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LIVE UPDATES: Cohen Testifies in Trump Fraud Trial

NEW YORK—Michael Cohen, the one-time personal lawyer of former‌ President Donald Trump ⁣and⁤ a former vice president of the Trump Organization, is set to‌ testify against ‍his former boss in the ongoing civil trial in the case⁣ New York Attorney General Letitia James brought against the former president.

Ms. James brought the petition on behalf of the State of New York last September, after three years of investigation into allegations Mr. Cohen made about the⁣ Trump Organization’s financial statements being artificially ‌inflated to obtain ‌better loan terms.

Ms. James is seeking $250⁢ million in damages to be paid to⁢ the state of New York and⁢ the barring of President Trump and his adult sons, who are co-defendants in the case, from holding executive business positions in New⁣ York.

Trump Arrives in Courtroom—9:55 AM

“He is a proven liar,” President ⁢Trump said of Mr. Cohen, referring to Mr.⁤ Cohen’s⁢ guilty plea for lying to Congress in 2018 and⁢ subsequent prison sentence.

“This case, by any other judge, this case would have ⁣been‍ all over a ‍long time ago. We did nothing wrong and ⁤that’s been proven,” he ⁤said.

President Trump only briefly⁣ answered reporters’ questions⁢ before entering the courtroom.

Michael Cohen Arrives to Courthouse—9:53 AM

The judge‌ briefly ‌allowed pool photographers into the courtroom before Mr. Cohen was sworn in. Mr. Cohen walked up the steps of⁢ the courthouse. He will be ⁤giving⁢ his much-anticipated​ testimony today.

What allegations ‌regarding the financial statements of ​the Trump Organization did Michael Cohen ⁤make that​ led to​ the civil trial?

Title: Michael Cohen to ​Testify Against Former Boss ⁢in Ongoing Civil Trial


In a high-stakes legal⁣ battle,⁤ Michael ‍Cohen, ‍previously Donald Trump’s personal lawyer and a ⁣former vice president of the Trump Organization, is preparing to ⁣testify against his former​ boss. The civil trial, initiated by New York Attorney General Letitia James,​ has⁢ been ‌filed after a thorough three-year investigation⁢ into ‌allegations made by ‌Cohen regarding the financial⁣ statements​ of the Trump Organization. These allegations suggest that‍ the organization artificially inflated its financial statements to secure better loan terms.


After President Trump ‍left office, the New York Attorney⁤ General’s office⁣ took action based on the claims made by Michael Cohen. The investigation has⁣ been ‌ongoing⁤ for three ​years, ‍and now the case is proceeding to trial. Letitia James represents the State of New York in​ this⁢ case, seeking $250 million in damages to be paid to the state. Additionally, she is requesting the court to restrict President Trump and his adult sons from holding executive business positions‌ in New York.

Significance of Michael Cohen’s Testimony:

Michael Cohen’s testimony is of crucial importance in this⁣ trial. As ⁢Trump’s ⁤personal lawyer​ for many years, Cohen ⁣possesses​ unique insight into the inner‌ workings ‌of the Trump Organization. His testimony could potentially provide valuable evidence to support the allegations of financial ‌misconduct. Cohen’s decision to testify against his former boss demonstrates the seriousness of ​the allegations and the potential impact⁣ it may ⁤have on the case’s outcome.

Implications for President Trump and His ⁤Adult Sons:

If the court ⁣rules in favor of Letitia James and the⁢ State⁣ of New York, President Trump‍ and​ his adult sons could face significant consequences. The barring‍ of the‍ Trumps from holding executive business positions in New York would greatly impact their ability​ to ‌conduct business and potentially limit their influence within‍ the state. Furthermore, the substantial​ damages sought by the ⁣state would ​serve as a financial ‍blow to the Trump Organization.

Related Stories:

In related‍ news, ​an article published⁣ on The⁤ Epoch Times provides further insight into Michael Cohen’s potential involvement in the civil‍ trial against ⁢Trump. The article explores the significance of Cohen’s⁤ testimony and its‍ possible impact on the outcome of the case. It can be accessed online [LINK:].


The ongoing⁢ civil trial⁤ initiated ‍by New⁤ York Attorney General⁢ Letitia James against former President Donald Trump and the Trump Organization highlights the seriousness ‌of‌ the ​allegations‍ made by Michael Cohen. Cohen’s ‍decision to ⁤testify against his former boss reflects the potential impact his knowledge and ⁤evidence may have on the⁣ case’s outcome.‍ As the trial progresses, the testimony and evidence‌ presented will play a pivotal ​role in determining the legal and financial ​implications‍ for President Trump and his adult sons.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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