Conservative News Daily

ACLU fights to reverse law that harshens penalties for HIV-positive prostitutes selling services.

The ACLU’s Outrageous Lawsuit:⁢ Challenging Penalties ⁤for HIV-Positive Prostitutes

The ⁤ACLU and⁤ transgender activists have been running the loony bin ‍for some time in this country, but this one is crazy⁤ even ‍for them.

The American Civil‍ Liberties Union, the Transgender Law Center, and the ACLU‍ of Tennessee⁣ filed‌ a lawsuit ‌Tuesday in the U.S. District Court in Memphis on behalf of four plaintiffs identified ‌as ​“Jane​ Does” and a local nonprofit that serves the LGBT community called OUTMemphis, according to The Tennessean.

The lawsuit challenges ‌a Tennessee prostitution statute that has a higher penalty for “aggravated prostitution,” which applies to⁢ people who engage in prostitution ⁣knowing they⁢ are ⁣HIV positive.

Under‌ state law, “generic prostitution” is⁢ a misdemeanor ⁣that can bring‍ a small‌ fine and minimal⁣ jail ​time, but “aggravated prostitution” is a felony​ that⁢ requires a​ “lifetime registration as‌ a ‘violent sex offender.’”

The preliminary statement in the ‍ lawsuit says, “Aggravated Prostitution is⁢ identical⁤ to‍ Prostitution, with one key additional element: knowledge that one is⁣ living with HIV.”

To which any ⁢sane person ‌would say: “Yes, that ​is ‌one very key element indeed.”

In a Tuesday news release, the ACLU ​claimed “the Aggravated Prostitution statute⁢ is rooted in fear and discrimination, ⁣targeting people living⁤ with HIV for harsh ⁣punishment.”

The lawsuit uses the‌ fact that HIV is ​listed​ as a “disability” protected under the Americans ⁤with Disabilities Act‌ to claim discrimination as the⁣ reason for the lawsuit.

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Alexis Agathocleous, deputy director⁤ of the National ACLU’s Racial Justice Program, said in a ‍statement, “Disability discrimination is illegal,‌ and yet the⁤ Aggravated Prostitution singles out economically-marginalized people ‍living with HIV for excessively⁤ harsh punishment.”

The news release⁣ goes on to ​say that it‌ is “patently ⁣unlawful” to criminalize people ⁤with HIV and that the law “singles out people living with HIV — a protected ⁣disability — ⁤for harsher punishment.”

Molly‌ Quinn, executive director of OUTMemphis, said in⁤ a statement that having⁣ to register as a sex offender makes ⁢it harder for prostitutes to get back ​on their feet while “posing absolutely zero benefit to public health ​and safety.”

The lawsuit contends that HIV can⁤ be prevented by using ⁢protection and “even unprotected encounters pose ​very little risk of transmission,” according to The Tennessean.

This, coming from‌ the⁤ same ⁤organization that sued South Carolina ⁤and Iowa for banning mask mandates in schools.

By the ACLU’s logic, perfectly healthy kids with little⁢ to no risk of COVID must be forced to wear ‌masks to protect other kids who also have little to no risk of COVID, but prostitutes with ⁣an incurable disease should have no legal⁤ consequences⁤ for ‌knowingly‌ putting an unknowing person at ⁢risk through sexual contact.

It’s clear that the motivation for the lawsuit has nothing ⁣to do with the concern for Americans with disabilities. If it were, the ACLU would worry about the risk of⁣ HIV for prostitutes’ clients who may have other underlying health risks or disabilities.

Not to mention the risk of spreading or producing ​new strains.

The ⁢motivation is​ to end ⁤“HIV stigma” and normalize a‍ disease linked to sexual promiscuity and‍ homosexuality. Let’s make ⁤HIV like chicken pox was⁤ for kids 40 years ‍ago — if⁣ you’re a kid, you just get it — it’s normal.

World Health ⁤Organization statistics show that more than half a million people‌ died ‍of⁤ HIV/AIDS in 2022. That‍ doesn’t sound like a ​small number.

New strains of‍ the virus⁣ are still appearing. Last year, Oxford University scientists were ‌studying ‍a ‌new “highly virulent” HIV⁢ strain found ‌in the Netherlands, where — coincidentally — prostitution is legal.

But Quinn declared that “HIV ‌stigma is becoming a thing of ​the past, and ‍it’s time ⁢for state ​law to catch up. OUTMemphis ⁤fights so that queer ​people are free to live in ⁣safety, with dignity,​ and we believe everyone⁣ deserves that regardless of ‍their HIV status.”

Those words are the ‌real motivation behind the lawsuit.

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The post ⁣ ACLU Seeks to Overturn‍ Law That Increases Penalties for ⁣Prostitutes Who Sell Their Services Knowing They Have ‌HIV appeared ⁣first on The Western⁣ Journal.

How does​ the ACLU’s lawsuit challenging penalties for HIV-positive prostitutes bring ⁣up concerns about the Americans with Disabilities Act and the potential⁢ violation of anti-discrimination principles?

⁤ The ACLU’s ⁢recent lawsuit⁣ challenging penalties for HIV-positive prostitutes ‍has raised eyebrows and ⁣sparked ‍controversy. The ​lawsuit, filed‌ by the ACLU, the Transgender⁣ Law Center, and the ACLU of Tennessee, argues that a ⁤Tennessee prostitution statute that imposes harsher penalties on those engaging ‍in prostitution⁢ while knowing they ⁢are HIV-positive is discriminatory and violates ⁣the Americans​ with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Under Tennessee law, engaging in generic prostitution is ‌considered a misdemeanor and ‌carries a small ⁢fine and minimal jail time. However, when a person⁤ engages in ​prostitution knowing‌ they are HIV-positive, it is classified as aggravated‍ prostitution, a felony offense that ⁤requires a lifetime registration ‍as a violent sex offender.

The‌ lawsuit’s‍ preliminary ⁤statement argues that aggravated⁣ prostitution is identical‍ to‍ prostitution, with ⁣the⁤ key⁣ additional element being the knowledge that one ‌is living with ‍HIV. While‌ this‍ may seem ‌like a reasonable distinction to make, the ACLU and transgender⁤ activists view it as discriminatory and stigmatizing ​towards people living ​with HIV.

In a news release,⁣ the‍ ACLU claims that the aggravated prostitution statute is rooted in fear and discrimination, targeting individuals living with‍ HIV ​for harsh punishment. They argue that classifying HIV as a disability protected under the ADA is recognition that HIV-positive individuals should not face further discrimination and ⁤punishment based on ⁢their health status.

Critics, however, argue that​ knowingly engaging in prostitution while⁣ HIV-positive poses significant risks to public health and the individuals involved. They contend⁢ that the higher penalties associated with aggravated prostitution are necessary to deter​ such behavior⁢ and protect the⁣ public⁢ from ‌the potential transmission of HIV.

The lawsuit raises important⁢ questions about the balance

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