Washington Examiner

Virginia Democrats receive significant out-of-state funding from Illinois ahead of 2023 races.

Virginia Democrats Receive ​Heavy Out-of-State Donations Ahead of⁤ 2023 Election

Virginia ‍Democrats ​are ⁣experiencing a surge in out-of-state donations ⁣for ⁣the upcoming state ‍legislative races, just six days⁢ before the 2023 election. The latest contribution ⁣comes from Think ​Big America, ⁢a nonprofit ‍organization affiliated with Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D-IL), ⁤which is donating $250,000 to support the Commonwealth’s Democrats.

Of this generous donation, $25,000 will be‍ allocated to‌ each of ​the four ⁤Democrats running in battleground state ‍Senate districts: state Dels. ⁣Danica Roem and Schuyler‌ Van Valkenburg, former prosecutor Russet Perry, and entrepreneur Joel Griffin, as reported⁣ by‍ NBC News. The remaining $150,000 will go to the Democratic ⁢Party of Virginia.

Think Big America’s Commitment to Reproductive Freedoms

This is the third contribution announced by Think Big America since its‍ launch two​ weeks ago.⁣ The organization aims to expand ‌abortion ballot measures across the ⁤country in 2024 and‍ has already donated to groups⁤ in⁤ Ohio and Nevada.

“Abortion access is on ‍the line in Virginia. Given the chance, ⁣anti-choice extremists and​ their far-right allies will ​roll back ‌reproductive ⁤freedoms in the last⁤ state in the south where women’s freedoms are still protected,” ⁢stated‌ Think ⁢Big ⁢America spokeswoman Christina Amestoy. “Think Big America is ⁤committed to ⁤fighting⁣ extremism at every level and will ‍always work ⁢to ‌defend a ‍woman’s right to choose.”

The High Stakes of the 2023 Virginia Elections

The 2023 elections in ​Virginia are shaping ‌up to ‍be one of the most crucial political events this year. Every seat in the state ‌legislature, including⁢ 40 in the Senate and 100 ⁢in the House of Delegates, is up for election.​ Republicans are determined to hold the House and flip the Senate, which ‍would be a significant legislative ⁤victory‌ for Gov. Glenn ⁤Youngkin⁢ (R-VA).

In September, Democrats raised $8.8 million for their⁢ House of⁤ Delegates⁣ candidates, ⁤slightly surpassing the $8.3 ⁣million raised by Republicans. On the state Senate ⁢side, Democrats raised $6.5 million compared to Republicans’ $6 million.

Gov. Youngkin has invested ⁣substantial ⁤amounts ⁤from his record-breaking fundraising hauls‌ to ⁤support Republicans in expanding their​ ranks at the statehouse. If the⁣ election results favor ⁢Republicans, ‍it⁣ could serve⁤ as a launching pad for ‍Youngkin’s potential national political ambitions, ​potentially positioning himself as a Republican presidential candidate⁤ as⁤ early as ⁣2028.

Abortion as a Central Issue in ⁤Virginia’s 2023⁤ Elections

Abortion has taken center stage in Virginia’s 2023 elections. Youngkin has pledged to sign an ​abortion limit at 15 weeks of gestation if Republicans gain ‌control of the ⁤legislature.‌ Democrats, ‌on the other hand, have made⁤ abortion a focal ⁤point ​in their ⁢campaign messaging, investing⁤ significant resources​ in ad campaigns that criticize the GOP’s plans as “extreme” and⁢ “terrifying.”

Youngkin’s PAC, Spirit of Virginia, has also launched its own ad campaigns, including ‍a TV⁤ ad where a woman⁢ refutes the ‌misinformation surrounding⁢ abortion, stating, “It’s just not‌ true ‍— their lies about abortion. It’s disinformation, politics at its worst.”

Click here to read more from The⁤ Washington Examiner.

⁣ What are the arguments for and against⁤ heavy out-of-state ‌donations in local elections and their influence on the⁢ outcome

⁤Efend ⁢women’s rights and reproductive ​freedoms.”

Virginia⁤ has been a key battleground ⁤for ‍reproductive rights in‌ recent years.⁤ In ​2020, the state ‍legislature ‌passed the Reproductive Health Protection⁤ Act, ⁣which repealed many restrictions​ on abortion access‌ and affirmed⁣ ⁤the right to choose. However, opponents of ⁣reproductive freedoms ⁤are ‍determined⁡ to ​reverse⁤ these gains and ​have been pushing for⁢ new restrictions on abortion in the ⁢state.

With the upcoming 2023 election, Democrats are ⁢working diligently to maintain their majority in the ‌state ‌‍legislature⁢, ⁣which will be essential in protecting women’s rights and ⁢fending off attempts to limit ⁤access to ‍abortion. The ‍donations‌ ⁤from Think ​​Big America and other out-of-state ⁤contributors⁤ ​will undoubtedly provide critical support ⁤to ​Democratic candidates in‌ their campaigns.

While the‍ influx of⁢ out-of-state donations may⁤ raise ⁢questions about outside influence in local elections, it is not uncommon for political campaigns to receive⁤ support from national organizations. Democrats and⁤ Republicans alike ⁢have received financial backing from ⁢out-of-state sources in previous elections⁤. In fact, campaigns often rely on external support to fund ⁣their operations⁣ and reach⁤ a broader ⁤audience.

However, some critics argue that heavy out-of-state donations⁢ can sway the outcome of an ‍election and undermine⁣ local representation. They believe ‌that local candidates should rely primarily on donations from⁣ their constituents ​and within the state⁢ to ensure that the interests⁣ of the⁤ local community⁤ are prioritized⁤. Others ​argue that external support is a necessary component of modern-day campaigning, as it ⁤allows candidates to​ compete on a level playing field with their opponents.

Regardless ⁤of these debates,‌ the fact remains that the ‌upcoming 2023 ⁣election ‍in Virginia will⁣ have far-reaching‌ implications⁣ ‌for reproductive rights in the state.⁤ With the support ‌of out-of-state donations, Virginia Democrats will have the resources ⁤to ​mobilize their base, communicate their message, ⁣and ensure that ‍the progress made in ⁤protecting reproductive freedoms is upheld and ⁣expanded⁢. The‌ outcome of this election will not ​only impact the ‌lives​ of women in ‌Virginia but​ also serve as ​a potential ‌indicator of the broader movement ⁢for reproductive rights across the ⁤country.


As ​Virginia Democrats⁢ gear up‍ for the 2023 ‍election,⁢ they are ​receiving substantial out-of-state donations, including a generous $250,000 contribution⁤ from Think ​Big America. While ‌some ‌may question the influence of external funding, the reality is that it is common for political ‌campaigns to receive support⁣ from ⁢national ‌organizations. For Democrats in Virginia, these out-of-state donations will ‌play a‍ crucial role ⁢in ⁤defending reproductive ​freedoms and maintaining their ⁢majority in the state ‍legislature. The outcome ‌of this election will ⁣have significant ⁤implications for the future ​of ‍reproductive rights not just in Virginia, but also in ⁣the⁣ wider ⁤country.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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