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Hedge-fund billionaire echoes Trump’s concerns, calls for potential TikTok ban over alleged pro-Hamas algorithm.

Hedge-Fund Billionaire’s ‍Call for Potential TikTok Ban Over​ Alleged Pro-Hamas Algorithm Echoes Trump’s Early⁢ Fears

It’s almost as if former President Donald Trump saw it coming.

Hedge-fund manager Bill Ackman is hardly⁤ what one would call a MAGA ⁣type. To quote ⁢ Influence Watch, “Since 1998, with few exceptions to select Republicans, Ackman has mainly donated to Democratic election candidates. Ackman has donated more than $600,000 to​ Democratic⁤ campaigns including those of Barack Obama, Al Gore, former⁢ South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX), former Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel, Sen. ⁣Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and the Democratic Senatorial‌ Campaign Committee.”

That’s a​ veritable all-star team of media-hyped Democrat luminaries. So, when Ackman acknowledges that TikTok should be banned because of alleged algorithm manipulation in the Israel/Hamas conflict, maybe it’s time to give The Donald a little credit for foresight.

In ⁤a social media post Monday, Ackman — CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management — said the Chinese-owned short-form video platform should “probably be banned” for “massively manipulating public opinion” in​ favor of the terrorist organization and “amplifying the hate” against ⁤Israel.

Ackman was responding to a widely disseminated video of a man ⁢in a mask going on⁢ an anti-Semitic rant near the campus of Harvard University.

“[Jews] should be all ‌exterminated, every single one of them,” the⁢ man said in the video.‌ “And⁢ their⁤ kids, their mothers, their children, everybody — just like Hitler did.”

“The world is quickly moving to a very dark ⁤place,” Ackman said in ⁢a response. “Social media has been amplifying ⁣the hate for a ‍decade⁣ as⁢ algorithms wind us up.

“TikTok is massively manipulating‌ public opinion. Compare the generational differences on support for Hamas. 51% of the‌ TikTok generation ⁣say that Hamas’ barbaric acts are justified,” he continued. (According to the New York Post, Ackman was “apparently referring to a Harvard University poll of ​Americans between the ages of 18 and 24‍ who believed Hamas was justified in carrying out the attacks which left at least 1,400 Israeli civilians and soldiers dead.”)

Ackman went on to say that “TikTok should probably be banned. A foreign government should not be in⁢ control of the minds of our‍ next generation of leaders.”

It’s almost as if someone saw this coming. Namely, a president.

In an August 2020 executive order issued by then-President Trump, the United States would prohibit “any transaction by any person, or with respect to any property, subject to the jurisdiction of the United⁢ States, with ByteDance Ltd.,” according‍ to CNN.

ByteDance is the Chinese-based owner of TikTok.

For ⁤the most part, Trump’s order justified ⁣the ban based⁣ on the⁤ fact the app ⁢“automatically captures vast swaths of⁢ information from its users”⁣ and “threatens to⁣ allow the Chinese Communist Party access to Americans’ personal and proprietary information ⁣–‍ potentially allowing China to track the locations of Federal employees⁣ and contractors, build dossiers of personal information ⁢for blackmail, and conduct‍ corporate espionage.”

However, CNN also noted this: “The order ⁣also claims that ⁣the‌ platform censors or disseminates content in keeping with the Chinese‍ Communist Party’s agenda, citing ‘when TikTok videos spread debunked conspiracy theories ⁢about the origins of the⁤ 2019 ‍Novel Coronavirus.’”

Yes, the‍ order “claims” that TikTok controls the narrative. Huh. Fast forward three ⁤years and here’s tech industry player ⁣Jeff Morris Jr. laying out exactly what’s happening on the platform:

The Post noted ⁤that pro-Palestinian videos on TikTok outnumber pro-Israeli ⁤videos in a ratio of 15 to 1. And, as The New York Times noted ‍in a Friday piece, China and two of its closest allies — Russia and Iran — have either ⁣implicitly or explicitly taken the side of Hamas in the war.

How ’bout that.

Now, ​of course, this all could have been avoided but for one man — Joseph Robinette Biden,‍ who​ currently serves as⁢ U.S. president.

As the Times noted, ​he⁤ revoked the Trump-era ⁣executive order that sought to ban TikTok and another Chinese-controlled⁢ social propaganda media service, WeChat, in June 2021. Instead, Biden replaced it with an ⁣order the Times said “calls ​for a broader‍ review of a number of foreign-controlled applications that​ could pose a security risk to Americans and their data.”

“The Trump order had not been carried out ‌‘in the soundest fashion,’ Biden administration officials said in a call with reporters, adding that the new directive would establish ‘clear intelligible criteria’ to evaluate national security risks‌ posed by software ⁢applications connected to foreign governments, particularly China.”

Does this blatant propaganda, condoning of terrorism⁤ and ​amplification of anti-Semitic rhetoric count as “clear intelligible criteria” to ‍ban ‍TikTok yet,⁢ Mr. President? Or did that rabid horse leave the barn long ago, back when you ⁤decided to rescind Trump’s executive order‌ that could have done away‌ with this digital cancer in our country once and for all?

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The post Hedge-Fund Billionaire’s Call for Potential TikTok Ban Over Alleged Pro-Hamas Algorithm Echoes Trump’s Early Fears appeared first on The Western‌ Journal.

Why are‌ they⁤ banning ​TikTok?

Why are some governments banning TikTok? Each government organization that has banned TikTok from devices ​has cited security‌ concerns. ‌Each ‍country’s primary concern is that the Chinese government could order ByteDance to ‌hand over​ the data it collects about its ‍users.​ Former President Donald Trump has been‍ expressing concerns about TikTok for​ quite some time. Now, billionaire hedge-fund manager Bill Ackman is echoing those fears, calling for a potential ban of the popular social⁣ media platform⁤ over alleged algorithm manipulation in the Israel/Hamas conflict. While ​Ackman is typically associated with Democratic candidates, his stance on TikTok seems to align‌ with Trump’s early warnings.

In a social media post on ⁢Monday, Ackman, the CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management, stated that⁤ TikTok should⁤ “probably be banned” for its alleged manipulation of public opinion in ‍favor of ‌Hamas and its amplification of hate against Israel. His comment came as a response ⁣to a⁣ disturbing ‍video of an individual going on an anti-Semitic rant near Harvard University.

The ‌video shows the person‍ stating, “[Jews] ‌should be⁤ all exterminated, every single ⁣one of them. And their kids, their mothers, their children, everybody – just like Hitler did.” Ackman condemned the ⁢video and⁣ expressed his concern about⁤ the dark place⁤ the ‌world is heading to, attributing a⁣ significant part of the problem to social media and its algorithms.

According to Ackman, TikTok is “massively manipulating‌ public opinion,” as evident in the generational differences⁤ on support for Hamas. He cited a survey that found 51% ‌of the TikTok generation believed⁣ that Hamas’ actions were justified. ⁣Ackman believes that a foreign government should not have control over the​ minds of the next generation of leaders, and therefore,⁣ TikTok should be ⁣banned.

While some may dismiss Ackman’s call for a TikTok ban, it is important to consider Trump’s previous concerns about the app. Trump had attempted to ban TikTok in the United States due to concerns over data privacy and national ⁤security. While‍ his efforts faced legal‍ challenges, they reflected a larger concern among policymakers regarding Chinese-owned apps and their ​potential‍ influence on public opinion.

It is worth noting that TikTok has denied manipulating its algorithm or content in favor of any‍ political agenda.⁢ However,⁣ concerns persist, and the platform remains‍ under scrutiny. The⁣ call for a TikTok ban by a prominent ⁢billionaire like Ackman adds weight ‍to the ongoing debate surrounding the platform’s​ influence and potential risks.

In a world ⁢characterized by the rapid spread ​of misinformation⁣ and the ‌amplification of hate speech, the need to address‍ these issues is becoming ever⁣ more urgent. As Ackman suggests, working ‍towards a⁣ world without mindless hate requires efforts to provide perspective and educate individuals who express such hate. Banning TikTok may be seen as a⁣ necessary step to ⁣protect the minds of young people and prevent the further manipulation of public opinion.

While ⁤the debate over TikTok’s potential ban continues, it is clear that⁤ the concerns​ raised by Trump and echoed by Ackman are not without merit. The power ⁣of social media platforms⁢ and their algorithms in shaping public discourse ‌and opinion cannot be taken lightly. The call⁣ for increased scrutiny, regulation, and accountability in the digital‌ sphere is essential to safeguarding the ​integrity of public discourse and protecting democratic values.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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