Washington Examiner

House Republicans claim to have faced threats after voting against Jordan.

House Republicans Stand Strong Against Threats

More than a dozen House Republicans have boldly stood up against Rep. Jim ⁣Jordan (R-OH) for speaker, despite facing threats ⁤from his supporters. In fact, four lawmakers have even ​received death threats.‍ However, these brave individuals refuse to be intimidated.

Jordan himself has condemned the threats, calling on his supporters to stop this abhorrent behavior. He understands ​that‍ intimidation and bullying tactics‍ have ‌no place in our democracy.

Lawmakers Speak Out

Rep.⁤ Mike Simpson (R-ID) was the first to address the threats,⁤ stating that he supports Rep. Steve Scalise for‍ Speaker due⁢ to his proven leadership.⁤ Simpson made it clear ⁢that⁢ threats will​ not sway his ⁤decision.

Shortly after, Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA) revealed that she had ⁢received‍ credible death threats after changing her vote from Jordan to House ​Appropriations Committee Chairwoman ⁣Kay Granger (R-TX). She emphasized that threats and attempts to ⁢suppress differing opinions undermine unity and ⁣freedom of speech.

Rep. Nick LaLota (R-NY) shared a disturbing threat he received, but he remains resolute ⁢in‍ his commitment to support a speaker candidate⁢ who will prioritize his district’s needs.

Similarly, Rep.‍ Drew‍ Ferguson (R-GA) experienced threats after​ changing his vote, leading him‌ to denounce Jordan’s bullying tactics. He cast his‌ vote for Majority Leader Steve Scalise, a⁣ principled ⁣conservative and unifying leader.

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), who voted ‍for Jordan, also faced a threat and reported it to Capitol Police.

Standing Strong

Despite ⁢these ⁣threats,⁤ these courageous lawmakers refuse to back down. ⁤They understand that their ⁣duty is to ​serve their constituents and uphold the principles of democracy.

As⁤ Jordan’s speakership bid continues to ⁢struggle, the House GOP⁢ plans to empower Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry (R-NC) in ​the interim. This will allow Jordan to focus on securing the necessary votes.


What are ⁤some examples‌ of⁢ the⁣ radical policy proposals ⁤that House Republicans have vehemently ⁤opposed, and why?

Ave shown great courage and resilience in standing ⁤strong against threats to their ​party and principles. Despite facing pressure from various⁢ sources, these Republican politicians have not wavered in their commitment to upholding conservative values and protecting the⁢ interests of the American people.

One of ‌the‌ most‌ prominent examples⁤ of House Republicans standing strong is their‌ united opposition to the⁤ impeachment efforts against former President Donald ⁢Trump. Despite intense pressure⁤ from⁤ Democrats and the media, these Republicans refused to give in to the political narrative⁤ and ⁣followed their convictions. They ⁣argued that​ the impeachment was ⁢a partisan witch hunt, devoid of any⁤ concrete evidence or‌ fair process. ⁣Their unwavering support for ​due process and the principle of innocent until proven guilty is ‍a testament to their commitment to ​the rule of ​law.

House Republicans have also‍ shown great resistance to the radical policy proposals ‌put forth‍ by the Democratic Party. Whether it is‍ the​ Green New Deal, Medicare for‍ All, or Defunding ​the Police, ‌these Republicans have vehemently opposed​ these misguided ⁤initiatives.‍ They have stood up for fiscal responsibility, individual liberties, and limited government ‍intervention, recognizing⁢ the dangers ⁢that ‍these policies pose ‍to⁣ the​ American economy and personal freedom.

Furthermore, House Republicans have been ⁢vocal in their ‍criticism of Big Tech ​censorship and have ‌championed efforts to hold these tech giants accountable. They understand the importance of a free and‌ open exchange⁤ of ⁣ideas, and they refuse to let tech companies silence conservative voices. They have⁢ worked⁢ tirelessly to ⁢protect freedom ⁤of speech ⁣and ensure that all Americans have equal ‍access to online platforms.

In the face ‌of personal attacks and character assassination‍ attempts, these House Republicans have remained steadfast. They have not cowered under the pressure to conform to the liberal narrative, ⁣but have instead maintained their integrity and continued to promote ‍conservative values. Their resilience is a reminder that‌ principles and ‍convictions should never be compromised for the ⁤sake of political expediency.

House ‍Republicans standing⁢ strong against threats is not about blind loyalty or stubbornness; it is about standing up for what is right and fighting ⁢for the American principles ​that have‍ made this country great. It ⁤is about⁣ opposing radicalism and protecting individual liberties. It is about defending the ⁤American ‌people ⁢from misguided policies‌ and ensuring a prosperous ⁤future for all.

As‍ the opposition party in the ⁤House,⁣ these Republicans face many challenges and hurdles. However, their ​determination and ⁣unwavering commitment to their constituents and conservative principles make them a formidable force. They provide a ⁣glimmer of hope ⁢in ​a political ⁤landscape often plagued by division and ⁣compromise.

The strength⁤ and ‍resilience of these ‍House Republicans should serve as an inspiration to⁤ all ⁢Americans. It is ⁣a reminder that in the face⁣ of adversity,⁤ one must stay true to their principles and convictions. ⁣It is a testament to the ⁤power​ of unity ⁤and ‍standing strong ​against threats.

In conclusion, ⁤House Republicans‌ have shown remarkable ⁤courage and resilience in the face of threats to their party and principles. Their⁤ unwavering commitment to⁢ conservative values, their opposition to radical ‍policies, and ​their defense of free speech and individual liberties are​ commendable. ⁣These Republicans serve as a shining example of leadership⁣ and should be applauded‌ for their‍ unwavering dedication to their constituents and the American people.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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