The epoch times

Nashville Police Chief’s son suspected in shooting of 2 officers, manhunt ongoing.

Tennessee law enforcement officers⁣ are on‍ the hunt for a suspect who allegedly shot two police officers over the weekend in ​La Vergne, a city about ⁤20 miles southeast of Nashville.

The suspect has been identified as John Calvin Drake Jr., 38, the estranged son ‍of ⁣Nashville ‌Metropolitan Police Chief John Drake.

The shooting occurred⁣ on the evening of Oct. 21 when La Vergne police officers⁣ Ashely‌ Boleyjack‌ and Gregory Kern were responding to a Dollar General store for reports of a ‌stolen car after ⁤a license plate reader picked it up.

When they arrived, ‌Mr. Drake Jr. ⁤was uncooperative and ⁢allegedly opened fire and injured both ​officers. They were rushed⁢ to a ⁢nearby hospital and have ‌since been reported to be in stable ⁢condition.

Mr. Drake Jr. is⁣ now on the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation’s (TBI) ‌”Most⁤ Wanted” list for two⁤ charges of ‌attempted first degree murder.

The TBI said in a statement it is ⁣offering a reward of up to $2,500 for any information leading to the ​arrest of the suspect.

He has ⁤a history that includes multiple run-ins ​with the law. He has been involved in various criminal cases over the years and served eight years in ‍state prison for a forcible rape in 2007, according to a criminal background provided⁢ to The Epoch Times by the TBI.

Other past charges ⁣include⁤ aggravated assault with bodily⁢ injury, domestic assault, criminal⁢ impersonation, burglary, ‍violation‌ of probation, and resisting arrest.

The La Vergne Police Department and other agencies across the state are urging the⁤ public to be‍ on the lookout for Mr. Drake Jr. and consider him to be “armed and extremely dangerous.”

Police Chief Reacts

The ⁢elder Drake reacted to the news⁢ of the shooting of⁤ two officers, allegedly​ at the hands of his​ estranged son, in a statement over the weekend.

“I am shocked and deeply saddened to learn that⁤ my ‍estranged son, with whom I have ‍had very ⁣minimal ⁣contact over many years, is the ​suspect in this afternoon’s shooting of the two La Vergne police officers,” he ​said. “My thoughts and prayers are with the⁢ two officers, who I understand are now ⁤in ⁤stable condition at Vanderbilt.”

Metro Nashville ‍Police Chief John Drake speaks during‍ a‌ press briefing in Nashville,​ Tenn., on July 28, 2021. (Courtesy of ⁢Metropolitan⁣ Nashville Police Department)

The police chief continued, “Despite my efforts and guidance in the early and teenage‍ years, my son, John Drake Jr., now 38-years-old, resorted to years of criminal⁣ activity and is a convicted ‍felon. He has not been a part of my life‌ for quite some time. He⁤ now needs ‌to be found and held accountable for his actions today. I hope that anyone who sees him or has information about him will contact⁣ law enforcement ​immediately.”

Nashville Mayor Freddie O’Connell also issued‍ a statement in ‌support of the police chief.

“My heart goes out to ‍Chief ⁢Drake, his family, and the two wounded LaVergne police officers. I⁤ know that‍ despite our best efforts—including ⁣in their early years—we can’t be responsible for the choices of family members,” Mr.‌ O’Connell said. “I ⁣support​ Chief Drake and stand by him at this‍ difficult time.”

Blue Alert Issued

The TBI⁢ issued a statewide ⁤Blue Alert, which ⁤is a message similar to Amber Alerts, used “for the ⁢rapid dissemination of information to the public to assist in apprehending​ violent criminals” who​ kill ‌or seriously⁤ injure ⁤law enforcement officers in the⁤ line of duty, or “to aid in ⁣locating a missing ‌officer where foul play ⁤is involved.”

The state has ⁤used the ‍Blue Alert system since ⁢2011, but it is rarely activated. Alerts are sent out to residents via existing Amber Alert mobile phone infrastructure ⁤and posted⁣ on Tennessee ⁢Department of Transportation road signs, Tennessee⁣ lottery displays, and social ​media platforms.

The TBI urges anyone ​with information regarding Mr. Drake Jr.’s whereabouts to call 1-800-TBI-FIND.

How can incidents like the shooting⁤ of the two La⁢ Vergne police officers highlight the risks that officers face and contribute to the⁤ ongoing debate‌ about police safety ⁢and ⁤support?


John Calvin Drake Jr.

John Calvin Drake Jr. (Courtesy of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation)

Chief Drake ⁣also urged his⁢ son to turn himself in to⁢ authorities.⁡ “John, if you ⁣are watching this or if anyone who ⁣knows ​your whereabouts is watching this, ⁢please turn yourself in,” he ⁡said. “You’re not‌ in trouble, we love you, we want you to be safe and for⁤ everyone else to ⁣be safe.”

The shooting ​of the two La Vergne police​ officers comes amid an ongoing debate about police safety and the need ‍for increased support and protection for law enforcement officers. Incidents like this highlight the⁢ risks that ⁣officers⁣ face every day‍ while carrying ⁣out their duties to protect and serve their communities.

As the search for John Calvin Drake Jr. continues, it is crucial for law enforcement agencies and the public to work together to locate and apprehend the suspect. Any information regarding his whereabouts should be reported to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation or local law enforcement immediately.

This incident​ also serves as a reminder of the importance of mental health and support systems for ‍individuals who may be at risk of engaging in violent behavior. Efforts to identify and provide ‍assistance to those in need can‍ potentially prevent tragic events like this from occurring in the future.

Our thoughts ⁢and⁤ prayers ​go⁤ out to‌ the two injured officers and their families as they recover from ‌this⁤ traumatic event. We commend the bravery​ and dedication of law enforcement officers across the state who put their lives on the line to uphold the law​ and protect their communities.

May justice be served, and may this incident serve as a ‌reminder of the need for continued ⁤efforts‌ to promote safety, ‌support, and unity among law enforcement and the communities they serve.

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