Conservative News Daily

New Streaming Service Shields Kids from Disney’s Influence: Already a Huge Hit

Streaming Service Launched to Protect Kids from Disney’s Agenda:⁣ It’s‌ Already a Massive Success

For years, far-left⁣ entertainment studios,⁢ writers, actors, and artists have influenced American children ⁢in ⁤both‌ subtle and overt ways ‌on⁤ everything from sex to identity politics.

But the conservatives over at The Daily Wire‌ are coming for the industry that ⁤seeks to ⁤poison⁣ the⁢ minds of ⁣America’s‍ most ​precious asset. And, against all ‍odds,⁢ they’re having quite a bit ⁤of success in ⁤doing so.

For a century, the​ Walt‌ Disney Co. has been the ‌standard-bearer⁢ in children’s entertainment. Unfortunately for parents and their little‍ ones, Disney ​has become a‍ vehicle for the ⁤left.

Last year, independent journalist ⁣Christopher ‍Rufo obtained footage ⁢ of Disney executive producer Latoya Raveneau admitting she had⁤ a “not-at-all-secret”​ agenda to force homosexuality on children.

Audiences have noticed ​Disney’s⁤ lurch toward depravity, and if box office numbers are any measure, they’re not happy. Four ⁣big-budget flops released this year have cost the company an estimated $1 billion.

If Disney⁢ wants to inject “queerness” into programming for children, someone needs⁣ to provide kid-friendly shows that stay away from the poison pills ‍of far-left politics.

That’s where The Daily Wire‍ comes in.

The conservative media ‌company has put Disney ​in its crosshairs — and its money where​ its mouth is — and devised⁣ a plan to counter the smut being spewed out of Hollywood.

Bentkey: A “Revolutionary” Place for Kids to Be Kids

Daily Wire ‍CEO ‌Jeremy Boreing recently unveiled a streaming platform for children called Bentkey. He pulled no punches in a‌ fiery statement ​ on Oct. 16⁤ — the 100th anniversary of Disney’s founding.

“Today is the 100th anniversary of ⁤Walt Disney⁢ starting his⁤ company. For almost a century, Disney built goodwill and trust​ with parents and created the greatest​ library of content in history,” Boreing began.

“But Walt Disney’s vision no longer animates the company he founded. Today, woke ideologues run the House of Mouse, and they have abused the trust and goodwill that was their legacy. While their classic films are still phenomenal, their new fare ⁢is laden‌ with the radical‌ race and sexual ⁢identity theory ​of ‍the woke left.

“So today, on the 100th anniversary of Walt founding his company,​ we‌ are proud to announce the launch of ours. Introducing BENTKEY, a brand‌ new company ⁢from the Daily Wire that makes good on ‍our commitment to bring ‌high-quality​ kids entertainment⁤ that ⁣never insults ‍the values of everyday Americans.”

The platform debuted with 17 shows. For $13 ‍a month, ‍subscribers can access Bentkey along with‌ all of⁤ The ⁣Daily Wire’s other content, which is already hugely popular ⁢among conservatives.

Bentkey is also developing a⁢ Snow White film ‌ that — unlike⁣ Disney’s upcoming remake⁢ — promises to remain faithful to the original story.

One commenter on the film’s ⁤teaser trailer wrote, “In this day and age, making‌ a⁣ movie that actually sticks to the ‍source material is a novel idea and a revolutionary⁢ act.”

What The Daily Wire Is Saying About Bentkey

In an Oct. 22 discussion with⁢ fellow Daily Wire founder Ben Shapiro, Boreing doubled down on his criticism ⁤of Disney.

He ⁢also doubled ‍down on The Daily Wire’s commitment to keeping⁤ Bentkey out⁣ of the arena of politics —⁣ first by dropping its​ initial name,‍ “DW⁢ Kids.”

“Daily ​Wire is a very politically charged name,” Boreing said. “And‍ while the launching of ⁢our kids’ ⁤entertainment company is intrinsically a political act, what we’re trying to do with that political⁢ act is create content ⁤for kids that isn’t inherently political.”

Boreing added, “I thought Bentkey was a fun name ​because it is mysterious, because it has⁤ this sense of whimsy.”

He also ⁣divulged that both he and Shapiro​ took a big ⁢risk on the venture​ to protect children from the left’s radical ⁢agenda. Both diluted their shares in the ⁢company in order to finance the⁢ $100 million project.

So far, the gamble has paid off.

The Early⁣ Reviews Are In

Immediately after its ⁢launch, Bentkey became the No. 1 app for children ⁣in the Apple ⁤app store. It⁣ is currently rated 4.8 out of five⁤ stars ‌and is⁤ being hailed as a family-friendly⁤ alternative to corrupted⁢ children’s programming.

One Apple reviewer wrote, “Bentkey is an excellent service, teaching good values to our children and leaving political issues for later in ⁣life, all at an amazing ​price.”

Another commented, “I can finally hand the remote to my ⁤kids ⁣and say ‘you⁤ can watch‍ any show ​on this app without asking me first.’”

Parents gave the platform similar ⁣praise on social media:

But if you really want to know how​ Bentkey is⁢ doing, ​just look ​at reviews from the left.

Joe Berkowitz with ⁢the Daily Beast called ⁢the platform “shockingly lame” and complained that it was ​filled with ‌“mediocre, apolitical shows.”

“The whole point isn’t that it’s especially good or​ especially anything, just‍ that ⁣it’s an alternative ‍to what⁣ the people whom its users hate​ tend to consume. It doesn’t have to beat Disney in‍ order to win; it just has⁢ to be⁤ there,” Berkowitz wrote.

With critics such as the Daily Beast and positive‌ reviews from parents,⁤ it’s safe to assume⁢ Bentkey isn’t leading young people astray with dangerous ideology and​ toxic politics.

Is Bentkey Here to Stay?

Disney has‌ ruled‌ children’s entertainment for⁢ a century, so unseating it with​ an idea and the ‍relatively small sum ⁤of $100 million will be anything but‌ easy.

Time will tell whether Bentkey can ‌become a​ permanent fixture in the entertainment industry. ‌The market will ultimately decide the‍ platform’s fate.

But it ⁢is ⁢promising that Bentkey is getting early ​returns and⁢ rave reviews. It is clearly filling a⁤ gap left by the ideologues intent on indoctrinating children, and fed-up parents are rewarding it.

The Daily Wire’s alternative to⁤ “woke” ​children’s programming is a hit so far, and the ​biggest winners are its target demographic — kids who deserve to ‍be shielded from the left’s⁣ perverse agendas.

The post Streaming Service​ Launched to Protect Kids from Disney’s Agenda: It’s Already a Massive Success ‌appeared first on The Western ‌Journal.

What‍ revelations‍ have sparked a backlash against Disney and its promotion of far-left ideologies?

Bentkey is ⁢the new streaming service launched by The Daily Wire that aims to protect ⁢children from the influence of Disney’s agenda. While Disney has been the leader in children’s entertainment for decades, it has ​recently​ come under scrutiny for promoting far-left ideologies, including the‌ push for homosexuality in children’s programming.

In leaked footage‍ obtained by ⁤independent journalist Christopher Rufo, Disney executive producer Latoya Raveneau admitted to implementing a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” and regularly “adding queerness” to children’s programming. This revelation, combined with ‍the ⁤decline in box office numbers for four big-budget ⁢flops, which cost the company an estimated $1 billion, has sparked a backlash from audiences.

This is where The Daily Wire and its new streaming platform, Bentkey, come in.‍ CEO​ Jeremy Boreing unveiled the platform ⁤on​ the 100th anniversary of Disney’s founding, stating that while ⁢Disney’s⁤ classic films are still phenomenal, their new content is filled with radical race and sexual identity theory promoted ⁣by the woke left. Bentkey aims to provide high-quality kids entertainment ⁤that aligns with the values ​of everyday Americans.

By launching ​Bentkey, The Daily Wire aims⁢ to offer‍ an alternative to the increasingly politicized content being produced by Disney. The ‍streaming platform promises to provide kid-friendly shows that focus on traditional values and steer clear of⁣ far-left politics. This initiative has already gained traction, with ‍many parents and conservative viewers expressing support​ and subscribing to the service.

While ⁣it is still early days for Bentkey, the success ‌it has ⁤achieved so far is a testament to the demand for content that is free from the⁣ agenda and ideology⁤ often⁤ found in mainstream entertainment. The launch of this⁢ streaming ⁢service brings hope​ to parents who are concerned about the messages their children are exposed to and provides an avenue for them to take control over the content their kids ⁣consume.

As Bentkey continues to grow and expand its library of content, it will be ‌interesting to see how the platform evolves and whether it‌ can truly rival Disney’s⁤ dominance in the children’s ‍entertainment industry. Regardless of ⁣the outcome, the launch of this ⁣streaming service marks a significant ⁤step in addressing the ‌influence of far-left agendas in kids’ programming and offers an alternative that prioritizes the values and beliefs of everyday Americans.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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