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Jewish detransitioner sues surgeons, laments inability to conceive naturally after hysterectomy.

Woman‍ Sues Doctors⁤ for Gender Transition Surgeries Without Consent

Another Case of Medical Gender Transition Gone Wrong

Yet another ⁢woman ⁣who underwent gender transition as a teenager is‌ now taking legal action against⁢ the doctors responsible for her surgeries. This 23-year-old Chicago woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, is suing the surgeons who she claims performed procedures that left her unable to have biological children.

The lawsuit, ⁤filed in Wisconsin’s Dane County Circuit Court, targets UW Health, the University⁢ of Wisconsin’s hospital in Madison, as well as the​ two surgeons involved in the operations.⁢ Dr. Jay Lick performed a hysterectomy when she was⁣ 19, and Dr. Katherine ⁢Gast conducted‍ a double mastectomy when she was 21, according to the lawsuit. The woman alleges that her ‌self-diagnosis of gender dysphoria was not properly confirmed by a doctor before she was given the green light for⁣ surgery.

Over the years, the woman has explored ‍different identities, including identifying as a lesbian, transgender, and non-binary, in an attempt to heal from the psychological distress ⁣she experienced as a child. ‍However, recent therapy ‍sessions have led her to ‌believe⁤ that her⁤ mental distress was caused by childhood trauma⁤ rather than her physical appearance.⁤ As a result,​ she has decided to halt⁣ her testosterone treatment and begin the process of “detransitioning.”

The woman, who is of​ Jewish descent, now mourns the fact ​that she will never be able to conceive a large family naturally, as expected in her culture. The lawsuit also reveals that she⁤ suffered from sexual abuse and was diagnosed‌ with anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic⁣ stress disorder.

The lawsuit accuses the surgeons of medical malpractice ⁣and ⁢failing to obtain informed consent, while also accusing the hospital of negligence. Additionally, it claims that both the doctors and the hospital discriminated against ⁢her under the Affordable ⁢Care Act by denying her care that would have been provided to a ⁤cisgender woman.

The hysterectomy was suggested by Dr. Lick after the woman ​experienced uterine bleeding due to the testosterone she was taking. However, the suit alleges ⁢that Dr. Lick did not confirm her gender dysphoria or discuss the risks before performing the surgery, which was coded as “gender-affirming.”

UW Health has not commented‍ on the specifics of the lawsuit, but‍ spokesperson⁣ Sara Benzel emphasized their commitment to providing the best⁢ possible care for patients.

In a similar case earlier⁣ this month, twenty-year-old Isabelle Ayala sued her‍ doctors and ​the American Academy⁢ of Pediatrics, claiming that they prioritized “gender-affirming” medical‌ procedures over addressing her mental health issues.

What is the role of informed consent in the process of gender transition surgeries, particularly​ with minors?

Osis of gender dysphoria ‌was not properly evaluated and that the doctors did not obtain her informed consent before proceeding‌ with the surgeries.

This case shines a light on the controversial and complex issue of medical gender transition, particularly when it involves minors. While there is growing awareness and acceptance of transgender individuals, the decision to pursue gender transition⁢ is a deeply personal one that should not be taken lightly. It is essential that individuals receive‍ proper evaluation, counseling, and support throughout the process.

Gender dysphoria, the distress caused by a mismatch between one’s assigned sex at birth‍ and their​ gender identity, is a real and challenging condition that deserves attention and care. Medical interventions, such as hormone therapy and⁣ surgeries, can be crucial in​ alleviating the emotional pain experienced by transgender individuals. However, it is crucial that these interventions are pursued responsibly and ethically.

In the​ case of this 23-year-old woman, her lawsuit argues that the surgeons did not adequately assess her mental health before approving the procedures. It raises concerns about the potential for medical professionals to prioritize physical changes over the overall well-being and long-term consequences for their patients.

It is worth noting that the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health have‌ established guidelines for the‍ care of transgender youth, emphasizing ⁣the importance of comprehensive mental health evaluations, support from mental⁣ health professionals, and informed consent. These guidelines aim to⁤ ensure that minors are provided with the necessary information and support⁤ to‌ make informed decisions about their identities and ‍potential ‍medical interventions.

While it is not clear yet how this lawsuit will unfold, it⁤ serves as​ a reminder of the ethical considerations surrounding‍ medical gender ‍transition. It is crucial that medical professionals prioritize ⁣the well-being and autonomy of their patients,⁣ ensuring that they fully understand ‍the potential risks, benefits,⁣ and long-term consequences of ⁣any procedures. Informed consent is a fundamental principle that ‌should not be compromised.

Furthermore, society as a whole needs to foster an environment of open and respectful dialogue about ⁤transgender issues. Education, ⁤awareness, and acceptance are ‍crucial ⁤in providing support and understanding for transgender individuals‍ facing difficult decisions about their bodies and identities.

As this case unfolds, it‍ may spark further‍ discussions and debates about the ​rights and responsibilities of medical professionals, the complexities of gender transition, and the importance of informed consent. It is our hope⁤ that through these conversations, we can ⁢continue to improve the standards of care and support available to transgender individuals, ensuring their well-being and autonomy are respected at all times.


1. American Academy of Pediatrics.⁢ (2018). Supporting and Caring for Transgender Children. Retrieved from org/en/news-room/news-releases/aap/2018/supporting-and-caring-for-transgender-children/”>

2. World Professional Association for Transgender Health. (2012). Standards⁢ of Care for the Health of Transsexual, ‍Transgender, and Gender-Nonconforming People. Retrieved from org/publications/soc“>

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