The federalist

NY Times aids California Dems in attacking school district for empowering parents.

In an attempt to shift ⁤public opinion​ against the Chino Valley⁤ Unified School District, which is currently embroiled in a fight with California Attorney General Rob Bonta​ over its new parental notification policy, The New York Times published an article smearing the fight to protect parents’ rights.

The CVUSD policy, which passed in July but is partially tied up in courts, requires school staff to notify parents if their child shows symptoms of gender dysphoria including switching to the pronouns, bathrooms, or sports teams of the opposite sex.

The rule was designed to recognize parents, not the state or school districts, ‍as⁣ having the final say over their children’s well-being. The NYT’s Jill Cowan, however, painted it as a partisan ‌ploy hatched by conservatives like freshman California assemblyman Bill Essayli.

“The Latest Target for California Conservatives? Local ‌School Boards,” the article headline reads.

Cowan ‌claimed Golden State Republican lawmakers foiled by the assembly’s Democrat supermajority fed their ideas into communities like Chino Valley because those residents have a better ⁤chance at unseating leftists on the local level than at the state level.

In reality, parents in CVUSD have​ fought for years to fend off the ideological takeover of their children’s schools. Their cause was helped significantly in recent years by ‌conservative politicians’ willingness ​to latch onto the national pro-parent movement sweeping the nation.

Cowan, however, insinuated that the parents and pro-parent politicians ​touting policies that will protect children in districts all across California are meddling where they don’t belong.

“Some parents insist that they have a right to know everything about‍ their ‍child’s school experience, from the materials being studied to the bathroom⁣ being used,” ⁣Cowan wrote. “They have been joined by political activists and, in many instances, Mr. Essayli.”

Polling suggests that an overwhelming majority of California voters, 84 percent, not ‌just “some,” support parental notification policies that would tell parents when a “major change in a child’s physical, mental, ⁤or emotional ‌health or academic performance” is observed.

Despite these poll numbers, ⁣NYT, with help from the testimony of opposition group leaders, suggested that the concerned CVUSD parents were the ones⁤ provoking the district’s latest controversy.

“To⁣ Ms. Hirst, the fight over the​ notification policy has needlessly drawn the Chino Valley district into another culture war,” Cowan wrote, referring to Kristi Hirst, who co-founded the ‌leftist activist group Our Schools USA with Christina Gagnier ‌around the same time parents in the district voted Gagnier off‌ of the school board.

Cowan incorporated Hirst’s accusation that parents’ “only focus is their political and religious ⁣issues” into her‌ writing, ominously noting that several proponents of the parental notification policy have ⁣“close ties to a local megachurch” and a new school board member “runs a local⁢ Bible study group.”

Another 82 percent of California voters ⁣disagreed with the statement “A person loses their parental rights when a child enters public school.” Yet, elevating the​ concocted‌ plight of “students’ civil rights” above the constitutionally protected rights of parents is exactly what Bonta and ⁤Gov. Gavin Newsom have‍ advocated for since CVUSD passed ⁣the policy.

California Superintendent⁢ of⁤ Public Instruction Tony Thurmond also came out of the woodwork to publicly oppose the parental notification policy at a ‌July 20, 2023 CVUSD school board meeting. It was there that he was scolded by the new school board president for trying to ​exceed the 1-minute limit on those who signed up to give feedback.

Cowan claimed, “Mr. Thurmond could not respond​ before he was escorted out by a scrum of ⁢security guards.”

Multiple ⁤videos of the incident show that four security guards approached Thurmond at ‍the podium. After a short ​exchange, however, he and his posse decide to‌ leave the room on their own.

Liberty Justice Center, which represents CVUSD, told⁤ The Federalist that Thurmond was granted special privileges at the board meeting including a front-row seat, permission to be the first speaker during​ the public comment‌ session, and a separate room at the board meeting so he could voice his opinions to the media, all of which he took advantage of the night of the meeting.

LJC requested NYT issue a‌ correction but emails obtained by ​The Federalist​ show Cowan denying the demand.

“We stand by our characterization of the exchange and won’t be changing it,” she wrote.

In addition to shirking calls for a correction, Cowan also refused to include any portions of her half-hour interview with LJC’s Senior Counsel Emily Rae.

Instead, the outlet quoted University of ⁤California, Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, who ⁣Cowan claimed believes “asking to ‌be treated as a different gender doesn’t⁢ directly involve physical safety, while sharing that information without a child’s consent could put the child at risk.”

“I think on the legal merits, a child’s ‌privacy interests seem to be much more compelling than the parents’ right to ‍know,” Chemerinsky said. NYT did not dispute his claim.


To what extent ​does‍ the article by ​Jill⁤ Cowan⁤ insinuate that the parents and pro-parent‌ politicians in the Chino Valley Unified School ‌District are meddlesome and out‌ of ‍place in their fight for parental rights?

⁤ In a recent article⁤ published by The New York Times, the newspaper attempted to sway public opinion against the Chino Valley Unified School District by smearing ​their fight to protect parents’‍ rights. The district is currently engaged in a legal battle with California Attorney General Rob Bonta ⁣over their⁣ new parental notification policy.

The⁣ policy, which was passed in July but is currently tied up in courts, requires school staff to‌ notify parents ⁣if their child shows symptoms of gender dysphoria, such as ‌switching pronouns, bathrooms, or sports teams. The main intention behind this policy is to recognize parents, rather than the state‌ or school districts, as the ‍final authority over ‌their children’s well-being.

However, The ‍New York‍ Times, through the work ⁢of journalist Jill Cowan, portrayed this policy ⁣as a partisan ploy orchestrated by⁤ conservatives, specifically​ mentioning‍ freshman California assemblyman⁣ Bill Essayli. The article’s headline, ⁢”The Latest ⁤Target for ​California​ Conservatives? Local School Boards,” perpetuated the notion‌ that Republican lawmakers in the state⁤ had resorted to introducing their ‍ideas into local communities like Chino Valley⁤ due to the difficulty of unseating‌ leftists ⁢at the state level with the current Democrat supermajority.

In ‍reality, the parents in the Chino Valley Unified School District‍ have been fighting for years against the ideological takeover of their children’s schools. The recent support‍ from conservative politicians has ‍bolstered their cause and added momentum to the national pro-parent movement ‍that has been ⁤sweeping the nation.

Nevertheless, Jill Cowan insinuated⁢ in her article that these parents and ​pro-parent politicians are meddling where they ‌don’t belong. She wrote, “Some parents insist that they have a right to know⁢ everything about their‌ child’s school experience, from the materials being studied ‍to‌ the bathroom being used,” suggesting that they​ are⁣ joined by⁣ political‌ activists,​ including Mr. ‌Essayli.

Contrary to ‍Cowan’s insinuations, polling actually suggests that a significant majority of California voters support policies that protect children in school districts across the state. This highlights the disconnect ‍between The New York‍ Times’ portrayal ⁣of these parents ‍as meddlers and the reality that they are advocating for the rights and well-being of their children.

In conclusion, the article published by The New York Times mischaracterizes the efforts of the Chino Valley Unified School District in their fight to protect parents’ rights. It portrays‍ their actions as⁢ a partisan ploy, dismissing the ‌genuine concerns of ⁣parents⁣ and‌ their desire to have a say in their children’s education. It⁢ is ​important to consider the facts and perspectives presented by ‍both sides before‌ forming an opinion ‌on this issue.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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