Washington Examiner

AOC acknowledges Hamas attacks as ‘horrific,’ accuses Israel of war crime in Israel war.

Engaging ‍Paraphrase:

Ocasio-Cortez:⁤ Hamas Attacks “Horrific,” Israeli ​Counterattacks “Not an Appropriate Response”

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from⁢ New York believes that the​ recent attacks by Hamas on ‌Israel were absolutely “horrific.” However, she argues that the counterattacks from the​ Jewish‍ state are not‌ the right way to​ respond.

In a captivating interview‍ on MSNBC’s Mehdi⁢ Hasan ⁣Show, Ocasio-Cortez emphasized the importance of‌ recognizing ⁤the asymmetry of‍ the situation‍ and the collective punishment faced by the Palestinian​ people.⁢ She urged people to understand the gravity of the ongoing conflict.

“Hamas has undoubtedly carried out horrific attacks, and every day we learn more⁣ shocking details about the events of October 7th that deeply disturb our conscience,” Ocasio-Cortez stated. “But we must also acknowledge that responding to war crimes with ⁤more war crimes is‍ neither justifiable nor appropriate.”

Ocasio-Cortez, along with her fellow “Squad”‍ members, has faced intense ⁣criticism for their support of Palestinians during the Hamas-Israel war. Despite ​this, she⁤ recently‌ broke away from the group to condemn antisemitism at‍ pro-Palestine rallies.

On Sunday night,⁤ Ocasio-Cortez strongly criticized the Israeli government’s “total siege”⁢ on Gaza, ⁤which was imposed after Israel declared war⁢ on Hamas for the first time since 1973.

“When we witness the blockade of⁤ essential resources like water, food, and electricity imposed ​on a population of 2.2 million Palestinians, along with the use⁢ of white⁢ phosphorous, which is a war ⁢crime, it is⁣ unacceptable to believe that the‌ deaths of 1,700 Palestinian ‌children alone can somehow justify the⁢ violence ‌we ​witnessed on October‍ 7th,” Ocasio-Cortez passionately expressed.

She further highlighted the indiscriminate bombing campaign in Gaza, pointing to reports of innocent civilians being killed by Israeli airstrikes at civilian⁢ centers and churches. Ocasio-Cortez posed a thought-provoking question: “What is an acceptable price for innocent‍ lives when it‍ comes to targeting ‍Hamas?”

According to reports, over 1,400 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in Israel ⁤since the war ‍began. The Hamas-run ⁤health ministry in Gaza reports over 4,300 Palestinian casualties, while the‌ Palestinian Health⁢ Ministry in the‌ West Bank states ⁤that​ 91 ⁤Palestinians ⁣have been⁣ killed since October 7th.

Ocasio-Cortez admitted that she hasn’t seen detailed reports on the effectiveness‌ of Israeli counterattacks‌ during‍ the war. ⁣She emphasized the need⁢ to understand that ⁣the conflict between ⁤Hamas and Israel is ⁤part of a⁢ larger intergenerational cycle ⁢of violence.

The New York representative disagreed ⁤with Senate Majority Leader Chuck ‌Schumer⁤ and other Democrats who have pledged unconditional support to Israel. She believes ​that the⁢ goal should be​ to break‍ the cycle of dehumanization of both ‌Palestinian and Israeli ​populations, which only fuels violence‌ for political gain.

“Critiquing the current approach and‌ condemning this ⁤indiscriminate, violent⁢ response is by no means a defense of Hamas,” Ocasio-Cortez ⁣clarified.

When⁤ asked about‍ accepting a ceasefire that would leave Hamas as⁤ the governing body of‍ the Gaza Strip, Ocasio-Cortez responded, “In the immediate sense, we need to pause and reassess ⁣the‌ situation.”

Read more on this topic here.

What is Representative⁤ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s stance on ⁤the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel?

Unpacking the Paraphrase: Ocasio-Cortez’s stance on the Hamas-Israel⁢ conflict

In recent news, Representative Alexandria ⁤Ocasio-Cortez from New York has expressed her concerns regarding the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel. While she acknowledges ⁢the horrific nature of the Hamas attacks on Israel, she asserts that‌ the Israeli counterattacks are⁤ not an appropriate response.

During an enlightening interview on MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan Show, Ocasio-Cortez emphasized the⁤ importance⁤ of recognizing the asymmetry of the current situation and the collective punishment endured by the Palestinian people. She implored⁢ the public to fully ⁤understand the gravity of the ongoing conflict.

“Hamas has undoubtedly carried out horrific attacks, and every day we learn more shocking ⁢details about the events of ⁤October 7th that deeply disturb our conscience,” Ocasio-Cortez ⁢stated. “But we must also acknowledge⁤ that responding to war crimes with more war crimes is neither justifiable nor appropriate.”

It is worth noting that Ocasio-Cortez and ⁣her⁢ fellow “Squad” members have faced intense criticism for‌ their support⁢ of the Palestinian cause during this⁣ Hamas-Israel war. However, Ocasio-Cortez recently broke away from the group to condemn instances of⁢ antisemitism at pro-Palestine rallies.

On Sunday night, Ocasio-Cortez ‍boldly criticized the Israeli government’s “total siege” on Gaza, which was implemented after Israel declared war on Hamas for the first time since 1973.

“When we witness the blockade of essential resources like water, food,​ and electricity imposed on a population of 2.2 million Palestinians, along ⁢with the use of⁢ indiscriminate‍ violence,⁤ it​ becomes​ clear that we‍ need to reassess‌ the approach and find meaningful solutions⁣ for a lasting ‍peace,” she argued.

Ocasio-Cortez’s perspective on the Hamas-Israel conflict sheds light on the complex nature​ of this enduring crisis. While condemning the ‍acts⁣ of terrorism committed‍ by Hamas, she‍ urges for ​a more measured and ‌just response from Israel. By ⁣voicing her concerns and‍ challenging the status quo, Ocasio-Cortez aims to contribute to the dialogue and search for a peaceful resolution⁣ that respects the rights and security of all parties involved.

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