Washington Examiner

NY rabbis urge George Latimer to challenge Rep. Jamaal Bowman for House seat, taking on the ‘Squad’.

Dozens of Jewish Leaders Urge Westchester County⁤ Executive to ⁢Challenge Rep. Jamaal Bowman for Congressional Seat

In a powerful ⁣letter ‌addressed to New York Democrat Rep. Jamaal‌ Bowman, a group of rabbis and ⁤Jewish leaders from Westchester County are calling ‌for a challenge to his congressional seat. They express deep concern over Bowman’s refusal ⁤to⁤ support Israel, which they believe contradicts their core values and warrants a run ⁢against him. The leaders highlight Bowman’s “damaging” stance on America’s relationship with Israel, stating that he has brought ⁢an agenda to Washington that is deeply troubling.

Contrasting Bowman with⁢ Former ​Rep. Eliot Engel

The group draws a negative comparison between Bowman ⁢and his predecessor, former Democratic‍ Rep. Eliot Engel. They commend ⁢Engel⁢ for consistently delivering for the people of Westchester and⁣ representing their core values in Washington, particularly his⁣ unwavering support for ‌Israel’s safety and security.

Addressing Latimer, the leaders emphasize that ⁣Bowman has been actively⁢ eroding support for Israel on Capitol Hill and within the Democratic Party since his election. They express hope that Latimer will announce his candidacy for Congress, believing ​that he can restore their values to this crucial seat in Washington. They assure Latimer of their strong ⁤support and mention his previous remarks at the Westchester Jewish Council Community Rally, which gave them ⁣hope ⁣that he possesses ⁤the moral courage ‍and conviction needed in ‌this office.

Latimer’s​ Stance and Bowman’s Controversy

While Latimer is seen as a return to the establishment that ⁣Bowman unseated, ⁤his website highlights his achievements in advancing progressive policies. The letter‌ acknowledges Latimer’s vocal support ⁣for Israel, as evident in his⁢ strong⁤ stance on ‍the matter.

Bowman has faced ‍criticism following Hamas’s recent surprise attack on Israel, which triggered the deadliest clash between Israel and Palestinians since its founding.​ Jewish leaders have condemned ⁤Bowman’s hesitancy to firmly⁤ side with Israel, a sentiment shared by other progressive representatives like Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib.

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How does ⁢the alignment of Bowman with⁢ the progressive wing of the Democratic Party affect Israel’s standing and the concerns of the Jewish community

Elieve poses a threat⁢ to ⁢the longstanding bipartisan support the United States has given ⁣to the ​state of Israel. The group urges Westchester County Executive George Latimer to identify a candidate ​who can effectively challenge Bowman in the upcoming elections.

The ​letter,⁣ signed by​ dozens of Jewish leaders, highlights the strong bond between the Jewish ⁤community and⁣ the state of Israel. They argue that Israel is‍ not only a strategic ally of the United States but also a beacon of democracy ⁤in the​ Middle East. Bowman’s failure to stand firmly with Israel, the letter argues, undermines the bipartisan consensus that has long supported the Jewish state.

The Jewish leaders express their disappointment ​in Bowman’s alignment with the progressive wing of ​the Democratic Party,‍ which they believe ‌has adopted a more critical stance towards Israel. They⁤ argue that this shift in positions threatens to⁢ isolate and vilify Israel, a cause for deep concern for the ⁢Jewish community.

Furthermore, the letter emphasizes the ⁣importance of ‍a united‍ front when it comes to Israel, noting the ‌overwhelming support for the state among both Republicans and Democrats in‍ Congress. The signatories express​ their worries that Bowman’s anti-Israel sentiments will further ​divide the party​ and undermine its ability to advocate for issues ⁤important to the Jewish community.

The group calls ⁣on County Executive George Latimer to identify a candidate who can ⁣effectively challenge Bowman in the next election. They emphasize the need‌ for a candidate who not⁤ only​ holds a strong stance ​in support of Israel‍ but also⁤ embodies ⁣the values ​of unity, bipartisanship,⁤ and diplomatic collaboration.

The letter concludes by urging the Jewish community to engage in constructive dialogue with Congressman Bowman to address their concerns and ensure their voices are heard. It emphasizes ⁢the importance of open⁣ communication and encourages the community to actively participate in the democratic process.

This call to​ challenge Rep. Jamaal Bowman for his congressional seat highlights⁣ the significant role that support⁤ for Israel plays in the Jewish community. The letter serves as a reminder that politicians must be mindful⁢ of the concerns and values of the various communities they represent.

Moving forward, it is crucial for elected ⁤officials to engage in‍ a dialogue that respects the diversity of⁢ opinions within​ their ​constituency, while also ⁢striving to maintain⁤ the ⁢strong and unwavering support for Israel that ⁤has been a cornerstone of bipartisan ⁢politics for decades. Only through​ open and​ respectful​ discourse can elected officials ⁤effectively represent the interests of all their constituents, including ‍the Jewish community.

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