Conservative News Daily

Bill Maher slams Berkeley professor: ‘Your morals are shattered’

Understanding the Difference Between “Liberal” and “Leftist”

While many people tend to group “liberal” ⁣and “leftist” together in conversation, ⁣it’s important ‍to recognize that there ‍is a distinct​ difference between the two.

If you need a real-life example of this dichotomy, look ‍no further than HBO host and pundit Bill Maher.

Now, let’s be clear, Maher ‌is a bleeding-heart liberal and not a friend of⁣ conservatism by any means.

However, Maher‍ is a classic liberal, which means you can ⁣actually have ‍a friendly‌ debate with him. He firmly believes in the classic liberal principle of “I disagree with what⁣ you say but I will defend ⁢to the death your right to say it.”

He even gives credit where‍ it’s due, even​ if it’s to a card-carrying⁣ conservative like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

When you compare Maher to ‍the nonsensical leftist propaganda spewed by ‍pundits on shows ⁣like “The View” or CBS News, he ⁤almost seems like a moderate.


But what ​sets Maher‌ apart from leftists is ⁢his dash of common sense and ‍shred of decency, two ⁢qualities that are often lacking in their rhetoric.

And when it comes to the horrific footage emerging from the Israel-Hamas ‍conflict, even if you⁢ don’t know much about the⁤ geopolitical issues at ⁤play, it doesn’t take much more⁤ than a functioning conscience and a ​pair of eyes to denounce‌ the barbaric tactics used by ​Hamas militants.

War is one thing, but sitting on a woman with broken legs while others laugh and spit‍ on her lifeless body? That should⁤ be easy to denounce⁤ wholeheartedly, right?

Well, apparently not for many people, politicians, and educators who⁢ struggle to denounce ⁣the‌ brutal actions committed by Hamas militants. And Maher is fed up with this nonsensical rhetoric.

In a recent episode of “Real Time with Bill Maher,” he unleashed his frustration with the left’s sympathy for Hamas.

After pointing out that many of the country’s ​issues stem ⁤from‍ left-leaning colleges, Maher cited Judith Butler, an anti-Israel professor from the University ⁢of California, Berkeley, who defended Hamas and‌ Hezbollah‌ as⁢ “progressive” social movements.

Maher’s criticism ⁣of the left may make it ⁢seem like he’s⁤ antagonizing them more often, but ‌the ‍truth is that the left keeps embracing the madness coming from individuals like ⁤Butler.

So, ‌when Maher claims ​that the left’s moral‌ compass is broken, he couldn’t be more wrong. This is the​ left, and their lack ⁣of a moral compass is evident.

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The post Fed-Up ‌Bill Maher ⁤Roasts ‌Lesbian Berkeley Professor: ‘Your Moral Compass Is Broken’ ​ appeared first on The Western Journal.

How does the refusal of​ Hamas ​to denounce their violent acts affect the principles of ⁣liberalism?

Y towards Hamas and their refusal to denounce​ their violent acts. Maher argued that this kind ⁣of double standard and moral relativism is detrimental to the principles of liberalism and undermines any potential for productive political⁤ discourse.

So, what is the difference between a ⁢liberal and a leftist? At its ​core, liberalism is founded on individual rights, limited government intervention, and free market principles. Classic liberals,⁣ like Maher, value free speech, open dialogue, ⁢and ⁤the ability to have civil debates without resorting to personal attacks or censorship.

On the other hand, leftists tend to lean further ⁣towards collectivism, supporting larger government involvement in⁢ economic and ‍social issues. They​ often prioritize group identities, social justice, and equality of outcome ⁢over individual liberties. Leftists are more likely to advocate for⁤ the ⁤dismantling of established systems and institutions⁣ in order to create a more equitable society.

While both liberals and leftists may share certain progressive values, the difference lies in their approach​ and willingness ‍to engage in dialogue. Liberals,⁣ like Maher, believe in the power of persuasion‌ and the importance of defending⁢ diverse viewpoints, even if they disagree with them. They recognize that a ⁢healthy democracy requires robust debate and ⁢the exchange of ideas.

Leftists, on ⁢the other hand, tend to ​be more absolutist in their beliefs and less open to opposing viewpoints. They often resort to identity politics, labeling anyone with differing opinions ⁢as enemies or‌ oppressors. This black-and-white thinking can be counterproductive and alienate ⁤potential allies, hindering the progress of their ‍own causes.

It is crucial ‍to distinguish‌ between liberals and⁣ leftists because lumping them together oversimplifies the diverse range of political ideologies and hinders meaningful discussions. By understanding the nuances between the two, we can foster greater understanding, respect, ‌and collaboration within our society.

In conclusion, while many people may use the terms “liberal” and “leftist” interchangeably, there is⁣ a distinct difference between ‍the two. ⁤Liberals, like⁣ Bill Maher, value individual rights, civil discourse, and are ⁢more open‍ to diverse viewpoints. Leftists, on the other hand,​ tend to ‍prioritize collective action, social justice, and may be less open​ to opposing perspectives. Recognizing this difference allows for more ​accurate⁣ and constructive political conversations.

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