The federalist

Report: ProPublica, funded by leftists, disproportionately targets conservatives over Democrats, 23 times more frequently.

ProPublica ​Exposed as Democrat Propaganda Machine

Despite⁣ its attempts to ‍cast itself as an objective ⁣investigative news operation, ProPublica is actually a Democrat propaganda mill bankrolled ⁢by leftist mega-donors, a new report found.

Published by Restoration of America (ROA), the analysis uncovers how ‌the investigative nonprofit spearheading the left’s⁤ assault against conservative Supreme⁢ Court justices acts as a​ PR operation​ for the Democrat Party. After reviewing more than 700 ProPublica articles published between ⁣January 2022 and September 2023, Restoration News discovered that the outlet is⁢ “23 times more likely to attack conservatives than the Left.”

Political Bias and Donor Influence

  • Of the 716 articles reviewed, 242 were politically slanted, with a large disparity between ‌anti-liberal and anti-leftist ⁤pieces.
  • In total,‍ 232 were anti-conservative and 10 were anti-left.

These ⁣numbers aren’t surprising when considering the political preferences of ProPublica’s staff, many of whom ROA discovered are registered Democrats. Of the more than​ half of staffers whose political affiliation could ‍be determined (35 of 65), 27 were identified as Democrats while only three could be classified as Republicans.

When ⁣it’s not giving softball ‍interviews to President‍ Biden, ProPublica is busy leading Democrats’ smear campaign against Supreme Court justices ⁣who dare⁢ to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Throughout the past year, ProPublica has ⁤published numerous hit pieces against Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito ⁣ attempting to make it appear as ⁢if the high⁣ court’s most conservative justices committed ethics violations while serving on the bench‌ (they didn’t). Other left-wing outlets have⁢ joined ProPublica in ⁣this endeavor, with Politico publishing a hit job targeting Justice Neil Gorsuch.

Dark-Money Donors⁢ and Their Influence

  • ProPublica’s biggest ‌donor is The Sandler Foundation, which has given nearly $50 million since 2010.
  • The Sandler Foundation has also given $7.5 million to the Campaign​ Legal Center (CLC) and millions⁤ to the Foundation to⁢ Promote ⁤Open Society, both left-wing organizations.
  • The‍ Marisla Foundation, another prominent donor,‌ has​ given⁣ more than⁣ $2⁢ million to ProPublica​ and roughly $1 million to the Center⁣ for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), a group⁣ connected ‌to⁣ a partisan Super PAC.

So how⁣ does this interconnected web of dark-money donors and‌ their leftist agenda affect ProPublica’s “reporting” on the​ Supreme Court? As ROA documents, ProPublica’s ‌hit pieces on conservative justices have often cited officials from several of ⁢the⁣ aforementioned groups.

In​ addition⁤ to ⁣attacking conservative Supreme Court‌ justices, ProPublica has also regularly ⁤targeted former President Donald‌ Trump and parents concerned about sexually ‍explicit material, ​critical ⁤race theory, and so-called “diversity, equity, and inclusion” programs in their children’s schools.

‍ In order to maintain journalistic integrity and objectivity, should ProPublica disclose its‍ donor list and ​potential conflicts of interest that could potentially impact their reporting ​on Brett Kavanaugh

Lica-report-targets-brett-kavanaugh/” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>Brett Kavanaugh, using distorted and biased ‍information to fuel their attacks.

A Weaponized Nonprofit

ROA’s analysis ​also highlights the extensive network of‍ leftist donors that fund ⁢ProPublica’s operations. According to ⁤the report, major contributors include billionaire​ philanthropists George ⁤Soros and ​Pierre Omidyar, as well⁢ as the Open Society Foundations and other progressive organizations.

This financial backing not only allows ProPublica ⁣to operate on a massive scale but⁢ also raises questions‍ about its independence and impartiality. With such‌ influential and partisan donors, it becomes clear ​that ProPublica has become nothing more than a tool for promoting the Democrats’ agenda.

Further evidence of‌ ProPublica’s ‍bias‌ can be seen in its selective reporting and cherry-picking ⁤of ⁤facts. ‍The analysis by ROA found ‌instances ⁣where⁣ the organization ignored important details​ or omitted​ crucial information in order to support their preferred narrative.‌ This manipulation of facts is a clear‌ sign of its partisan agenda ⁤and‍ should raise serious concerns about the credibility of⁢ their⁢ reporting.

As⁣ a nonprofit organization, ProPublica‍ should be held ⁤to ‍the highest standards of journalistic integrity and objectivity. However, their consistent attacks on conservative individuals and‍ their alignment with Democratic interests‍ demonstrate a clear lack of​ impartiality.

A Call for Transparency and Accountability

In light of these ​findings, it is crucial for ​the public to be aware of ProPublica’s true nature and the motivations behind its ⁣reporting. Transparency and accountability are essential in a functioning ⁢democracy, and media organizations have a responsibility‍ to uphold ⁢these‌ principles.

Furthermore, it ‍is important ⁣for ProPublica to disclose its donor list and provide transparency⁢ regarding any potential conflicts of interest. The​ public has⁣ a‍ right to⁤ know who is funding the organization and whether these ‌financial ties impact their reporting.

Ultimately, it is up to the‌ readers to⁣ be discerning and critical of the information they‍ consume. With a⁣ media landscape that is increasingly polarized‍ and politically biased, ​it ⁣is essential‍ to seek out ⁤multiple ⁣perspectives and⁣ verify​ the ‍accuracy of the information presented.

ProPublica’s exposed bias and partisan agenda ⁢are ‌a disservice to ⁢journalism and a threat ⁢to ‌the democratic process. It is imperative ⁤that the ​public remains vigilant and holds⁤ media organizations accountable​ for their actions.‌ Only through‌ a commitment to truth, fairness, and objectivity can we⁢ ensure an informed electorate and a healthy⁣ democracy.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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