress.

One of the allegations involves ‌a supposed criminal scheme that Hunter Biden was involved in‌ while‍ his father was the Vice President. Additionally, he is ​facing ​a separate indictment on gun charges after​ his plea deal on tax charges fell apart earlier this year.

Public ⁢Opinion⁢ and Political Divide

A recent poll conducted by the Associated Press-NORC Research Center reveals that ​35% of U.S. ⁣adults believe‌ President Biden ⁢has engaged in⁣ illegal activities. Another ⁤33% think he has ⁤acted unethically, but​ not necessarily illegally.

Republican members of ‌Congress, particularly House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim⁢ Jordan, are leading an investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine. They are attempting to establish a connection between ⁢his role as a board⁣ member for an oil and gas firm and⁢ his⁤ father’s position as Vice President.

Furthermore, Hunter Biden has been indicted by special counsel David Weiss ⁤for a gun purchase he made in 2018, allegedly violating​ orders against gun ownership for drug users. He has pleaded not guilty to ⁤all charges.

When it comes to party affiliation, only 8% of ​Democrats‌ believe that President Biden is guilty of any crimes related to his son’s activities. However, 38% of independents and a significant 65% of Republicans hold the ⁢belief that Biden has engaged in illegal‌ activities concerning Hunter.

Impeachment Inquiry and Public Opinion

Republicans initiated an impeachment inquiry against President Biden last month, focusing on the legal aspects of the case. However, the lack of ‍substantial evidence for impeachable offenses may‍ hinder the progress of the inquiry.

Public opinion regarding the impeachment inquiry is divided, ⁤with 39% of Americans disapproving and 33% approving of the⁣ move.‌ Among Republicans, 67% support the inquiry, while only 7%‍ of‌ Democrats and 38% ‍of independents share the same ​sentiment.

Overall, the ⁢investigations into Hunter Biden have raised concerns about President Joe Biden’s actions and potential wrongdoing. The political divide is evident in public opinion,⁢ with Republicans more likely to ⁤believe in the president’s guilt compared to Democrats and independents.

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Why​ do Democrats argue that the investigations ‍are politically motivated‍ and aim to tarnish President Biden’s reputation, and⁤ what pressing issues‍ do they believe ⁣should be the‍ focus instead

Americans say that they ⁤are very concerned about the investigations into Hunter Biden and their potential impact on President Joe⁢ Biden. This concern is⁣ not limited to one political party,⁣ as 50% of surveyed Republicans, 19% of Democrats, and 31% ⁤of Independents express worry about the investigations and⁣ what they might‍ mean for the President.

The investigations have further divided ‍the⁤ already polarized political landscape in the United States. Republicans argue ⁣that the ‍allegations against Hunter Biden raise serious doubts about‍ the President’s judgment, integrity, and ability to lead. ⁣They ⁤claim that the President must be held accountable for the actions of his son, and that these investigations cast a shadow⁢ over his administration’s legitimacy.

Democrats, on the other hand, argue‍ that‍ the investigations are ‌politically motivated and aim to sow doubt and tarnish President Biden’s reputation. They contend that there is no evidence to⁣ suggest any ​wrongdoing on the⁢ part of the‍ President,⁣ and⁤ that the focus should remain on pressing issues such as the economy, healthcare, and climate change.

Impact on Presidency

The investigations into Hunter Biden have the potential to significantly impact President Biden’s presidency. If concrete evidence of wrongdoing by⁤ Hunter ​Biden is⁢ uncovered, it could reflect poorly on President Biden‌ and ⁣undermine ​his ability⁤ to govern effectively. It could ⁢also provide ammunition ‍to his political opponents, making it difficult for​ him to push forward his policy agenda.

Furthermore, the investigations ‌create a distraction for‌ the ⁢administration,‍ diverting attention and resources away from pressing ​issues. The President and his​ team will need ⁢to devote time and energy to addressing ⁤the allegations​ and defending against any⁣ potential fallout. This could hamper their ​ability to address the⁣ numerous challenges and crises facing​ the country.

Ethical Concerns

The ⁤investigations into Hunter ⁣Biden raise ethical concerns. Critics argue that his business dealings and connections may have influenced his ​father’s decision-making while he held the office of Vice President. This potential​ conflict of interest undermines public trust in the ​integrity and transparency of the Biden administration.

The Biden administration has repeatedly stated that it is committed​ to upholding ethical standards and avoiding any conflicts⁢ of interest. However, the investigations into Hunter Biden’s activities and the potential⁣ implications ‍for President Biden’s actions during his‌ time in office​ raise ‌questions about whether these standards⁤ have been met.


The investigations ‌into⁣ Hunter ‍Biden have sparked concerns⁤ about President‌ Joe Biden. The ethical conduct and potential criminal activities of the President’s ‌son have raised questions about the judgment‌ and integrity of the President himself. The impact on the presidency and⁤ the political ⁣divide resulting⁤ from these investigations further complicate‌ an already polarized political ⁤landscape. The⁣ ethical concerns brought about by these investigations also cast a ⁢shadow over the administration’s commitment to transparency and ​integrity. As the investigations continue, their outcome will undoubtedly ⁤have a significant ‌impact on President Biden’s ability ⁢to⁤ govern effectively and maintain public trust.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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