The federalist

Biden’s AI Executive Order speeds up leftist control of new tech.

President Biden’s Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence

President Biden recently signed an executive order aimed at finding a balance between innovation and regulation of artificial intelligence (AI).⁤ However, this order may actually enable the left’s agenda while also⁢ introducing regulations‌ to address the risks associated with AI.

The order⁤ utilizes the Defense Production Act to increase federal oversight and⁤ regulatory scrutiny of the AI industry. It also calls‌ for the development ⁣of new technical standards‌ and tools for evaluating AI systems.

The order also requires AI companies to report on training, security, ⁤and testing of AI models and computing clusters. It calls for a review of regulations for​ AI safety in drug development and urges fair competition in AI markets.

Furthermore, AI developers must⁤ provide safety test results⁣ and other critical information to the federal government, including⁣ cybersecurity ‌measures.

While these regulations may hinder technological progress, some argue that‌ a cautious approach to AI development is necessary. However,⁤ the question ⁢remains ​whether empowering government bureaucrats with their own political agenda is the best approach.

Policy Director of American Principles Project, Jon Schweppe, suggests that elected officials should ensure AI safety instead of unaccountable bureaucrats. He proposes imposing significant liability on AI creators through Congress rather than establishing a Bureau of Artificial Intelligence.

Biden’s order also directs the Commerce Department to identify techniques for ‌detecting synthetic ⁣content and ‌preventing the production of harmful material.

Most notably, the administration’s order emphasizes the integration of AI with leftist ideologies. The Department of Justice’s Civil Rights⁢ Division is tasked with preventing discrimination in the use of automated systems and promoting public awareness of potential discriminatory effects of AI.

This explicit⁤ desire for AI to align with ​leftist⁤ ideologies has been a long-standing goal of the federal government. Millions of ​dollars ‌have been allocated to nonprofit organizations and public universities for integrating AI with critical theory.

Having a strong ⁤AI industry is crucial for American hegemony, but it​ seems that the ⁢Biden administration and⁢ permanent Washington are more interested in⁣ using AI to perpetuate their ideological control rather than fostering American prosperity.

How does President Biden’s executive order address ⁤the potential risks associated​ with artificial intelligence (AI) development and use?

President Biden’s Executive Order ​on Artificial ⁢Intelligence: Balancing Innovation and Regulation

President Biden recently‍ signed an executive order aimed at finding‌ a balance ‌between​ innovation and regulation​ of artificial​ intelligence (AI).⁣ The order recognizes the potential of AI to ⁢drive‌ economic growth and improve national ‌security while also‍ acknowledging the risks associated with its development and ⁣use.

The⁤ executive order utilizes ​the Defense Production Act to increase federal⁣ oversight and regulatory scrutiny of ⁤the AI industry. This move is in line with⁤ the administration’s ‌goal of ensuring ‌the safe, secure, and trustworthy development and use of AI⁣ technology. By leveraging the Defense⁢ Production Act,‌ the government can establish a framework for⁢ consistent regulation and address emerging challenges posed ⁣by AI.

One of ​the key provisions of the‌ executive⁣ order is ​the call ⁢for the development of new technical standards and tools​ for⁤ evaluating AI⁤ systems. This focuses on improving transparency, accountability, and explainability in⁤ AI technology. The order emphasizes that AI systems and technologies should be ⁢designed‍ and ‍developed in a manner that respects privacy, civil rights, and ⁤civil liberties. It ‍also promotes‌ fair and equitable access to‌ AI technologies, particularly for underserved communities.

Furthermore, the‌ executive ‌order creates an AI Regulatory Advisory Committee, consisting of federal stakeholders, industry representatives, and⁤ experts. This committee ‌will provide guidance to the administration on regulatory approaches and best practices in AI development and deployment. The committee’s insights will ⁤help shape⁣ policies⁤ that strike ‌a balance between fostering innovation ​and protecting public interest in the AI ecosystem.

While the executive order seeks to address the risks associated with AI,⁤ it ‌is important to note that⁤ it does not hinder innovation. Instead, it aims to establish a regulatory framework‍ that encourages responsible AI development and use. By ensuring ⁢the safe and trustworthy use of AI, the​ government can foster public trust ⁣in this technology and promote its widespread adoption.

Some critics argue that the executive order may​ enable the left’s agenda, as it introduces⁤ regulations that could potentially stifle AI innovation. However, the order’s focus is⁤ on striking a balance between innovation and regulation, ‍acknowledging the need to prevent harmful consequences associated with unchecked AI development.

In conclusion, President Biden’s executive order on artificial intelligence reflects a commitment to harnessing the economic​ and national security ⁤benefits of​ AI while mitigating the risks⁢ it poses. This order establishes a regulatory framework that ⁣promotes ​responsible development, use, and oversight of AI ​technology. By‍ doing so, the government aims‌ to ensure the ‌safe, secure, and trustworthy advancement of AI for the benefit ​of society as a whole.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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