Conservative News Daily

Many Democrats now oppose Rashida Tlaib due to her extreme anti-Israel stance.

Numerous‍ Democrats Turn Against Rashida Tlaib After She ​Pushes Her Anti-Israel Extremism⁤ Too Far

Some ⁢of her fellow Democrats are finally ‍raising their voices against Rashida Tlaib.

The Michigan representative, the product of Palestinian immigrants living in Detroit, has been known as a​ radical since before she won a seat in⁣ Congress in the 2018 midterms.

But even​ in the middle of a Mideast war sparked by Palestinian terrorism, it took⁤ Tlaib’s call for genocide to get some leftists ⁣to start paying ⁤attention.

On Friday, as NBC News reported, the⁣ congresswoman posted a video ‍to‌ social media combining footage from pro-Palestinian ⁣demonstrations across the United States ‌with a warning to President Joe Biden.

“Mr. President, the American ‌people are not ‍with you on this⁤ one,” Tlaib said‍ in appearances ‌interspersed with scenes ‍of demonstrations and statements by National Security Council spokesman John Kirby warning of civilian casualties from the ongoing war ⁢in Gaza and Israeli ⁤Prime⁤ Minister Benjamin⁣ Netanyahu thanking Biden for his support.

“We will remember,” ⁣Tlaib said.

The video ends with stark text:‌ “Joe Biden supported⁤ the genocide of the ⁢Palestinian people.”

WARNING: The following video contains graphic⁣ images that some viewers may ‌find disturbing.

As usual with leftists, the truth⁢ is exactly the opposite.

Posting images of⁢ ignorant American demonstrators showing support for terrorists is one thing. But it was the slogan Tlaib’s video highlighted ‍that got her in trouble.

“From the river to⁣ the‌ sea,” the mobs‌ chanted, the first half of the ​mission statement that ends with ‍“Palestine must be free.”

The meaning behind the chant is unquestionable:⁣ “From the river⁤ to the sea” ‍refers‍ to the Jordan River and the Meditteranean Sea — the eastern and western borders of Israel.

“Palestine must be free” implies the end of Israel as a sovereign nation and the demise⁤ of the world’s only Jewish state. Considering ⁤the carnage of the Oct. 7⁢ mass ​murder in southern Israel, ‍it implies the end of ‍Israel’s Jews as well.

Of course, Tlaib didn’t ⁤describe the slogan that way.

“From the ​river to⁤ the sea is an aspirational call for freedom, human ​rights, and peaceful coexistence, not death, destruction, or ‍hate,” she wrote.‌ “My work and⁣ advocacy is always centered in justice‌ and dignity for all people no matter ⁢faith ⁣or ethnicity.”

It’s entirely possible that Tlaib ⁢believes that. It’s even possible the mobs in Michigan believe it. There’s no way to know the actual heart of another.

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But the reality is that​ the slogan is not an “aspirational call for freedom” in the blood-soaked ​minds of the men behind the Oct. 7 massacre.⁤ It’s not a demand for “peaceful coexistence” from the murderous mullahs of Tehran, who are busy ‌funneling money to the Hamas terrorists.

It’s a ⁤call for the destruction of Israel — the United States’ strongest ally in ‍the Middle East and the⁢ only ⁢democracy in the region worthy ​of the name.

And even⁢ for Democrats, it goes too far.

“This is not how Jews view the phrase ‘from the river to the sea,’” Michigan ‍state Sen. Jeremy Moss wrote in ‍a ⁢social ⁤media response Saturday. “This is not how Hamas views the phrase ‘from the river to‍ the ‌sea.’

“Hamas ‌uses it as a⁣ rallying cry.​ And ⁤they don’t​ simply want to displace Jews​ in Israel. They ⁤want Jews dead.”

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, a woman whose politics ⁢ have led her‌ to disgrace both herself and​ her office, published a⁤ social media ‍post begging Tlaib to back down.

“I have supported and defended⁤ you countless times,‌ even when you have said the indefensible, because ⁣I believed ⁢you to be a good person whose heart was in⁤ the right place,” she wrote. “But⁤ this is so hurtful to so many. Please retract ​this cruel and hateful⁣ remark.”

Even some of ‌Tlaib’s fellow members of Congress ‌have‍ spoken up.

“This phrase means eradicating Israel ‍and Jews. ‍Period,” Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a former ⁢chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, wrote on ‌social media. “Dressing it up in‌ a new PR ​ploy⁤ won’t change that.”

Rep. Elissa Slotkin, another Michigan Democrat, also called out Tlaib.

Michigan Rep. Noah Arbiter went‌ even further. In ⁢a social media post, he cited what he wrote were Jewish areas of Tlaib’s congressional district and ‍called her comments⁤ “disturbing and enraging.”

It’s ​worth noting here that‌ all five officials objecting to Tlaib are​ Jewish. Two of them, Nessel and Moss, are also gay.

Anyone who’s ‍been following the‍ news for the past couple of decades ⁣might know that fundamentalist Islamic terrorist groups like Hamas have ​precious little use for either Jews or ⁢homosexuals.

But it doesn’t require Jewish blood to be infuriated by what happened on Oct. 7. Conservatives — Christian, Jew or​ otherwise — have‍ long and consistently condemned Islamist terrorists and ‌their war on the West while​ liberals tend to lose​ interest as soon as the political benefits ​of getting tough⁣ start to fade.

The difference now is that the Hamas attack on Israel, ⁤and the war that has followed, has ⁤forced some on ⁢the⁢ progressive end of the political ​spectrum to⁣ see through‌ the mask of liberal piety that covers the actual violence at the heart of leftist movements, in the U.S. and around the world.

In the United States,‍ even the‌ mass burning of⁤ American cities, a score of deaths and more than⁤ $1 billion in​ property damage failed to force liberals and the establishment media to acknowledge the “mostly peaceful”⁢ protests of 2020 were anything but.

But the ‍shocking scenes of the Oct. 7 attack have ⁢been different. Images⁤ of the bodies of murdered Israelis have made it clear even to some Democrats now‍ just⁣ how deadly a ⁤threat ‌Hamas ​is⁢ —‍ and how threatening it is that some members⁢ of Congress have no shame about⁣ parroting the terrorist movement’s implicit call for‍ genocide.

When⁢ even Democrats are raising their voices,⁤ Rashida Tlaib ​should be paying attention.

So should the ⁢rest of the country.

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A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:

What if you woke up one ⁢morning and half of the⁣ people ‌you count on had just vanished overnight?

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Josh Manning

Deputy ⁤Managing Editor

The Western Journal

The post Numerous Democrats Turn Against Rashida Tlaib After She Pushes Her Anti-Israel Extremism⁤ Too Far appeared first ‌on The Western Journal.

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