Washington Examiner

Biden and GOP rivals target Trump’s age and gaffes in 2024 race.

Opponents Target Trump’s Age and Mental Acuity

Both Republican and Democratic opponents of former President Donald Trump are launching a coordinated attack on his age and mental ‌sharpness. This strategy comes ⁤in response to Trump’s recent verbal ‌blunders and ‌flip-flopping on‍ certain issues.

Biden and DeSantis Campaigns Employ New Tactics

Both President ⁢Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign and Governor Ron DeSantis’s campaign are ‍utilizing this new approach to raise concerns about ⁢Trump’s competence. Biden’s team has‍ created a​ Twitter account⁢ called Biden-Harris HQ, which shares real-time footage of Trump’s mistakes and⁢ quickly spreads them to millions of viewers. Meanwhile, DeSantis’s campaign has introduced an “accident tracker” that highlights Trump’s⁤ missteps.

Strategists⁣ Weigh In

Some strategists believe this strategy is politically advantageous for both campaigns. Democratic ‌commentator​ Kaivan Shroff points‌ out that Biden’s leadership during the recent Hamas attack on Israel has shifted the focus away from his‌ age and towards his experience. On the ⁤other hand, Trump’s increasing gaffes and confusion ⁣at rallies provide ample ⁣material for Biden’s and DeSantis’s campaigns to exploit.

Mistakes Highlighted

Trump’s recent mix-ups, such ‌as confusing⁢ the leaders of Hungary and Turkey, mistaking ⁣former President Barack Obama and Biden, and praising terrorist group Hezbollah, have become the main targets of Biden’s and‌ DeSantis’s campaigns. They are ​spreading clips and articles documenting‍ these⁤ instances to cast doubt on Trump’s ability⁤ to serve as⁢ president.

Effectiveness of ‍the Strategy

Republican strategist Susan ‌Del Percio believes that questioning Trump’s mental acuity is a ​more effective attack than simply focusing on his age. She points to Trump’s Hungary-Turkey mix-up as‌ a significant foreign policy‌ mistake. However, not all strategists⁢ agree on the effectiveness of ⁣this strategy, with some arguing that attacks on Trump’s performances are unlikely to sway his core base of support.

Polls Reflect Concerns

Recent polls show that a ⁢significant number of people⁢ have concerns about both Biden and Trump’s ⁤ages. However, more voters who believe both men are too old to serve another term still ⁤plan to vote for Biden. This could give ‍Biden an advantage if⁢ he can⁣ increase concerns about Trump’s age.

Impact ​on DeSantis and Biden

While this strategy may be effective for Biden,‍ it might not have the same impact ‍on DeSantis. Some experts argue⁢ that ‍DeSantis needs to convert Trump supporters to his side, ​whereas Biden only needs to ​chip away at Trump’s⁤ support. Additionally,‌ attacking Trump as a former president⁤ may be ​more effective than attacking him as ⁤a ⁢political novice.


The coordinated attack on Trump’s age and mental acuity by both Biden’s and DeSantis’s campaigns is⁢ a strategic move to ‍undermine his credibility.‌ By highlighting⁤ his ‍recent mistakes and confusion, they aim to raise⁤ doubts about his ability to lead. Whether this strategy will ultimately sway​ voters remains to be seen.

How might the attacks on ‍Trump’s age and mental acuity impact ⁤public ‌perception and potentially⁣ influence voting behaviors

S’s campaigns⁣ to highlight his alleged mental decline. ⁤This strategy is seen as a way to⁤ discredit Trump ⁢and undermine his potential future political ambitions.

Republican Response

​Not surprisingly, Trump’s loyal supporters‌ and⁤ the Republican Party have been quick ‍to defend him. Many argue that ‌Trump’s occasional verbal blunders are​ insignificant compared ⁤to his accomplishments as President, such as tax cuts, regulatory reforms, and negotiating peace agreements ⁤in ⁣the Middle East. ⁤They⁢ believe that criticizing Trump’s age and mental acuity is a desperate attempt by his⁤ opponents to distract ⁢from his successful record and popularity among his base.

Trump’s Defense

​Trump⁣ himself has dismissed allegations of mental decline, ⁤asserting that he is as sharp‍ as ever. ⁢He frequently points to ⁢his ability to engage with his ⁤supporters ‍at rallies and the vast knowledge he possesses on ‌various topics. Trump has also criticized Biden’s mental⁤ ‌acuity, suggesting that⁢ he himself is not the one facing⁤ cognitive challenges.

Public ⁣Perception

​The impact of these attacks on Trump’s age and mental acuity on public perception remains to be seen. ⁢It ​is clear that both campaigns are attempting to use these critiques to sway voters and shape the narrative ​around Trump. However, whether or not this strategy will be effective in changing people’s opinions or voting​ behaviors is uncertain.


​The targeting of Trump’s age ‌and ⁢mental acuity⁣ by his opponents is ⁣a new tactic in political campaigns.⁣ Both Biden and DeSantis are using this strategy to undermine⁣ Trump’s credibility and portray him as unfit for future political leadership. ‌Trump and his supporters are pushing back, emphasizing his accomplishments and dismissing allegations of‌ decline. In the end, it will be up to the voters to⁤ decide how much weight they give to ​these attacks and whether ⁤they will have any lasting effect on Trump’s political ‍career.

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