Conservative News Daily

Trump defiantly responds to judge’s gag order, promises to continue fighting.

Federal Judge Gags Former President Trump, Silencing the Nation

In a stunning move, Federal Judge Tanya Chutkan has ⁣effectively⁤ silenced the entire nation by imposing a gag order on former President Donald Trump. This censorship not‍ only restricts Trump’s ability to speak, ⁢but also denies the public their ‌right ⁤to listen.⁤ The justification for this extreme ⁣measure is supposedly to protect ⁢those ⁣involved in Trump’s criminal trial, but it raises questions‍ about the judge’s lack of faith in the​ American people’s ability to‍ handle the truth.

It’s a classic tactic straight from the⁤ liberal left’s playbook – the​ idea that Big⁣ Brother ‍knows best and must set boundaries for the rest of us. Chutkan, appointed by former President​ Barack Obama, ruled that Trump cannot ⁢publicly discuss the court’s personnel⁣ or the government’s witnesses against him in the election interference case.

But this case has little to ⁢do with‌ justice. Trump has been charged⁤ with⁣ conspiring to subvert the⁢ will of American voters, an accusation ‍he vehemently denies. ⁣The events of ⁤January​ 6, 2021, have been shrouded⁢ in injustice by ​the Democrats, and Chutkan’s gag order only adds another layer to‍ the cover-up.

Trump, not one to stay silent, expressed his outrage on Truth⁣ Social, declaring ‍the gag order⁢ a “terrible thing” and vowing to appeal. His spokesperson,⁢ Liz Harrington, ⁢echoed his sentiments, calling⁢ the decision an ⁢”abomination” and accusing ⁢President Joe Biden of using law enforcement ‌as a weapon against​ political opponents.

Chutkan’s⁢ decision to partially gag Trump ⁤sends a clear‍ message about who holds the power in the United States right now. She argues ⁢that a defendant should not be allowed to attack the‍ prosecutor, but this case‌ is‌ far from ordinary. ⁤It involves a leading presidential candidate ⁤and raises serious concerns about political interference.

As‌ the trial approaches, ‌Chutkan has warned Trump to behave or‍ face an expedited schedule. Her boldness in the face‌ of ‍Trump’s predicament reveals her⁢ true feelings towards him and her role in obstructing his return to the White House.

Should Trump be under a gag⁤ order?

Should ⁣Trump be under a gag⁢ order?

Trump’s attorneys ⁢declined to​ comment on the ruling, but it is clear ⁢that they believe their client‍ is being ​unfairly targeted. The ⁢argument that this gag order is ​just another attempt to censor a political candidate in‍ the middle of⁣ an election cannot ⁤be ignored.

The fact that an unelected judge, at‍ the⁢ behest of the Department ⁤of Justice, can silence a‍ leading ‍presidential candidate ⁤is a testament ⁤to the‌ current state of our democracy. ⁢The Western Journal, a publication that ​has faced financial ‍challenges due to its commitment to the truth, urges readers to support‍ independent media and subscribe‍ to help fight against the liberal elites.

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The post Trump Roars Back, Vows to Fight ​After ‍Judge Issues Gag Order appeared⁣ first on The Western Journal.

How does Federal Judge Tanya Chutkan’s⁢ decision to partially gag‌ Trump raise questions about her role in inhibiting his possible return ⁢to the White House and the principles of‌ free speech and ⁤transparency

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The gag⁣ order imposed on former President Trump by Federal Judge‌ Tanya Chutkan raises concerns about the ​erosion of free speech and transparency in our democracy. While‌ the justification for the order is to protect individuals involved ⁤in Trump’s trial, it stifles both the defendant’s right to speak​ and the public’s right to listen and make informed judgments.

Chutkan’s decision aligns with a long-standing tactic used by the liberal left, asserting that those⁤ in power must ⁢set boundaries for the ‍rest of society. As an Obama-appointed judge, her ruling prohibits Trump from discussing the court’s personnel and the government’s witnesses against him in the election interference case.

However, the significance of this case goes beyond‍ mere justice. Trump has been accused of conspiring to subvert the will of American voters, a⁢ charge he vehemently denies. The events ‌of January 6, 2021, have ‍already ⁢been clouded by injustice, and Chutkan’s order​ adds another layer‌ to the attempts⁣ to suppress the truth.

Unsurprisingly, Trump and his spokesperson, Liz⁤ Harrington, have expressed⁢ their outrage at the gag order. Trump called it a “terrible thing” and vowed to appeal, while Harrington labeled⁣ it an “abomination” and accused President Joe Biden of using law enforcement​ as a weapon against political opponents.

The implications of Chutkan’s decision extend far beyond Trump’s trial. By partially gagging him, she sends a clear message about who holds power in the ⁢United States right now. While⁣ her reasoning ⁣is that a defendant should not attack ​the ‌prosecutor, this‍ case is far from ordinary, involving ‍a potential future presidential candidate and raising serious concerns about political interference.

As the trial approaches, Chutkan has warned Trump to​ behave or face an expedited schedule. This boldness reveals her true feelings towards him and raises questions about her role in inhibiting his possible return to the White House.

The gag order against Trump ⁤highlights the need to ​revisit the principles⁣ of free speech and transparency in our democracy. It is ‍vital that we

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