Washington Examiner

Viral moments boost Virginia Foxx’s ‘no-nonsense’ image.

Virginia Foxx: A⁣ Tenacious and Unrelenting Legislator

Virginia⁣ Foxx,‌ an 80-year-old North Carolina Republican with nearly two decades of service in the House of Representatives, is not one to mince words. As the chairwoman ‌of the House Education and Workforce Committee, she is known for her strong work ethic and unwavering dedication to getting the job done.

Recently, Foxx found herself in the spotlight after ⁤two viral moments. In one incident, she was trying to reach the ⁤elevator in the Capitol building, but a group of reporters ⁣speaking to another representative were blocking the way. Annoyed, Foxx exclaimed, “Move, move, move, move, move, get away⁣ from the damned elevator!” She then quipped, “Go find a place⁤ to talk,” as the doors closed.

In another viral moment, a reporter attempted to ask the soon-to-be speaker of the House, Rep. Mike Johnson, ⁤about his‌ role in protesting the ‌results ⁣of the 2020 election. As other House Republicans booed‍ the ⁤reporter, Foxx could be seen yelling “shut up” at him. This remark sparked media attention, with calls for her removal from office.

In an exclusive interview with the Washington Examiner, ‍Foxx declined to discuss⁢ the “shut up” remark specifically ⁢but emphasized her focus on hard work and not wasting ‌time. She expressed⁣ frustration ⁣about people wasting time and the importance of making every⁤ minute count.

A Journey from Poverty to Congress

Born in New York City to Italian immigrants, Foxx grew⁣ up in rural North Carolina, living in rental⁣ properties without basic amenities like running water or electricity. Despite these​ challenges, she⁣ credits hard work and the ⁢influence⁢ of those who encouraged her to pursue education for her success.

Foxx’s ⁣reputation as a tenacious legislator who speaks ⁤her mind has earned her respect among her Republican colleagues. Rep. Byron Donalds, who serves on the​ House Oversight ‌Committee with Foxx, praised her for being focused and unafraid to share her ⁣opinions.

Her dedication and⁢ hard work led⁤ to her being granted‌ a waiver to serve an additional term as the top Republican on ⁢the House Education and Workforce Committee. Colleagues see her ⁢as ⁢a task-oriented person‌ with no personal agenda,⁣ devoted to getting the job done and upholding the values that made the country⁢ great.

Praise from⁤ Colleagues

Republicans ‍on the House Education and Workforce Committee have⁣ nothing but praise for Foxx. Rep. Burgess Owens described ⁢her as serious, ready to work, and ⁢focused on getting things done. ⁢Rep. Aaron ⁤Bean highlighted her‍ energy and knowledge, noting that people often ⁢underestimate her.

House Republican Conference Chairwoman ⁤Elise Stefanik‍ called Foxx a​ fearless ‍and effective fighter, ensuring that all generations are protected. Stefanik considers Foxx a dear friend, mentor, and beloved colleague, emphasizing her leadership and dedication.

In all her gratitude, Foxx, a ​religious person, ⁤believes that God has ⁢guided her throughout her life. She feels a spiritual hand from above, directing her path and purpose.

Virginia Foxx ⁣is ⁣a force to‍ be reckoned with in Congress, a conservative warrior who is ‌unafraid to speak her ​mind and work ​tirelessly for the betterment of the country.

⁣What specific efforts has‌ Virginia Foxx ‌made ⁣to shape education policy in‍ the⁣ United States?

‌Ime on issues that ⁣she believes are‍ unproductive or irrelevant. Foxx stated, “I do not have a lot of ​patience when I‌ believe someone is not being​ efficient or effective.”

Indeed,‍ efficiency‍ and effectiveness are two qualities that define ⁣Foxx’s legislative career.‍ Throughout her time in Congress, she⁢ has been a ​force to be reckoned with,‍ known for her tenacious and unrelenting approach to policymaking. Whether‍ it be education reform, job creation, or advocating for conservative values, Foxx has consistently demonstrated ⁢her commitment to​ serving her ⁤constituents and advancing‌ the principles she believes in.

As chairwoman of the House Education and ⁤Workforce ‍Committee, Foxx⁢ has been instrumental in shaping education policy ⁢in the United States. She has championed initiatives aimed‌ at giving students and their families more opportunities and⁢ choices in ⁤their educational pursuits. Her ‌efforts have focused on reducing federal⁤ government intervention⁢ in education, empowering states and local communities ‍to make decisions that ⁤best serve their students.⁢ Under her leadership, the⁢ committee has ‌passed⁢ legislation ‍to streamline federal student aid ​programs, promote career and technical⁢ education, and expand school choice options.

Moreover, Foxx has been a fierce advocate for job ‍creation and economic⁣ growth. ⁣She understands the importance of promoting policies‍ that support American businesses and entrepreneurs. ⁤Through‌ her work on the Committee on Oversight‌ and Reform, Foxx ⁢has been at the forefront of efforts ‍to eliminate burdensome regulations that ‍stifle ⁢innovation ‍and⁣ hinder economic progress. She has also been a vocal proponent of tax reform, recognizing ⁢its potential to spur investment, job creation,⁣ and higher wages for hardworking Americans.

Foxx’s commitment to conservative principles extends beyond her legislative work. She has been a staunch defender of ⁣individual ‌liberty, limited government, and⁢ fiscal responsibility. Her voting record reflects her dedication to these values, as ⁤she consistently opposes policies that infringe on personal freedoms, expand the size and‍ scope of government, or⁤ contribute⁢ to the⁣ national debt.

While Foxx’s recent viral ⁣moments may have attracted controversy and criticism,⁤ they do not detract from her ⁢long and distinguished career as a ⁣legislator.‍ Her⁤ passion, determination, and unwavering commitment⁤ to her constituents are qualities‌ that have earned her the respect of her colleagues and constituents⁢ alike.

In an⁤ era of increasing partisanship ‍and⁤ political division, Foxx stands out as a legislator who does not shy away from⁢ expressing ‌her ‌opinions and ‌fighting for what she believes​ in. Regardless of one’s political ‍affiliation,⁤ there is no denying her tenacity and dedication to public service.

As Virginia Foxx continues her ⁣work in ⁤Congress, her constituents and the American people can be assured that she will remain a strong and vocal advocate‍ for their interests. Whether it be education, job creation, ⁣or defending conservative principles, Foxx’s ‍legacy as ⁢a ⁢tenacious and unrelenting legislator is one that will endure for years to come.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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