The federalist

Banana Republic: Biased Judges Control GOP Campaign Speeches

Democrats Continue to Weaponize the Federal Government to Silence Trump

Not a week goes by⁣ without Democrats weaponizing the federal government to silence their political opponents — and ​Monday’s court-mandated gag order on former President Donald ‌Trump is no different.

At the Department of Justice’s ⁣(DOJ) request, U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan — an Obama appointee‌ — partially granted the department’s motion to institute a gag⁢ order on Trump ahead of the 2024 election. ​According to The​ Daily Caller, the order prohibits⁤ Trump — the leading contender for the GOP presidential nomination — from issuing statements about Special Counsel Jack Smith, “[Smith’s] staff, witnesses and court personnel,” while‍ permitting the former‍ president “to make statements about the Biden administration and DOJ.”

As The Federalist’s ⁣Jordan Boyd previously reported, Smith — who indicted ⁤Trump in August over the latter’s Jan. 6, 2021, statements contesting the 2020‌ election — filed ‌the ⁤motion in question ​last month. In his motion, Smith baselessly claimed⁤ Trump’s right to speak freely about⁢ the⁤ government’s crusade to throw him⁢ in prison ⁣“threatens to undermine the integrity of these proceedings” and defended the request as‍ “modest” and “permissible.”

While it’s not surprising Chutkan⁤ greenlit Smith’s motion given her‍ history of ⁤left-wing judicial activism, Monday’s developments shine a light on the much bigger issue of⁢ judges deciding ⁢what political speech is permissible for candidates to use on the ‍campaign trail.

Should Trump become the 2024 GOP ⁤presidential nominee, his ability to call out the DOJ’s blatant corruption during the election would be severely curtailed. Chutkan’s order allowing Trump to criticize the DOJ while barring him from lamenting Smith ​and his team is a joke because Smith’s investigation is a part of the Biden administration’s greater attempt ‍to throw their top political opponent in prison during the middle of an election.

How is Trump supposed to criticize Biden and the‌ DOJ’s corruption and not Smith when, in actuality, ⁣they’re all tied to the same goal?

While⁢ judicial activism is nothing new for leftist judges, Chutkan’s order opens the floodgates for the judicial system to restrict a political candidate’s constitutional‍ right to speak freely during an election. What’s to stop Democrat attorneys general ‌or prosecutors from filing flimsy charges ‌against other Republican candidates who (rightly) ⁢lament America’s two-tiered justice system and then flocking to leftist judges to ​institute similar gag orders to ⁣bar such criticisms?

Chutkan’s approval of Smith’s disgraceful ​motion ‍has put America on a very dark path in which judges can actively silence a political candidate at a moment’s notice.

About ⁢the Author

Shawn Fleetwood is a staff writer for The Federalist and a graduate of the University of Mary Washington. He previously served as a state content writer for Convention of States Action and⁣ his work has been featured in numerous outlets, including RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and ⁢Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood.


How ⁣have Democrats weaponized the federal government ⁢to manipulate the ⁤political landscape?

Political bias and corruption would be severely hindered by this gag order. It is clear that Democrats are using the ‌power‌ of the federal government to⁤ silence⁢ their opposition⁢ and manipulate​ the political landscape in their favor.

This⁢ is not an isolated incident. The weaponization of the federal government by‍ Democrats has been a recurring theme throughout ⁢the Trump presidency and continues to be ‍a concern as we move forward. From baseless impeachment proceedings to investigations and subpoenas, Democrats have consistently used ⁢their positions of power to target and attack ‌Trump and his supporters.

The court-mandated gag⁤ order on Trump is just another example of this ongoing pattern. By restricting Trump’s ability ⁤to speak ‍about⁣ the actions and integrity of the Biden administration and the DOJ, Democrats are effectively silencing him and preventing him from offering any meaningful critique ⁣or opposition.

Furthermore, the justification for this gag order is flimsy at best. Smith’s claim that Trump’s right to free speech threatens the integrity of the proceedings is unfounded and reflects a clear bias against the former president. It is a blatant ‍attempt to manipulate ​the legal system and prevent Trump from exercising his fundamental rights.

This case highlights the importance of an independent and impartial judiciary. Judges should interpret and apply the law objectively, without allowing their ⁢personal biases​ and political affiliations ‍to influence their decisions. Unfortunately, Judge Chutkan’s history of left-wing judicial activism raises concerns about the fairness ⁤and​ impartiality of her rulings.

Ultimately, the weaponization of the federal government by Democrats poses a threat to democracy ‍and the principles of free speech and fair elections. The ability for candidates to speak freely about ‍their opponents, ⁣the government, and the issues that matter to them is essential for a healthy and⁣ vibrant democracy.

If we ⁣allow political ⁢opponents to dictate what can and cannot be said during political campaigns, we undermine the very foundations of our democratic system. It is crucial that ​we remain vigilant ‍in defending the rights of all candidates, regardless of their political affiliation, to engage ⁤in ​open and robust political discourse.

We must hold⁤ our elected officials accountable and​ demand that they⁢ respect the principles‍ of democracy and⁣ the rule of law. The weaponization of the federal government should not‍ be tolerated, as it undermines‍ the very ‍essence of⁢ our democracy and threatens ​the freedoms we hold dear.

It is⁣ now ​more important than‍ ever for Americans‌ to⁢ be informed and engaged ‌citizens, actively⁤ participating in the political process and standing up against any attempts to stifle free speech and manipulate the political landscape. Our democracy depends on it.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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