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Nashville shooter aimed at children with ‘white privilege’.

Nashville⁤ Shooter ‍Targeted Children with ‘White⁤ Privilege’

Replace the ‍“white” in “white privilege” with “Jewish,” and‌ you have ‍Adolf Hitler’s “Mein​ Kampf.”

Small ‍wonder, therefore,⁣ that ⁣a troubled mind might absorb ‍the establishment media’s rhetoric of anti-white hatred and use it to fuel ⁢a massacre.

Monday morning, on X, formerly Twitter, conservative commentator Steven Crowder reported that⁤ he had obtained ⁢exclusive access to the⁢ Nashville school shooter’s long-hidden manifesto.

“BREAKING: Nashville School Covenant Shooter Audrey Hale’s ‘DEATH DAY’ Manifesto Targeted ‘Cr*ckers’ with ​‘white privlages,’” Crowder posted in part.

The murderer, who killed six people, including three children, in ⁢a March ‍27 shooting spree at ⁤The‌ Covenant School,⁢ a⁣ private⁢ Christian school⁢ in Nashville, was 28 years ​old and called herself “transgender.”

According to Newsweek, Nashville police ‍have neither ‌confirmed nor ‌denied Crowder’s report.

“We ⁢have not⁤ released ⁣that, and at​ this point we are⁣ unable ‍to confirm the authenticity of what⁣ has been released, although we are looking into that ‌ at this very moment,”‌ a Metro Nashville Police Department representative said Monday.

Since March, the establishment media has shown no ⁣interest in learning⁣ the details of⁤ the shooter’s manifesto. After all, the ​shooting did not fit their narrative.⁢ The victims were ‌Christian, and five of ‌six were white.

End Wokeness, a​ prominent conservative account with more than 1.8 million followers​ on X, noted that the‍ shooter ​might as well have borrowed an MSNBC ​ transcript‌ and used it as her manifesto.

A ‍follow-up ‍post included photos ⁣of the six victims.

“The trans terrorist‍ said‍ her goal ⁣was to⁤ kill as many ‘little cr*ckers’ as possible‌ because of their⁤ ‘white privilege.’ White privilege‌ is a ‌racist conspiracy theory that is getting white⁢ people killed ⁣and ⁢hurt across the country If the ADL didn’t⁤ hate white people⁣ so much, White Privilege would ​be on their list of hate⁤ slogans. Instead,⁤ they have things like⁤ ‘White Lives Matter’⁣ and‌ ‘It’s Okay To Be White,’”⁣ End Wokeness tweeted.

Later, End Wokeness shared a video montage of President Joe ‌Biden bemoaning “white supremacy” as America’s “most dangerous terrorist ‌threat.”

“Joe ⁢Biden ‌repeatedly peddles anti-White blood libels​ on the national ‍stage. We now ‍confirmed from the manifesto⁢ that⁣ this⁣ kind⁣ of rhetoric drove‌ Audrey Hale⁤ to massacre White children in Nashville,” End Wokeness tweeted.

On June 17, 2015,⁢ white ⁣supremacist ‍Dylann Roof murdered nine black worshipers at the⁢ AME Emanuel Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Roof later received the death penalty. If⁣ ever a death sentence were⁢ justified, ⁢surely this one was.

Three days after the massacre, news outlets reported Roof’s racist manifesto. Three days.

In this ‌case, the release ​of ⁣the⁣ hate-filled ⁢ manifesto took more than‌ seven months. And ​when finally ⁢released as⁤ a leaked “exclusive,” police would⁤ neither confirm nor deny‍ the authenticity of the manifesto.

Why the difference, establishment media? Do some ⁢murder ⁤victims count ‍less‍ than others? Are some forms of ​hatred less⁤ hateful than others?

Why did it​ take ⁢Steven Crowder⁤ to finally report ⁢on ⁣the shooter’s manifesto? How can supposed ​journalists ⁣explain their‌ lack of‍ curiosity about the disturbed shooter’s⁤ motives?

The establishment media,⁤ of course, will never address such questions.⁣ It need not, really. After all, we know the answers.

Having witnessed media coverage of the⁤ abominations that ‍unfolded​ across​ the country in 2020 — all that about “white fragility” and “white ⁣privilege”​ — we know where the so-called⁤ “journalists” stand. ‍Establishment media types have ​aligned themselves with the ‍“social justice” warriors whose⁣ objectives ⁣involve anything but ​justice.

In fact, those objectives depend on the same ideas that drove Hitler’s Nazis. By their reckoning, human beings ‍have ‌no individual ⁢identities.⁤ Instead, they are⁢ merely members of groups that ​either oppress or suffer​ oppression. And ‌we⁣ know ​the category in ⁣which all individuals belong simply by their physical attributes.

Hitler and Roof believed this nonsense. So did this shooter.

Judging by their⁢ lack ⁤of interest in the this manifesto, the establishment media must regard her brand of hatred as ‌somehow less ⁢dangerous. Or⁢ perhaps⁢ more acceptable?

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The post Nashville Shooter Targeted Children with ‘White Privilege’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

What potential dangers can arise from using terms like “white privilege”⁢ in‍ a way that fuels⁤ hatred ⁢and violence?”⁣ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>white privilege.’”‍ End Wokeness wrote. “Here are​ six innocent⁣ kids who lost their ‍​lives‌ ⁣and ​⁤have been overlooked ‍by the media because of⁤ their ​race​ and religion.”

It is deeply troubling ‍that‍ such a horrific event took place, and even more so that the media has largely ignored it. The fact that⁢ the⁢ victims were targeted because of their race and ​religion should be a cause ⁣for​ outrage and condemnation. However, instead of acknowledging the targeting of children based on their “white privilege,” the ‌media has remained ​silent.

This is not the first time that the media‍ has failed⁣ to address issues that do not fit their narrative. ⁢The bias and selective reporting have become all too common in today’s society. It ‍is crucial that we hold the media accountable and demand fair and balanced reporting.

It is also important to recognize the ​danger of using‍ terms like “white ​privilege” in a way that ‍can fuel​ hatred‌ and violence.⁣ The shooter, influenced by the rhetoric of anti-white hatred, carried out a massacre targeting innocent children. This should serve ⁣as a wake-up call‌ for society to be more mindful of the language we use and the impact it can have.

We cannot allow ⁣hatred and violence to ‍be fueled by⁤ divisive rhetoric. It is our responsibility to create a society that values diversity and inclusion, where individuals are judged based on their character and actions, not their race or religion.

In the case of ‌the Nashville shooter, it is crucial that the manifesto and the motives behind the attack are thoroughly ⁢investigated. The victims⁣ and their families deserve justice, ‍and it is our duty to ensure that the truth is revealed.

We ‌must also continue to educate ourselves and‍ others about the​ dangers of ⁣hate speech​ and the importance of promoting unity⁤ and understanding. Only through open ‌dialogue and mutual respect can we create a society⁢ where such tragedies are‌ minimized and‌ prevented.

As we mourn the loss of innocent lives in Nashville, let us remember⁣ that⁤ we all have a role to play in creating a safer‌ and more inclusive world. It is our collective responsibility to stand up ⁣against ⁢hatred ‌and⁣ violence, and to work towards a‌ future ‍where every child, regardless of their⁤ race or religion, can ‍grow ⁢up in a world free ⁢from⁣ fear and discrimination.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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