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USCIRF celebrates 25 years of International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) Presents:

Commemorating the ⁣25th⁤ Anniversary ⁣of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 (IRFA)

⁤ ‍ ​Join us at 3 p.m. ET on Oct. ⁣23 for a special event⁤ that celebrates the milestone of the IRFA. We’ll be reflecting ⁢on its impact and discussing future endeavors ‌in promoting ‍religious ‍freedom worldwide.


Opening Remarks

  • Abraham Cooper, Chair, USCIRF
  • Frederick A. Davie, Vice Chair, USCIRF

Congressional Remarks

  • All​ Members of Congress ‌are ​invited to speak.
  • Confirmed:
    • Senator Ben ⁤Cardin (D-MD), Chair, Senate Foreign ‍Relations Committee
    • Senator⁢ Joe​ Manchin‍ (D-WV)
    • Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY)
    • Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT)

Panel I –⁣ A Retrospective and Prospective Look on IRFA’s Passage

  • Frank ‍Wolf, Commissioner, USCIRF
  • Former Senator Don Nickles
  • Former Senator Joe​ Lieberman

Panel II – Raising ⁤Awareness of Religious Prisoners of Conscience Through Frank⁤ R. Wolf FoRB Victims ‍List and TLHRC Defending Freedoms Project

  • Frank Wolf, Commissioner, USCIRF; Former Co-Chair, Tom Lantos Human‌ Rights ⁣Commission (TLHRC)
  • Panelists will be added upon confirmation

Panel ‌III – USCIRF’s ⁣Key Accomplishments and Upcoming Activities

  • USCIRF Commissioners​ and Staff

What are the key challenges faced by religious minorities and marginalized communities in the context of religious​ freedom? How can these challenges be‍ addressed and alleviated?

Pecial event commemorating the 25th anniversary of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 (IRFA). The ⁢U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) ‍is proud to present this significant occasion, highlighting the progress made‌ in promoting ⁣and protecting religious⁤ freedom worldwide.

The IRFA, ⁢signed into law by ‍President Bill Clinton on October 27, 1998, marked a pivotal moment in the recognition of religious freedom as a‍ fundamental human right. The act mandated the establishment of the USCIRF as an independent, ​bipartisan federal government commission dedicated to monitoring and addressing religious freedom violations⁢ and providing policy ​recommendations to the United States government.

This year, as we​ commemorate the 25th anniversary of the IRFA, it is an opportunity​ to reflect on the achievements and challenges ⁤faced in advancing religious freedom globally.⁣ The event will bring together experts, policymakers, and religious freedom advocates to engage in meaningful​ discussions on the importance of religious freedom and strategies to strengthen its protection.

The commemorative event will feature prominent speakers, ‍including government officials,‌ religious leaders, ​and‌ human rights activists. Their insights and experiences will shed‍ light on the progress ⁢made and also highlight the areas where further efforts are needed.

One of ‌the key focuses of ⁤this special event will be the role of religious freedom in countering extremism and promoting peace. ​The USCIRF firmly believes that religious⁤ freedom is not only a human right but ⁤also an essential tool ‌in‌ preventing and resolving conflicts. The event will explore the ways in‍ which religious freedom can ​foster understanding,⁢ dialogue, and reconciliation, ultimately contributing to‌ peace and stability.

Furthermore, discussions ⁤during the event will address the challenges faced by​ religious minorities and marginalized⁣ communities. It is crucial to acknowledge the discrimination, persecution, and violence that individuals of different faiths often confront. By highlighting these challenges, the USCIRF aims ​to raise awareness and encourage international collaboration to address and alleviate the⁢ suffering of those affected.

In addition to examining the progress made over the past 25 years, the event will also look⁤ ahead to the future of religious ⁣freedom advocacy. It will explore emerging trends and threats, such as ⁤the rise of digital repression and surveillance, and ‍discuss ways to adapt and respond effectively.

The USCIRF invites individuals from around the⁣ world to join them for this important event.⁣ By participating, attendees can contribute to the conversation, deepen their​ understanding of religious freedom issues, and network with experts and advocates in the field.

As the world faces unprecedented challenges, the ⁢USCIRF remains steadfast in its‍ commitment to promoting and protecting religious freedom for all. This⁣ commemorative event signifies the dedication and hard work of numerous individuals and organizations fighting for the rights of religious⁢ minorities and oppressed communities.

The 25th anniversary of the IRFA is an occasion to celebrate the⁢ milestones achieved, but also a reminder of the ⁣work that lies ahead. By coming together, sharing knowledge, and renewing our commitment, we‌ can continue to make progress towards a world where every individual⁢ can freely practice their chosen faith without fear or discrimination.

Join the USCIRF on October 23 at 3 p.m. ET to commemorate ⁣this important milestone and contribute to the⁤ global conversation on religious freedom. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that religious freedom remains a cornerstone of our societies.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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