The federalist

‘9 to 5’ viral video urges a purposeful life, not laziness.

A young woman’s lament ⁢about the “four-hour life” that she found herself living post-grad went viral earlier this week when Libs of TikTok posted it with the caption “Recent college⁣ grad ⁤has breakdown over working a job. We’re doomed.”

“I’m probably just being so dramatic‍ and⁤ annoying. But this is my⁢ first job, like my first⁢ nine-to-five​ job ⁢after college and⁢ I’m in person and I’m commuting⁤ in the city‍ and it takes me f-cking forever to get there,” the woman begins.

She wishes she could simply walk to⁢ work but says she can’t “afford living ⁤in the city right now.” Instead, the young adult is stuck commuting on a train that leaves​ well before work begins and arrives after suppertime.

By the time she gets home for the day, the young woman says‍ she’s too⁤ exhausted⁢ to do anything but ⁢“shower, eat my dinner, and go to‍ sleep.”

“I know it could be worse.‍ I know I could be working longer,” the woman continued. “But, like, I literally get off, it’s pitch black. Like I don’t have energy. How⁤ do you have friends? Like how do ‌you have time to, like, meet a​ guy?‍ I don’t know, ⁣like,⁢ how do you have time for like, dating? ⁣I don’t have time for anything ⁣and I’m‌ like so stressed out and I’m also getting my period so that’s why I’m all ⁢emotional.”

The ‌young woman goes out of her way to clarify that⁣ her⁤ adulthood ​epiphany has “nothing ‍to do with my job⁢ at all.” She’s simply adjusting to the fact that her corporate‍ employer (which likely hates women and everything normal Americans stand for) will control much of her schedule for an indefinite amount of time.

Yet, commentators like Libs of TikTok still clocked the ⁤woman’s ill-advised‍ on-camera meltdown as an unwillingness to work or an emotional ​weakness ⁤that could not withstand first-world growing‍ pains.

There are‌ plenty of lazy and entitled people out there who simply don’t⁢ want to work and know that the government will eagerly line ⁣their pockets with taxpayer money indefinitely.

This woman appears to be none of those things.

Her problem is not with working hard‍ but with modernity and how the problems that came with it stripped her ‍life ‍of meaning. It’s⁢ time to make a ‌change. Moving away from the city is the easiest, most⁤ effective way out and something she should ⁢be willing to consider if she genuinely wants to start‌ addressing the frustrations she complains about.

You Can’t Buy Happiness

Because she works in an expensive big city and has to shuttle herself back and forth, this gal feels like she has no‌ time to invest in⁣ the things and people that matter.

She longs for a life with love and purpose but, as she’s already discovered, she’s likely not going to find that in the corporate world. If‌ that ⁢aspect of her life doesn’t change, she knows the soul-sucking work-eat-sleep-repeat thing she ⁢has going on now could easily become her eternity.

That’s enough to send any sane person spiraling.

Federalist contributor and pastor Hans Fiene put⁤ it ⁤best when he identified the ⁢woman as “crying the ⁤tears of Ecclesiastes, not the tears of sloth.”

“If we want to build up the next ‍generation, let’s not mock those ⁢struggling with loneliness by accusing them‍ of laziness,” he wrote.

Young people are lonelier now more than ever. Their sadness is primarily rooted in their “lack of friends or community” and “lack⁢ of purpose.” Current economic conditions and the fact that new adults like the young lady in the video‍ did a lot of their coming of age in the throes of government-mandated lockdowns only exacerbate their isolation issues.

That’s not a crime⁤ that deserves the scorn of ⁤older generations. It’s an opportunity ⁤for those of us who have found ‍purpose through ⁤faith, community, and family to show her an escape ⁤route.

Work Smarter

By all measures, ⁢the ‍weeping woman appears to have done the​ “right” things —‌ the things⁢ that parents, ⁤professors, and society​ said would make her successful. She went to college, earned a degree, and then secured a job without falling into the trap of perpetual studenthood. ⁣

Yet, she still ⁣feels unfulfilled for the majority of her day-to-day life.

Too many‍ youngsters take jobs in crime-ridden hellholes because the movies ⁢and books tell them it’s cool and a good career choice. Women especially are sold ⁣the modern girl-boss, “lean in” lie that a fulfilling life means dooming ⁣their souls and bodies to a cubicle.

As marriage rates tumble, inflation spikes, and housing becomes less and less affordable for even the average American, new adults slave away for‌ years at a desk for a boss they may never meet⁢ just so they can barely pay the bills.

Eventually, the “existential terror” of being cooped up in a high rise staring at⁢ a screen all day settles in. When the next generation of corporate America’s workers finally look up from their ​draining commute-work-lunch-work-commute cycle, they are 35 years old with no love life, no children (and rapidly declining fertility), and ‌nothing of real value.

This gal is‌ already off to a good start‍ because she’s having this realization now, in‍ her early 20s.

If she makes the right kinds of changes still has plenty of ‌time create a meaningful life. If she⁣ doesn’t make any changes, she won’t make friends or date. That means her chances​ of‍ getting married and whisked off to a peaceful suburban area in an​ income-tax-free state plummet drastically.

To live a meaningful life means making sacrifices.⁢ Young women especially must start by ditching the “Sex ‌and the City” pipe​ dream and ​move from their closet ​apartment in ⁢that trendy, but⁤ more ⁣importantly, expensive urban hub.‍

People who live in smaller, rural towns are automatically much happier than their city-dwelling peers. The same ‌goes for people who regularly attend and become involved in ​a local church.

From there, they should find a job with a small business or a traditional company that isn’t beholden to woke “ESG” rules and ⁤offers flexibility to families. An even better solution is to ⁣find a husband who is willing to offer ‍his love and paycheck so his wife can comfortably raise her children ‍and keep their home.

Eliminating that pesky commute and settling down with someone who is willing to share⁤ the emotional burden of adulthood‌ frees up ‍young women’s time to invest in​ the things​ that really matter.

The good life ‍isn’t easy. It takes a lot of work ⁤and sacrifice to build⁢ a life worth living. But at least that work and sacrifice has benefits that go beyond a paycheck.



A Young Woman’s Struggle ⁣with the Modern “Four-Hour Life”

In a recent post on TikTok, a young woman ⁣shared her⁣ frustrations about the demanding nature of her post-graduate life, which quickly ‍went viral.‍ The video​ was captioned with the ‍ominous statement, “Recent college grad has ⁣breakdown over ‍working a job.⁢ We’re doomed.” In‍ this video, the woman ‍expresses her grievances about her first job, her long commute, and‍ the exhaustion she feels⁣ at the end​ of each day.

The woman ⁢begins by acknowledging that she may be overreacting and being dramatic. However, she shares that this is ‌her first nine-to-five job after graduating from college, and the daily‍ commute to the city takes a⁣ toll on ⁤her. She⁤ reveals her desire to live‌ closer to her workplace but laments​ that the high ​cost of ​city living ‍makes it unaffordable for her at the moment.​ As a result, she finds herself‌ commuting on a‍ train that leaves early in the morning and arrives back late in the evening, leaving ⁤her with minimal time for herself.

By the time she returns home, the young​ woman admits that she ⁢is too exhausted ‍to do anything other than take a shower, eat dinner, and go to sleep. She questions how⁣ people find the time and energy to have friends or engage in⁤ dating, feeling overwhelmed by her lack of personal time. She attributes‌ some‍ of her emotions to ⁤her menstrual cycle, further compounding her stress.

Interestingly, she clarifies that her frustrations have nothing to ⁣do with her job itself but‍ rather stem from the realization ⁢that her‌ corporate employer holds ‌a significant amount of ​control over her schedule. She expresses her skepticism​ towards ​the corporate world, highlighting issues ⁣like the ⁣mistreatment of women and ⁣the disconnect from normal American​ values.

Despite the woman’s genuine struggles and vulnerability, some commentators dismissed her outburst as laziness ⁤or entitlement. However, this woman’s⁤ situation is far⁣ from that. Her⁢ frustration‌ stems⁣ from the ​challenges‌ and lack of meaning she finds in⁣ the​ modern world. She acknowledges⁣ the importance of hard work, but

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