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Senate wants to permanently halt $6B Iran ransom payment.

Legislation positions U.S. ⁣to seize ⁣Iranian funds⁣ across the globe

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Senate Republicans are taking bold action to permanently ⁣freeze the Biden administration’s $6 billion ransom payment to Iran with groundbreaking legislation that⁣ sets the stage for​ Congress to ⁤seize a range of Iranian assets across the globe.

The measure, introduced⁢ Monday by Sen. Tim‌ Scott (R.,​ S.C.) with the backing⁤ of 20 Republican colleagues, marks the first bid by the upper chamber to lock the $6 billion payment in place, effectively preventing the Biden​ administration from making it​ available to⁢ Iran at a later date, according to a copy of the legislation obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

U.S. officials​ say they reached a “quiet understanding”⁤ with Qatar, where the money is being held, to keep it‌ on standby amid outrage‌ over Iran’s role in funding and directing Hamas’s mass slaughter of Israelis last weekend. Congressional ⁤Republicans, however, say the Biden administration is ⁤not going nearly‌ far enough to cut off⁣ Tehran’s access to financial assets, particularly as it⁤ rallies regional ⁢militant groups behind Hamas.

The⁤ bill is just one example ⁣of efforts in Congress to ​close off avenues the Biden administration⁣ could use​ to route money to Iran. Similar legislation is circulating ⁣in the Republican-controlled House, and with concerns about Iran’s terrorist enterprise⁣ mounting on both sides of the⁢ aisle, it is ‍possible Congress will nullify the Biden administration’s November hostage deal.

“The Biden administration’s decision to⁢ release $6 billion to ⁢Iran—the world’s leading state sponsor of⁢ terror—was a grave mistake that created a market for ‍American hostages, emboldened our adversaries, and put a​ credit on the balance​ sheets of one of Hamas’s biggest backers,” Scott, the ranking member⁣ on the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, told the ⁣ Free Beacon. “In the wake of Hamas’s horrific⁣ attacks on Israel, it has only become clearer that this rogue regime cannot be trusted as long ‌they continue to support terrorist organizations.”

The legislation, dubbed‌ the Revoke Iranian Funding ‌Act, uses Congress’s power‍ over⁢ the purse to ⁤permanently refreeze the $6 billion in assets, which were released ‍from‌ a ⁣South Korean bank and ⁤placed in Qatar after the Biden administration issued several sanctions exemptions.

The executive-branch-authored licenses would be revoked under‌ the legislation, effectively barring Qatar or any other nations from moving them back to ⁤Iran.

The legislation also sets the stage for Congress to⁢ target other Iranian assets held across⁣ the globe.

It directs the Treasury Department to study “all high-value Iranian assets around the world” ⁣and provide‌ Congress⁢ with a ‌detailed list of⁤ where they are stored, according to information about the bill circulated by Scott’s office.

This would allow Congress to tailor new sanctions aimed at choking off these assets and prevent Iran from⁣ using⁣ them to‌ fund Hamas, or its other terrorist proxies, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon.

That provision is key, Scott said, to “ensuring Congress has the information necessary to prevent ⁣Iran from accessing funds⁣ in the future. We ⁣must be unequivocal that the United States will not back down⁣ and waive sanctions on frozen Iranian funds held by other nations.”

⁣ What are the main provisions ‍of the legislation introduced⁣ by Senator⁢ Tim Scott to address ‍the $6 billion ransom ⁢payment to Iran?

Isle, it is ⁣likely that bipartisan support ‍will be garnered for these measures.

The legislation introduced by Senator Tim Scott aims⁣ to permanently freeze ⁢the $6 billion ransom payment that was​ planned to be ⁢released to⁤ Iran by the​ Biden administration. This ⁣payment has been a ⁣source of controversy, ​as⁢ many Republicans argue that it will only further enable ​Iran’s support for ⁢militant‍ groups like Hamas. By locking the ‌payment in place, the ⁤legislation⁤ prevents the‍ administration from making it available to Iran at a later date.

The ⁣bill also sets the stage for Congress⁣ to seize ‌a range of Iranian assets across the⁤ globe. This move ⁤is⁢ seen as a necessary step to cut off‌ Tehran’s access⁤ to financial resources, especially as ‌the country actively ‌supports and funds⁣ militant groups. The recent Hamas attacks‌ on Israel have​ further emphasized the urgency of‍ taking action to limit Iran’s capacity to finance such ⁤activities.

The⁤ legislation reflects growing concerns ⁣among ⁢Republicans about ‍the Biden‌ administration’s approach to Iran. Many argue that the administration’s efforts to ‌engage diplomatically and reenter the nuclear deal are insufficient in addressing‌ Iran’s‌ aggressive behavior. They believe⁣ that stronger measures, such as seizing Iranian assets, are necessary‍ to effectively curb Iran’s​ support for‍ terrorism.

Similar legislation is also being circulated in the Republican-controlled‍ House of Representatives. With⁢ bipartisan‌ support for taking a tougher stance on Iran, it is likely that ⁤these measures will gain ⁤traction and ultimately become law. Republican lawmakers are ⁢determined to⁣ ensure that⁢ the Biden administration does not have the means ‍to financially support Iran and its destabilizing activities across the⁢ globe.

The‍ introduction‌ of this legislation marks a ‌significant step in holding Iran accountable for its actions and curbing its ability to finance terrorism. By freezing the $6 billion ransom payment and paving the way for the seizure of ‌Iranian assets, the⁢ United States‌ sends a strong ⁣message to Iran and other state sponsors of terrorism that their actions will not be tolerated.

As the⁢ legislation moves through Congress, it will be interesting to⁣ see the level ‌of support it garners and the potential impact it may have on the Biden‌ administration’s⁣ approach‌ to Iran. With growing⁢ bipartisan concern over ⁣Iran’s activities, it is clear that⁤ taking a tougher‍ stance is a ⁢priority for many lawmakers. The passage of​ this ⁤legislation would be a significant⁣ step in that direction and a clear demonstration of the United States’ commitment to‍ holding Iran accountable.

In the face of ongoing tensions ⁣in the⁣ Middle East ⁤and Iran’s continued ⁣support‌ for ‌terrorism, legislative action like this‍ is crucial. It ensures⁣ that the United States has the tools and mechanisms necessary to confront⁣ Iran’s destabilizing​ actions and protect its allies. By seizing Iranian⁤ assets and limiting their ​access to financial resources, the United States can effectively⁢ hinder Iran’s capacity to fund and ⁤support terrorist activities.

The ​introduction of this⁣ legislation ⁢by Senate Republicans, along with its potential passage, ‌is a ⁢testament to the United States’ commitment to promoting peace and stability‌ in the region. It sends a clear signal to Iran and⁣ other state sponsors of⁣ terrorism that their actions will ​have consequences. The move to seize Iranian funds across the globe is a ‌proactive step in addressing the ongoing threat posed by Iran and its support ‍for terrorism.

In conclusion, the groundbreaking legislation⁤ introduced by⁤ Senate Republicans to freeze the‌ $6⁢ billion ransom payment ‌to Iran ​and pave the way for the seizure of Iranian assets is a significant move in holding Iran accountable for its actions.‌ With bipartisan support and growing concerns⁤ over⁢ Iran’s ​support for terrorism, these measures ⁤have‌ the potential to become ⁤law and send a⁢ strong message to Iran and other state sponsors of terrorism. The legislation‌ positions the United States ⁤to take‍ decisive action and limit Iran’s⁤ access to ⁢financial resources, ultimately‌ curbing its capacity to finance terrorist ‌activities across the globe.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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