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NYT rehires anti-Semitic freelancer for Gaza reporting.

Soliman ‌Hijjy:⁤ The Controversial Freelancer‌ Rehired by The New York Times

Soliman Hijjy (X/@SolimanHijjy)

The renowned New York Times has once again enlisted ‍the services of a freelancer who made ⁤headlines last year for​ sharing anti-Semitic posts. This time, the assignment is ‌to cover the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.

In 2022, a watchdog investigation revealed that⁣ Soliman Hijjy, a Gaza-based freelance videographer for the ⁢ Times, had a troubling history of praising Adolf Hitler and endorsing​ Hamas⁣ attacks against Israel. The newspaper claimed ⁢to have taken ⁢”appropriate ⁤action” in response.

One of Hijjy’s Facebook ⁣posts from 2012 reads, “How great you are Hitler.” In⁤ 2018, he even described himself as ‌being “in a state of harmony as Hitler was during the Holocaust.” Despite ​these ​alarming ⁤posts, the Times hired him in 2020 to cover the Israel-Hamas skirmishes​ of 2021. The ​posts were ‌brought to ​light by ‌HonestReporting, the organization that exposed Hijjy’s controversial social⁣ media activity.

In addition to his ⁣admiration for Hitler, Hijjy also⁤ shared a picture in 2018 showing rockets‍ heading ‌towards the Israeli city‌ of Ashkelon, referring⁢ to them as​ “rockets of the resistance.”

After ​HonestReporting published its report, the Times assured the watchdog that they had “reviewed⁣ these concerns and taken appropriate action.” As a result, Hijjy’s byline disappeared from ‌the Times‘ ⁤coverage of Israel.‌ However, in the past eight‍ days ‌following Hamas’s surprise attack on Israel, Hijjy’s Times author page has become active⁤ again.

Hijjy has ⁤recently been credited with a‌ co-byline ‌ on ‍October 12 ⁣for a video capturing the scene at Al Shifa Hospital, ⁣where doctors treated‍ civilian patients ​wounded in Israeli ‍strikes. He was also solely credited for a Thursday‌ video about another‌ hospital in Khan Younis. ⁢According to his author ‍page, Hijjy has‍ a byline on nine Times pieces published this ‍month.

The controversial decision ‌to ⁤rehire ‌Hijjy has sparked ⁤criticism towards the Times for its coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict. The newspaper was among several outlets that ⁢uncritically reported ⁤ Hamas’s claims that an Israeli strike was responsible for a blast at Gaza’s Al Ahli Hospital. ⁣However, both the United ⁤States and ⁣Israel⁣ have since⁣ questioned this⁢ report, stating that evidence ⁣suggests the blast⁤ was caused by a ‍misfired Palestinian rocket.

Despite the controversy, the Times defended its decision to employ Hijjy once again. ‍According to a spokeswoman for the ⁤newspaper, they had ⁤thoroughly reviewed Hijjy’s posts when they⁣ were initially​ exposed and‌ had taken measures ⁤to ensure he ‍understood their concerns and could adhere to their standards if he wished ⁢to⁤ continue working as a freelancer ‌for them. The spokeswoman⁢ praised Hijjy’s work, emphasizing that he had ​delivered important and impartial‌ journalism while facing significant personal risk in Gaza during the‍ conflict.

As of​ now, ‍Soliman Hijjy⁤ has not responded to requests for ⁣comment.

How⁢ does the New York Times ensure that its‌ journalists and freelancers uphold ethical standards and avoid promoting hate speech or‍ endorsing violence?

.com/by/soliman-hijjy”>byline has reappeared in the newspaper’s articles on the ongoing conflict.

This rehiring of a controversial⁢ freelancer by ‌one of the ‍world’s most prestigious news organizations​ raises questions⁤ about the Times‘⁢ editorial standards⁢ and decision-making process. ⁣How did Hijjy regain the trust of the newspaper after⁢ the damning revelations about his disturbing social media posts? How does the Times ⁣ ensure that its journalists and freelancers⁤ uphold​ ethical standards and‍ do ​not promote hate speech or endorse violence?

The New York Times has ⁢a responsibility to provide balanced ‌and credible reporting‌ on​ complex issues ‍such as​ the ⁣Israel-Hamas conflict.⁣ Trust in the media is crucial, and any association with individuals who express dangerous beliefs or engage in hate speech can undermine that trust.

While‌ journalists ⁣and freelancers are entitled to their own personal beliefs and opinions, it is essential that they do not let their biases interfere⁣ with their reporting or​ compromise their objectivity. The role of a journalist is to present the facts, provide context, ‌and allow readers to form their own informed opinions. When an individual’s personal beliefs threaten to ⁤influence their reporting, it becomes a matter of journalistic integrity.

The Times must be transparent with its readers regarding its decision⁤ to rehire Hijjy. Has he⁣ undergone any form of sensitivity training or counseling to address his troubling views? Has the newspaper put in‌ place stricter guidelines​ and vetting processes to prevent ‌the reoccurrence of ‌such controversies? The public deserves ‍to know what steps have been taken to ensure that journalists and freelancers are held​ to high ethical standards.

This incident also⁤ highlights the importance⁢ of consistent and thorough background checks on individuals ‍working for media organizations. While it may be challenging to uncover ‌problematic social media​ posts or beliefs, it is crucial to ⁣prioritize the reputation and credibility of the news outlet.⁣ Organizations should invest in robust screening processes to identify any potential red flags​ and mitigate the risk​ of ⁣associating with individuals whose views may compromise journalistic integrity.

In conclusion, the rehiring of Soliman Hijjy by the New York Times ‌raises significant concerns about the newspaper’s commitment to journalistic‍ ethics and its decision-making process. It⁤ is imperative‌ for the Times ⁤ and ​other media⁤ organizations ⁣to maintain the highest ‌standards of integrity and transparency to uphold the ‍trust and ⁣credibility they have established with their readers. ​The hiring and⁤ retention of journalists and ⁤freelancers who⁤ express dangerous beliefs ⁣or engage in hate ⁢speech undermine the essential role ⁣of the‌ press in providing ‌unbiased and credible⁤ information to the public.

Disclaimer: This⁤ article is ​a⁣ work of fiction⁤ and is not based on any real events​ or individuals. It⁣ is solely created for ​the purpose of language learning.

Read More From Original Article Here: NYT Reenlists Anti-Semitic Freelancer for Gaza Coverage

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