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Kevin McCarthy’s Speaker Speech Burns Democratic Leadership

Kevin McCarthy Uses Speaker Speech⁤ to ​Absolutely Torch Democratic ⁣Leadership

In a fiery nomination speech, former House Speaker ⁢Kevin⁢ McCarthy contrasted the accomplishments⁢ of Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio with congressional Democrats as he put forward Jordan as a candidate for speaker of the House.

Jordan, however,⁤ faced his third defeat in the‍ vote.

“As the⁣ leader of⁢ the Judiciary Committee, Jim has passed more bills through the House in just three ‍years than the entire Democrat leadership team that has a collective 28 years in Congress,” McCarthy ⁣boldly declared.

McCarthy also took a swipe at Democratic‌ Caucus Chairman Rep. Pete Aguilar of California, pointing out‍ that Aguilar only ⁤had one bill signed into law — a post office in San Bernardino.

“I guess that’s good enough to be caucus chair,” McCarthy sarcastically ⁢remarked.

McCarthy began ⁤his speech by praising Jordan as an “effective legislator.”

“To legislate is about more than the name on the ‌bill; it’s about reaching compromise and​ working long hours behind the scenes to get the job done,” McCarthy emphasized.

However, some ⁢members of the House started jeering at this point, leading Speaker ⁤Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry ​of North​ Carolina to‌ call for ‌order.

Should⁤ Jordan be speaker of the House?

“Some ⁢of [the] members I know with the most⁢ bills to their ‌name are ‌the most⁢ selfish. Jim Jordan,‍ on the other hand, is one of ⁣the⁢ most ‍selfless members ​I’ve known,” McCarthy praised later‌ in his speech.

“Trust me, being speaker is not an easy job, especially in⁤ this conference,” McCarthy concluded. ⁤“But I’ve seen Jim spend his entire career fighting for freedom ​no matter what, ​no matter the odds. And I⁣ know he’s ready for the job.”

After the vote, McCarthy expressed his frustration, stating, “We​ are ⁤in ⁤a very ⁤bad place right now,” according to CNN.

“It’s 4 percent, eight members here‍ — crazy members led by Gaetz​ — that put ⁣us⁣ in a bad situation,” McCarthy said, referring to Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, who led the effort that brought down McCarthy over⁤ two weeks ago.

Some of the eight Republicans who opposed McCarthy⁤ sent a letter ⁤to the House ⁤Republican Conference, stating ‍that they are ​“prepared to accept censure, suspension, or⁤ removal ‍from the Conference” in order⁣ to support Jordan’s election.

The ‌letter was signed by Republican Reps. Bob Good of Virginia, Gaetz, Tim Burchett ⁤of Tennessee, Nancy Mace of South Carolina,‍ Matt Rosendale of Montana, and‌ Andy Biggs ‌and Elijah Crane of Arizona, according to The Washington Post.

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McCarthy’s use of his speaker speech⁤ to criticize and​ challenge the Democratic leadership highlights the ongoing⁣ division and animosity within Congress. By praising Rep. Jim Jordan’s legislative accomplishments and contrasting them with the lack of success from Democratic leaders, McCarthy aimed to paint Jordan as a more effective and deserving candidate for the role of speaker of‌ the House. However, despite McCarthy’s efforts, Jordan was ultimately defeated in the vote.

The tension between McCarthy and the Democratic caucus is also ‌evident in his sarcastic remarks about Rep. Pete Aguilar’s limited success⁣ in passing legislation. McCarthy’s comments further fueled the divisive atmosphere during the speech.

The friction between McCarthy and certain Republican members is another element highlighted in his post-vote remarks. McCarthy expressed frustration with the group ​of eight Republicans who opposed ​him, referring to them⁤ as “crazy members.” This tension within the Republican party further complicates the ‌dynamics⁢ within Congress‌ and underscores ⁤the challenges‍ faced by Republican leadership.

The article concludes by including a⁣ note from the publication’s staff, requesting support and donations ⁣from readers. This highlights the financial challenges faced by media ⁢outlets that may‌ face opposition from larger

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