Schumer highlights tech hub status in NY, unlocking federal funds.

Senate Majority ​Leader ⁢Schumer Champions New ‍Tech⁤ Hub⁤ Designation for Upstate New‍ York

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is celebrating the federal designation of the‌ Buffalo-Rochester-Syracuse‍ area as a tech⁢ hub,⁢ opening up opportunities for millions in​ federal investments. Schumer, who went above and⁢ beyond to⁤ secure this designation, believes ⁣that this achievement will position the region as the next Silicon Valley in critical technology.

Creating an Unstoppable Engine for⁤ Upstate⁤ NY

“I pulled out all ‍the stops to land this Tech⁤ Hub Designation for my great home state – making the case that bringing together ‌these three cities and giving them the resources to combine forces would ​create​ an unstoppable engine that will rev the ⁤region’s industries⁣ to life ‍and ⁣make​ Upstate NY a global center for semiconductors,” ⁣Schumer ⁤said in a statement.

With the Tech Hubs Designation, the region is now ⁣recognized as one of the few in ⁢the country ‌with the potential to become the next Silicon Valley ⁤in critical ⁢technology. This, combined with the influx of ⁣federal funding, positions America’s​ semiconductor manufacturing industry in capable hands.

Buffalo, Rochester,‍ and Syracuse: America’s Semiconductor Superhighway

“Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse are officially on the road to becoming America’s semiconductor superhighway.​ I created this program with Upstate NY in mind, and now three of our own cities that helped build America have not only won the exclusive federal Tech⁢ Hub designation ⁢for semiconductors but also won a once-in-a-generation opportunity to write a new chapter for Upstate NY, building our nation’s future,” Schumer proudly declared.

The Tech Hub designation,‍ established through the CHIPS and Science Act signed by President ​Joe Biden in August 2022, enables ⁤the region to apply⁤ for additional federal funds to support the semiconductor industry in upstate New York. Schumer revealed that upstate New ⁣York was one of 31 ‍regions selected for ​this designation and will now compete for the⁣ “next phase” of classification, which could secure $50 million to $75 million in investments.

Revitalizing NY’s Booming Chips Industry

“This 3-region Tech Hub will ⁤hit the gas on NY’s booming chips industry by attracting new companies, training our workforce for tens of thousands of good-paying jobs, and bringing manufacturing in this critical industry back from overseas to right here in Upstate NY,” Schumer emphasized.

The NY ‌SMART I-Corridor Tech Hub is one⁢ of four hubs recognized by the Department of Commerce for its role in “regaining leadership in semiconductor manufacturing,” alongside​ hubs in Texas-Oklahoma, Oregon, and Vermont.

Click here to read more from The Washington Examiner.

How will the Tech Hub Designation strengthen the region’s ties with industry leaders and promote collaboration between academia and the private sector

Designation, the Buffalo-Rochester-Syracuse area will‍ now ⁢have access to significant federal funding opportunities for research ‍and development, as well as workforce⁣ training programs, to attract and retain‌ top talent. This designation⁤ aims to foster innovation and drive economic growth in the region.

The Buffalo-Rochester-Syracuse area ‌has long been ‍recognized for its technological prowess, housing leading‌ universities and research institutions, as well as a robust manufacturing sector. The Tech Hub Designation will further enhance these strengths‍ and provide the necessary resources to ‍propel the region to new heights.

One of the ⁣key focus areas for the Tech Hub will be semiconductor manufacturing, a rapidly growing industry with ⁢enormous potential. ‌Schumer believes that with the federal investments and support, Upstate NY has the capability to become ⁣a global center for⁣ semiconductors, rivaling renowned tech hubs like Silicon Valley. This would not only create ​numerous high-paying jobs but also pave the way for groundbreaking research and development in cutting-edge ⁢technologies.

Schumer’s tireless efforts to secure this designation highlight his commitment⁣ to fostering economic development and job ​creation, particularly in his home ⁢state of New York. Recognizing the significance ‍of collaboration and the multiplier effect of integrating the capabilities of multiple cities,⁢ Schumer advocated for ‌bringing together Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse to harness their collective ⁣potential.

This designation is expected to attract technology companies, startups, and entrepreneurs to the Buffalo-Rochester-Syracuse area, who will benefit from⁢ the supportive ecosystem ‍and ⁤the available resources. The region’s universities and research institutions will play a crucial role in nurturing and cultivating talent, ensuring a skilled workforce ready to tackle the challenges of the future.

Furthermore, the Tech Hub Designation will also strengthen the region’s ties with industry leaders and pave the way for fruitful partnerships and‍ collaborations. This will help bridge the gap ‍between academia and industry, facilitating the commercialization ‌of research and the transfer of technology.

As the Senator celebrates this ‍milestone achievement, he remains committed to ensuring the⁤ successful implementation of the Tech Hub Designation. This involves close cooperation with federal agencies, local governments, educational institutions, and the private sector. It requires strategic planning, effective utilization of resources, and​ continuous evaluation to drive the desired outcomes.

In ‍conclusion, ​Senator Chuck Schumer’s efforts in ‍securing the Tech Hub Designation⁣ for the Buffalo-Rochester-Syracuse area mark a ⁣significant milestone in driving⁣ technological innovation, economic growth,⁣ and job creation. With access ‍to federal investments and resources, this designation⁢ positions Upstate NY as a force to be reckoned with in the tech industry, offering immense potential for future advancements and global competitiveness.

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