The federalist

Biden Administration: War Benefits Businesses

Has a single member of the ⁣White House staff ever held a dying American soldier⁤ in his arms as he bled out, calling for his mother? Have any of them ever ‌loaded the blood-soaked bodies of his wounded and killed ‍onto a medivac helicopter‍ and then endured sleepless nights thinking about‌ the visits their families are⁤ about to get and the ensuing destruction ​of their lives and ⁤dreams?

These were the first questions that popped into my mind when I saw the report from​ Politico that the Biden ​administration is promoting the war in Ukraine because it is ‌good for American business. ⁣I think the members of the administration could not have experienced these things because, if⁢ they had, ​ and ⁢if they had⁢ one ounce of humanity in them, they could ‌not​ possibly have ⁢promoted war on the “it’s good for business” rationale.

Apparently, multiple⁢ White House aides have been involved in this⁣ abomination⁤ because Politico is quite specific:

The White ⁤House has been quietly urging lawmakers in both parties to sell the‌ war efforts abroad as a potential economic boom ​at home.

Aides have been distributing​ talking points to Democrats and Republicans who have been​ supportive of continued efforts​ to fund Ukraine’s resistance to make the case ‍that doing so is good for‍ American jobs, according to five White ​House‌ aides and lawmakers familiar with⁢ the effort and granted anonymity to speak freely.

The Biden⁢ administration is​ fearful‍ that it cannot sell its most recent aid package on ‌the ​merits and on national security​ grounds, because “The ⁣talking points are an implicit recognition that the administration has work to do ⁣in selling its​ $106 billion ​foreign aid ‌supplemental request — and that talking about it squarely under the umbrella of national security interests hasn’t done the trick,” Politico ⁤states.

The reprehensibility of⁤ these comments⁣ cannot be overstated. Biden’s administration is peopled with a number of ⁢”elites” who probably are familiar, at ‌least‌ in a theoretical, intellectual sense, with John Stuart Mill’s dictum, “War⁤ is ​an ugly thing.” But, hey,‍ if it’s ⁢good⁤ for business, particularly in electoral swing⁣ states, ⁢let’s ​go for it.

I am old enough to ⁤remember ‍how the left tarred George‍ Bush, Dick Cheney, ​and others in the GOP with‍ the argument ⁢that they wanted war because it⁤ was good for their⁢ supporters in big business. I never put any stock in these‌ arguments because I thought no American could be so evil as to support ⁢war as a sop ⁢to big business. The Biden ⁤administration has changed ‌my​ mind.

My contempt and revulsion for these people knows no bounds.

John Lucas​ is a practicing attorney​ who ⁣has‍ tried and‍ argued a variety of cases, including before the U. ⁢S. Supreme Court. Before entering law⁤ school at the University of Texas, he ⁣served in the Army Special Forces as​ an enlisted man and ​then‍ graduated from the ‌U. ‌S. Military Academy at West⁤ Point in 1969. He is an Army Ranger and fought in Vietnam⁤ as an infantry platoon leader. He is ​married with five children. He and his wife ​now live in Virginia.


What questions does the use of taxpayer money to fund wars abroad raise about‍ the Biden administration’s accountability and transparency, and how does it affect the⁤ American people’s right to ‌know how their tax dollars are being⁢ used

Icit‌ admission ⁢that we have to bribe ‌other countries with taxpayer money to get them ‍to fight our wars for us,” said a former White ⁥House official who asked not to be named.

This revelation is deeply troubling and ⁣raises serious ⁤ethical concerns about the Biden‌ administration’s⁣ approach to international conflicts. It appears ⁤that the ⁢administration is more ‍focused on⁤ economic interests rather than the lives and well-being of American soldiers and the ⁤people of Ukraine.

War should never ⁣be seen as a business‍ opportunity or a means to boost the‍ economy. It is a ‍tragic event that results in the loss of‍ precious lives, destruction of communities,‍ and widespread‍ suffering. The decision to promote war for economic gain⁣ reflects a disturbing ⁢shift in priorities and a lack of moral compass.

Furthermore, using ⁤taxpayer money to fund wars abroad in the name of economic benefits raises questions about the administration’s accountability and transparency. The American ⁣people have the right to know how‌ their tax dollars⁣ are⁢ being used and whether it aligns with their values and interests.

This⁢ revelation also casts doubt on the sincerity of the ‍administration’s claims of supporting Ukraine’s resistance. If the primary motive for providing aid is economic‌ gain,​ then it raises questions⁣ about the administration’s true intentions and commitment ⁢to promoting peace and stability in the region.

The Biden⁢ ⁣administration must account for ⁢its actions and provide⁤ a clear explanation for why it is promoting war in Ukraine. The American people deserve honesty and transparency from their leaders, especially when it‍ comes to matters of war and national‍ security.

It ‍is⁤ imperative that we hold ‍our government ⁣accountable and demand a foreign policy that prioritizes⁣ human​ lives and global peace over economic gains. Only through a sincere commitment to diplomacy and ‍peaceful resolutions can we truly⁤ make⁣ progress in creating a more just and stable world.

Let us not forget the true cost of war and the devastating impact it has on the lives of​ countless individuals. ​It is⁢ our duty as citizens to ⁤speak out against‌ the glorification of⁢ war ‌and demand a foreign policy that⁤ values peace, justice, ⁤and humanity above all else.

Read More From Original Article Here: Biden Administration: War Is Very Good For Business

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