The federalist

Left-wing streamer Hasan Piker defends legality and morality of Hamas baby beheadings.

Leftist⁤ Commentator Justifies Hamas’ Murder of ‌Israeli Babies

October 27, 2023

2⁣ min read

Hasan Piker, a prominent political personality on the‍ internet, recently‍ made shocking statements attempting to justify Hamas’ brutal killing of Israeli infants. On the “Leftovers”‍ podcast, Piker argued ‍that this‌ violence could be seen as a matter of law and ‍even morality, claiming that ‍Palestinians have the right to violently reclaim their homes from Israeli settlers.

Piker vaguely referenced “international law” to support his argument, conveniently ignoring the fact that such laws prohibit the intentional killing of innocent civilians. His rhetoric implies a disturbing acceptance ⁣of Islamic terrorists mutilating and ‌beheading Israeli children.

This is the biggest political streamer in ⁤the world implying that it’s legal ​under international law to kill Israeli ⁣babies!

During⁣ a debate with his co-host, ​Ethan Klein, regarding ​the morality of labeling Israeli ⁣babies as “militants,” ⁣Piker argued that there are also ⁣baby settlers‌ in Israeli settlements. He ​dismissed the notion that⁣ all Israelis living in Israel proper could be ⁤considered settlers, ⁤as he believed it would lead⁤ to the complete destruction of Palestinians and further‍ radicalization of far-right Israelis.

When Klein‍ criticized another leftist podcaster for defending the murder and decapitation ​of Israeli civilians, including babies, by claiming they were occupiers rather than civilians, Piker‌ expressed a different opinion but acknowledged that such views are unacceptable in the present day.

Throughout the podcast, Piker defended⁤ leftists supporting ‍Hamas online, downplaying their impact ​compared to what he called Israel’s powerful media operation.

Piker currently ranks as the sixth ‍most-watched ⁤streamer on Twitch in terms⁢ of hours watched.

In the‌ past,⁤ Piker faced a temporary suspension ⁣from ​Twitch for stating that America deserved the 9/11 attacks while reacting‍ to an ⁤episode of “The ‍Joe Rogan Experience” featuring⁢ Texas Republican Dan Crenshaw.

“This ⁣is so insane. America deserved 9/11,‌ dude. F-ck it,⁢ I’m saying it,” he said.

Samuel Mangold-Lenett is a staff editor at The Federalist. His writing has been featured‍ in the Daily‍ Wire, Townhall, ‌The American⁢ Spectator, and other outlets. He is​ a 2022⁢ Claremont Institute Publius Fellow. Follow him on Twitter @smlenett.

Samuel Mangold-Lenett

Visit on Twitter @smlenett


How does justifying the ⁣violence against innocent ⁢civilians undermine the value of human life in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

Nsidered innocent civilians, implying that they are fair targets for violence. This dangerous viewpoint not only​ undermines the value of innocent human life, but also perpetuates a narrative that justifies terrorism.

It is important to recognize that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex and deeply rooted issue, with both sides ⁤experiencing significant​ suffering. However, justifying‍ the deliberate killing of innocent babies as ‌a ⁣means‍ of reclaiming homes is not only morally reprehensible, but also fundamentally flawed.

International law clearly condemns acts of terrorism and the intentional targeting of civilians. The deliberate murder of Israeli infants by Hamas cannot⁣ be rationalized under any circumstances, regardless of one’s political ideology or‌ personal beliefs. No cause, no matter how ‌just, can justify such heinous ⁤actions.

By attempting to justify Hamas’ murder of Israeli ‌babies, Piker showcases a⁣ disturbing disregard for the value ⁢of human life and a dangerous acceptance of violence as a means to an end. These comments contribute to the perpetuation of a cycle of violence⁣ and hate, hindering any ‍chances of a peaceful resolution ⁤to the Israeli-Palestinian ⁤conflict.

It ⁣is crucial that influential political commentators, like Piker,​ exercise responsibility‌ and ethical judgment when discussing sensitive and volatile topics such as this. Their words hold weight and influence public opinion, and ⁣promoting or justifying violence only serves to further polarize and exacerbate the already tense situation.

In times of conflict, it is essential to seek understanding, empathy, and dialogue rather ​than resorting to⁤ violence and terrorism. Justifying the murder of innocent babies, regardless ⁢of their nationality or ethnicity, is a dangerous path that should be vehemently condemned by all individuals who value peace, justice, and the sanctity of human life.

The international community must come together to condemn and reject any attempts to justify the killing ‌of innocent civilians, regardless of the circumstances. Only through dialogue, diplomacy, and a genuine commitment to finding‌ a peaceful resolution will the cycle of violence be broken and the possibility of lasting peace in the ⁢region be realized.

The responsible and ethical voices in the political arena should use ​their platforms ‌to promote dialogue, understanding, and empathy,⁢ rather than⁤ fueling the flames of hatred and violence.​ It is imperative that individuals like Piker reconsider their stance and recognize the inherent value and dignity​ of all​ human ‌life, condemning‌ unequivocally any form of violence against innocent civilians, regardless of ⁢their nationality or ethnicity.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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